"Don't run, don't run away, ha ha!" XiangLiu narrowed his eyes. Maybe he felt that he was playing cat and mouse game.

But I don't know, Jiang Zizi is just avoiding the edge, waiting for a fatal blow!

Soon, he waited for the chance!

This is the time when XiangLiu has the most flaws. He doesn't even ask about standing. His world is whirling around. Where can he fight!

He was weak by avoiding the attack in front of him.

Jiang Zizi's zhenhun Fu suddenly flies away and sticks quietly on the back of his head in the dark.

Totem rune, on it!

"Ah Xiang Liushu screamed. In the pain, he was sober up!

Then he saw that Jiang Zizi's Dragon Youjian changed into a epee. The Epee was huge and generous, with a black flame burning on it. The flame condensed into a dragon and swallowed the Dragon Youjian. At the moment when his soul was stinging, he chopped it up. The power of the sword made Jiang comfortable like a ghost!

"Ha ha, little tricks!" He even laughed, indicating that he was not awake at all. At such a moment, he just continued to use the cloud palm to lift Jiang Zizi out.


This sword is a dragon robbing sword - Fire Dragon prison!

With a sword, XiangLiu cried out in despair, because his hand was cut off directly, and the sharp pain at the moment made him wake up.

"Jiang Zizi, you want to die!" He roared wildly, lost his hand, and nearly half of his life was destroyed.

But Jiang Zizi wanted to destroy not only half, but also not enough to calm his anger!

It was like a sword of the black flame dragon. After cutting off the palm, the dragon head directly stabbed into the chest of XiangLiu tree and passed through from behind!

A Epee, which is as wide as two palms, pierces through the chest. The black dragon sword spirit and the explosion damage of the fire dragon prison penetrate the body instantly.

"Er Eh... " XiangLiu's blood is going to be burned clean.

"You can't blame yourself." Jiang Zizi holds the handle of the dragon sword and looks at the man who is penetrated by his epee and can't even fall to the ground.

"You Dare you to kill me You're dead... " His eyes were hopeless. His hands without palms went against the sword on his chest. He wanted to pull out the sword, but he was so powerless.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." His expression at the moment, despair and collapse, he trembling at Jiang Zizi, maybe he really regret, he is afraid, but there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Next life, respect women." When Jiang Zizi drew out the dragon sword, the fire of the fire dragon prison burned his viscera and blood.

XiangLiu closed his eyes completely in despair.

The man is dead.

Jiang Zizi's killing opportunity also disappeared, he became calm and indifferent.

"Xiao Bao..." Looking back, Jiang Yining held the door pale with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Zizi is really in love with her. Before he kills his opponent, she looks at her side, but it doesn't affect Jiang Zizi.

"Do you know what happened?" Jiang Zizi asked.

"After you left, he talked to me. He didn't know what to put on my mouth. It was nothing at that time, but after I came back, I felt a little strange. Sure enough, he was so insane. " There was fear and hatred in her eyes.

If only she knew.

XiangLiu tree is too bold, he is not willing to go down in the drink, because he ate Jiang Yining, after being invaded by him, he did not dare to resist.

"Now, the slut is dead. He deserves what he deserves. In the future, you don't have to be afraid of him." Jiang Zizi wiped the blood from the dragon sword.

"But what next?" She is a little flustered. This is the grandson of the prime minister! The eldest son of the head of the imperial palace! The heir of their family, the hope for the future, was killed by Jiang Zizi!

Jiang Zizi is calm.

He said: "fortunately, this place is remote enough for no one to find out for the time being. I'll take him out and bury him immediately. You should deal with the scene quickly. You must remember that no matter who asks, you can insist that he has never been here at all."

He had planned for a long time. He couldn't kill without leaving a way back.

Jiang Yining is also a smart person. She quickly nodded and said, "you killed him after he was drunk. Normally speaking, you are not his opponent. No one will doubt you."

Some people may know that XiangLiu has come to see her, but she just needs to be firm. There is no evidence, and she can't do anything about it.

"But now there are so many people outside, how can you take his body out?" She was nervous, a little confused.

Jiang Zizi directly put the body of Xiang Liu Shu into the jade pendant in the space. He didn't let go of the broken palm. Jiang Yining only needs to clean it up.

She just remembered that Jiang Zizi had such a treasure, which was absolutely safe."I can't stay here. It's time to go. Remember what I said, and don't show it." Jiang Zizi calmly exhorts.

"Don't worry, it's not difficult." She nodded. Maybe she couldn't respond to it. She didn't expect her brother to be so powerful.

Jiang Zizi looked around. He took a few steps and then looked back at her. She was also watching her.

"Elder sister, in this lifetime, who still wants to bully you, tell me, no matter who it is, I will send him to hell." He said seriously.

Jiang's eyes were red, and she nodded.

Having such a brother is also the happiness of life.

"It's very kind of you. It's worth your sister's taking care of you as a child. You are naughty. I can't eat all day. My mother will let me let you

It's wonderful to think of the past.

Jiang Zizi said with a smile: "yes, those who owe you should be returned to you. After that, you can enjoy your brother's protection."

With that, he quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Jiang Zizi takes a deep breath. She is not a coward.

The bloodstain, the battle scene, she cleaned up, everything returned to normal, she rushed to Dongyang Jing.

She has been practicing with dongyangjing these days. Only when dongyangjing has something to do tonight, she comes back to her side. Now she goes there to wait for her, and no one doubts.

At that time, it can even be said that he did not go back.

She is not afraid of the future.


Mount Naran.

In the depths of the depression, Jiang Zi dug out the pit with his dragon sword, threw the body of XiangLiu into it and buried it.

He was buried deep and planted with some trees, so no one would find it.

Finally, it's done. He's out of breath.

Today, there is no danger.

When she was just taking a breath, a girl in a light gold dress came out beside her. Her face was still a little ruddy. She looked at Jiang Zizi and her eyes were shocked.

"You killed the willow tree!" Princess Shenxiao stares at him.

"Why don't you go away Jiang Zizi said impatiently.

"How can I know! There are trees everywhere. After walking for a long time, I didn't go out. " A person like her can get lost. She is speechless.

"so, do you want to tell others that I am the murderer and punish me?" Jiang Zi picked up the dragon sword and walked towards her.

Shenxiao Princess smile, with a sense of success in stratagem, she said: "yes, I not only saw it, but also recorded the process of burying him with the image symbol."

She held up an image symbol. Jiang Zizi's handle was in her hand, so she was a little proud.

"Very well, then I can only bury you and him together."

The killing opportunity in Jiang Zizi's eyes broke out again.

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