Speaking of this, Jiang Zizi hates it.

He was almost abandoned by a woman. Fortunately, the mysterious talisman saved him. Now he is full of energy and is not empty to see nine immortals.

Otherwise, as she said, if she wore it for a month, she would lose her children and grandchildren. At that time, she didn't even realize it.

Such a cruel means, she can smile to ask out, it can be seen in her heart, this for her, how insignificant it is.

Jiang Zizi looked at her and said, "if you care so much, you might as well verify it on the spot. Hundreds of thousands of people, dare you? "

Princess Shenxiao chuckled and said, "first, I know you don't have this ability. What's the difference between you and the eunuchs in the palace. Second, I'm not a wild animal. I can't think of doing things in public like you

Looking at her cold smile, Jiang Zizi never thought that a person's mind could be so deep.

He even hoped that the little girl in those days would not be like that, but now every word she said made Jiang Zizi completely disappointed with her.

The rest is revenge and murder.

She continued: "you really think that I will be infatuated with you for the broken things in my childhood. I have a good memory, but I never care about those boring years, you vulgar and humble person. You probably know what I'm going to do without a sound. Don't talk nonsense. I'll give you a break today

Now, it's not necessary to say that she is disdainful and comfortable in her eyes.

However, the first time I met her, her fresh and natural appearance, and her shy and affectionate appearance on the memorial ceremony were all so real.

All this can only show that at that time she, in the end, how terrible, she can perfectly disguise as love, in order to send out the fatal knife.

Feelings, memories, are her weapons.

"Jiang Zizi, do you really like me Princess Shenxiao was happy. She said, "speaking of it, I can give you a chance to be my servant and serve me. I can give you a way to live."

The image of a person in his heart, from the highest peak to the lowest, will have what kind of difference, Jiang Zizi finally understood today.

He thought that she might be a little guilty, but after debunking, all her words showed how unbearable and proud she was.

She was taught by Emperor Yanlong for more than ten years. She has a wild prospect beyond her elder brother. How can such a person be a pure person.

"It's disgusting to pretend to be in love in front of you." She covered her mouth and chuckled.

When she was smiling, there were more murders in her eyes. Maybe today, Jiang Zizi's progress has made her completely afraid.

Jiang Zizi didn't respond to many words, but his determination in his heart could not be changed.

At this time, the prince longfu suddenly said in a loud voice, "what are you two doing with so much whispering before the duel, or let everyone know what you are talking about?"

Jiang Zizi looked back at the other side. Before him, Princess Shenxiao said, "we are a match. We are going to have a good fight."

The crown prince laughed and said, "you two are really talented and beautiful. You have such a good relationship. It's really enviable. I don't know if Jiang Zizi has the ability to hold beautiful women today."

People laughed, and it seemed to be a perfect match. If there was no event of huangtianguan, it would be a perfect match.

"They think too much. There is no man worthy of me in this world." Shenxiao Princess again put her eyes on Jiang Zizi's body and said such words with a smile.

"Let you see my body, cheap you, today to dig a pair of your eyes, as a punishment." She seemed to have settled on Jiang Zizi and didn't pay attention to him in all her words.

After that, she waved to the direction of the palace: "bring my sword."

I don't know who it was. She threw a golden sword under the Huangwu gate. The sword stuck in her feet with a whoosh and gave off a brilliant light.

The Golden Dragon sword has a golden dragon head.

Jiang Zizi knew this sword. It was the "holy Dragon Emperor sword", which represented the authority of the Emperor Yan. At the beginning, Nangong que used the holy Dragon Emperor sword to flaunt its power. There were many holy dragon imperial swords, and their levels were different. The one in the hands of Princess Shenxiao was a month level totem weapon.

Its power is comparable to the Dragon Youjian, and the key is that it has the power from the emperor Yanlong, who is born to suppress the opponent.

"Today, let you see what kind of power I have." She smiles and points the sword to Jiang Zizi.

