All the people are dead, and the south palace is going to be beheaded. It's really insane.

But now we are all paying attention to whether the emperor Yanlong captured the purple Lin king or not, who is still in charge of a corpse.

No one cares about nangongque any more.

It was miserable for him to walk trembling with scorching darkness.

Lu Dingxing is too painful, but Jiang Zi can't tolerate this Nangong que chaos. When the Nangong que goes to Luyuan, Jiang Zi intercepts him in front of him.

"Get out of here, or you'll be cut off." The flesh on nangongque's face is black, and the teeth are turned out. It looks very disgusting.

Jiang Zizi drew out the dragon sword, and his eyes were cold: "the dead are dead, and you are going to mess with me!"

Nangong que was dumbfounded and said, "a criminal should be beheaded, and his head should be hung on the Huangwu gate. Do you think suicide can wash away the sin?"

With that, he bit his teeth and strode up.

"Get out of here!" He is really a knife towards Jiang.

The conflict here again attracted people's attention. When they saw that the nangongque was actually bullying the younger generation with the big one, they gave a cry of surprise.

Jiang Zizi's courage to stand in front of the Nangong que at this time is really appreciated.

When nangongque, a strong man at this level, was not afraid of doing it by himself, and his anger had already swallowed up everything!

Nangongque made a sword. He took out his sword and went up in front of him. A younger generation, he had a head-on battle with nangongque, an old man in the world!



The crowd was stunned.

A fight, an arm flew out!

A big knife, stuck in the ground.

Nangongque knelt on the ground, holding the broken arm and screaming in pain, and the blood flowed into a river!

He really didn't expect that Jiang Zi could chop off his own hand!

Jiang Zizi didn't expect that he was so badly hurt!

He used all his true Qi to fight against him, but he didn't expect that Nangong que was a paper tiger.

Now the broken arm flies far away, hundreds of thousands of people look at nangongque and scream in pain, but no one seems to sympathize with him.

Although Lu Yuan's sin is unforgivable, no one will stand by the nangongque today.

Not to mention, he was cut off by a younger generation!

When he knelt down and screamed, a figure bumped him to the ground and hit him in the face. In an instant, Nangong Que's head was bleeding.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of his head falling on the ground made his scalp numb.


Jiang Zizi quickly pulled him away. Now Nangong que was very vulnerable. If he was killed on such an occasion, it would be very troublesome to kill him.

"I'll kill him!" Lu Dingxing is struggling. He has great strength. Jiang is free to insert the dragon sword on the ground to hold him.

"Next time, not yet."

Nangong que must die! It's just, this is not the time.

After a long time of entanglement, Lu Dingxing stopped. He turned and rushed to take Lu Yuan out of the stone heap. He didn't cry any more. Holding his father was like an angry Beast with scarlet eyes and scanning everyone around. Many of them are his enemies!

"Dad, let's go home."

Maybe he's different from now on.

Lu Yuan has left. As a son, he can't let him sleep in his hometown.

"Stop, Luding star, put down the criminal." On the Huangwu gate, Prince longfu ignored the heavy damage of Nangong Que and denounced the two teenagers.

Lu Dingxing did not return, and did not pay any attention to him.

"I said, put down the criminal!" The roar of the dragon's voice shook the audience.

"People have gone, so don't entangle the prince. The dead are big. Let Lu Dingxing be filial." Xingyao God serves the way.

The crown prince said, "Lord God, one hundred thousand wronged souls must be sacrificed. The corpse of Lu Yuan should be shown to all the people as an example."

"This is meaningless at all," he said. The people in the imperial dynasty are all good people, and they are not barbarians in the western regions. Why do you need to display the corpses to warn others? This is harmful to the demeanor of the imperial dynasty. Don't worry! But the crown prince thinks that we, the emperor and the state, need to be treated as barbarians in the same way? "

About Lu Yuan's matter, she has no way, now can only do her best to help Lu Dingxing. She can still do it.

If he wants to succeed in the future, offending the temple of sacrifice is not a wise move of the people. After all, the temple of sacrifice has the heart of all the people.

"Well, how do you deal with sacrificing Temple disciples and cutting off an arm of Nangong que of Tianpeng clan?" An old man stood up and asked. He had just rescued nangongque.

"The great general of Tangtang and Zhenxi can't stop my sword, but I have to settle accounts. Isn't it disgraceful?" God Shi light way.

Everyone laughed. Today Nangong que has lost his face again, and it is because of Jiang Zizi.However, if he had not been severely hurt, he would not have been reduced to one armed man.

He who does evil by himself shall not live.

The bodies of nangongque and Luyuan are all trivial matters. What people care about is whether the emperor Yanlong has captured the king of Zilin? After all, the masters of the imperial court have basically been mobilized.

Before Jiang Zizi left the square, suddenly a man in Dragon Robe fell from the sky and landed in the middle of Huangwu gate.

He was a middle-aged man with golden eyes. He was gentle and elegant. He had a poetic feeling. But deep in his eyes, there was a majestic and domineering atmosphere, which could stir up the storm and control the world.

He is the emperor of the dragon!

Seeing him appear here, Jiang Zizi smiles. He knows that his father must have left him.

Sure enough, after the Emperor Yan appeared, he sighed and said, "I'm incompetent. I can't make this criminal escape from the heaven. I really have no face to face the country and the people."

The former pursuers, the heads of the six prefectures, and the three Dragon Kings all came back one after another. Among them, there was an old man with white hair, who was the Prime Minister of the current Dynasty, xiangliuguo, and the father of xiangliuzheng, the Minister of the state.

It was a figure of the previous generation. He came here and said, "Your Majesty, don't blame yourself. The main reason is that the thief is so cunning that we can't catch him together. If we can be more powerful and assist your majesty, we will be killed by the disorderly minister."

People understand, it seems that the purple Lin King's ability to escape his life is similar to Jiang Zizi's performance before. The Emperor Yan's failure this time is excusable.

When the master of 95 came here, people were afraid to speak.

Now that the king of purple Lin has run away, and the emperor of the Dragon returns, how will he deal with this mess?

"Father and emperor, my son's minister wants to deal with Lu Yuan's body, but the God servant and I have different opinions. How can a sinner be buried? " The crown prince, long Fu, made a report in a hurry.

The emperor Yanlong's eyes fell on Jiang Zizi and Lu Dingxing. When people were nervous, he gave a gentle smile and said, "Lu Yuan has made great contributions to my dynasty in his life, which is worthy of respect. It's just a mistake that can't be made up for. I have to behead him for 100000 yuan's wrongs. But now the dead are dead. I will order Lu Yuan's son to bring him back In my hometown, it is allowed to bury in a thick way. "

People exclaimed, the emperor is really a Ming emperor, Prince of the realm, a far cry.

How rare is it that a beheaded criminal is allowed to be buried in a thick way. Only the emperor of benevolence and morality has such courage and affirmed the contribution of Lu Yuan's life.

"Thank you, your majesty. Please forgive Lu Dingxing for holding his father's body and being unable to salute." Jiang Zizi half lowered his head to speak.

He didn't want to see this person. On the one hand, it was pressure, on the other hand, his hatred. He didn't want to show his hatred so clearly. He knew that the emperor Yanlong had already shown such benevolence and righteousness. If he didn't show any, it would be stupid. His family would lose the hearts of the people!

He has such performance, also let people see this son's courage.

"Flat." With a gentle smile, Emperor Yanlong gazed at Jiang Zizi and said, "you just defeated my daughter. I can see clearly. Jiang Zizi. "

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