"In this world, only I Yanlong royal family, not you Qilin royal family. Your father, your brother and you will be dead sooner or later. No one can compete with me. "

White jade body, fire dragon totem, Emperor long sword, she stands in the wind, long hair flying, indifferent eyes, arrogant world, not like a weak woman, but the soul of the emperor.For anyone else, she would have been silenced.

Jiang Zizi doesn't bear it. All his rage is on the sword!

She is so wonderful, there is nothing to hide. He hates the Yanlong royal family, the Emperor Wu gate's inquisition and the tai'e prison. All of these are done by her father, and she uses her feelings to harm herself. If it is not for the mysterious talisman, how much will she be harmed in her life!

I can't imagine how poor I am.

And she continued to look at herself with cold eyes.

He just wants revenge now, just revenge! Everything between heaven and earth can't stop him at the moment. He has a lot of hot blood and killing opportunities. His forehead position, the black dragon totem unprecedented agitation, a young people, can be called the ancient Shuo today's double dragon battle, in this huangwumen square, has burst out.

One side symbolizes holiness, coming from imperial power, and the other side, full of the smell of darkness and destruction, presumably from hell. Even the dragon sword has become gloomy and strange after being stained with a lot of blood.

Hundreds of thousands of people did not think that it was said that the two people who loved each other well could suddenly make people feel like enemies of life and death?

Between them, a fierce battle broke out in huangwumen square!

Jiang Zizi, fight back!

It's very interesting. He spent less than a year to fight against the emperor Yanlong. In ten years, he carefully cultivated the super genius!

However, there will be no justice in the battlefield, only life and death. Princess Shenxiao is also fulfilling what she said. She wants Jiang Zizi's eyes, so every move of the holy Dragon Sword stabs at Jiang Zizi's eyes.

She didn't use the sword at ordinary times, but she didn't expect that her sword technique was so exquisite. It was soon found out that she was using Shenxiao sword technique, a book with the same name as her, which was almost designed for her.

The Shenxiao sword technique is holy and domineering. It's open and close. The sword is turbulent and aboveboard. It punishes evil spirits. It has a length of three Zhangs between the sword Qi and the sword. From the beginning, it has been crazy to suppress Jiang Zizi!

"Jiang Zizi, you are really a genius that amazes me. You have to choose 15. Unfortunately, I will not let you leave safely today."

Her sword is suppressed, and people are also understatement.

"It's still early, and you want it to end so early. If you offend me in this life, it will be the thing you regret most Jiang Zizi's eyes showed blood light, but he sneered at him in his evasion.

"Fantastic." She laughs with a charming voice, and the holy dragon sword is in his hand, and is danced imperceptibly.

"It's a pity that there will be no eyes to see the beauty in the world. Oh, no, I forget that you have no ability to conquer beauty again." In fact, there are provocations in Princess Shenxiao's words. She wants Jiang Zizi to become angry and fall into mental disorder. This is also her mental trick and her double attack.

Sword and heart are killing people!

Shameful, hateful, hateful!

But Jiang Zizi did not let her heart kill hit, because he had only one idea, even if he was fighting to death, he would defeat her!

This idea can make him ignore a lot of things.

In my heart, I only have the sword in my hand, and I have a black dragon spirit!

In the battle, he had a lot of speedups on his body. At the same time, he threw them to the princess Shenxiao. As a totem Rune master, he took a certain advantage.

Affected by the decelerator, Princess Shenxiao's combat effectiveness has decreased a little.

But the power of the talisman will soon pass.

"Do you want to deal with me with these broken talismans?" She was dumbfounded, and her Shenxiao sword technique was even more magnificent. Countless dragon shaped sword Qi chased and punctured Jiang Zizi. Although Jiang Zizi's lightning storm could be avoided, it was also quite dangerous.

She approached, perhaps she thought it was almost the end of the time, killing more rising, at this time, hundreds of thousands of people were cheering for her.

It can be seen that under her crushing, Jiang Zizi is in a mess.

In a very short period of time, the outcome may be known.

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