When he returned to the temple of sacrifice, the nine immortals were waiting for him. Jiang Zizi sighed, or his daughter-in-law looked good. The size of her figure was not comparable to that of Princess Shenxiao.

"What do you smell like? Jiang Zizi, you stole from me Just entered the door, Jiuxian's face was as cold as frost.

This scared Jiang Zizi to kneel on the washboard and admit that he was wrong. Today, he can't help but lie.

He told the story and hid the existence of Princess Shenxiao. He said that xiangliushu gave his sister medicine. He just went back and killed him.

As for the smell on the body, it was the smell of the medicine in my sister.

"The fragrance of leaving people and the willow trees are really worthy of death!" She smelled it carefully, but she could smell it. She knew the variety.

"Li Renxiang? You know this thing? "

"When my sister was young, someone used it to deal with me, but it didn't work for me. I just let me kill it. No matter who he is, he should die a thousand times and ten thousand times. " She was quite contemptuous of such behavior.

She explained the effect of lirenxiang, and Jiang Zizi knew more about how dangerous it was today.

"It's not exposed. What about the body?" Nine immortals asked.

Jiang Zizi said again that he had space for a jade pendant and brought out a corpse. No one doubted it at all.

So she was relieved, a little apologetic: "just now I was too fierce, I hate the man who is promiscuous. Fortunately you are not."

"No, I'm not." Jiang Zizi said with an embarrassed smile.

"Why do you seem guilty?" Her eyes are poisonous.

"Nonsense, by the way, after a fight, I feel like I can sprint to a new level, just tonight?" He quickly changed the topic and talked about it again. If she smelled the smell of Shenxiao princess on her body, it would be over.

She is more interested in the new realm. With her help, Jiang Zizi doesn't need to worry about the vitality of heaven and earth.

When they both practice at the same time, it seems that they have built a bridge, which can guide a large number of heaven and earth vitality towards them, and the effect is comparable to that of the surrounding stone.

Nine immortals said that this is her totem characteristics, only effective for men with dragon totem. If they practice together, they can get twice the result with half the effort. The smart fox in the middle of her eyebrows is really lovely.

"In that case, we are made for each other."

"I think it's beautiful, but my sister is just making do with you. If there is a more suitable one, I will definitely dump you first."

"No, I'm still very useful. Enjoy more."

Jiang Zizi originally changed the topic, but he really found a way to break through the sixth level of xuanmai realm this night.

He has been working hard for more than a month. He is now practicing the ice dragon sting of dragon robbing sword. He really needs a breakthrough in this realm.

This night, he was covered with ice, and his body was covered with ice. At dawn, the true Qi of xuanbing Tianlong was formed. He had the attribute of icy cold Qi and had the effect of "freezing".

Now it has six dark veins and six kinds of true Qi. The combined power is quite terrible.

In terms of the nature of true Qi, he is much more than others. In fact, it is difficult to compare ordinary Qi with him.

Xuanmai realm is the connection of the nine points of Wuming realm from the beginning to the end to form a more complete totem outline. At that time, the nine dark veins in the body present the outline of the destiny totem. People distinguish the outline from the destiny totem and call it "Wudao totem".

Martial totem is actually the combination of true Qi.

Only when nine dark veins are connected can the totem of martial arts be considered to be formed.

Jiang Zizi has broken through six dark veins, and his martial arts totem has gradually formed, which is still three levels.

Princess Shenxiao is now the seventh level of xuanmai realm. Both of them have wild totems, but Jiang Zizi's Totem must be stronger. If they fight each other, they will fight each other head-on. Jiang Zizi is confident to take her.

In the following time, his goal of cultivation was to start to rush to the seventh level of xuanmai state, and to impact the holy body realm as soon as possible, which was a realm he had never imagined before.

Of course, the most important thing is to cultivate the Dragon robbing sword completely.

Jiang Zizi has proved the power of dragon robbing sword today. Even if it is only used to deal with a drunkard, it is quite explosive.

The next morning.

When he broke through, Jiuxian was excited like a child.

"No, the smell of lirenxiang is gone. There is something else on your hand!" She pursed and doubted again.

What a smart nose.

Jiang Zizi said: "how can it be? Is it bloody?"

"Well, it's really bloody."

When hearing her words, Jiang Zizi was saved. Fortunately, there was a smell of blood on her hand. Otherwise, she would smell the smell of Princess Shenxiao. His palms really went through everything.

And at this time, someone came to save him.If Xiao Yue jumps to come, she can be sensible, first knock on the door, get a response, she was a little embarrassed to come in, said: "brother, sacrifice master, it's too early to disturb you to rest, not blame Xiaoyue."

"Of course not." Nine immortals like her, every day to wear their own clothes to her. For example, the chest is tight.

"Brother, brother Beishan's Totem evolution has been successful. Go and have a look?" If Xiaoyue asked.

Beishan ember is the one with the lowest probability of evolution. Jiang Zizi is also worried that he will not succeed. He has succeeded. His luck is really good.

"Go." The nine immortals also passed by together. As soon as they entered the gate, they saw the North Mountain embers whining.

"Heaven level totem, I'm a peerless genius. I should be able to marry ten daughters-in-law and give me the Hei Hei hei."

"That's a beautiful idea." Nine immortals came in and immediately scared Beishan ember to urinate. He jumped down from the table and saw Jiang Zizi. He knelt down directly and said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, is my posture natural and unrestrained?"

"Get out of here, ugly as a dog." Jiang Zi picked him up and took a look at his totem. It was more complicated than before.

"How do you feel?" Asked the nine immortals.

"It's perfect. The original" Fenghuo field "has some reservation. Adding the characteristics of infinity to the field can make it even more chaotic and bring the characteristics of Fenghuo field into play several times more."

Infinity is chaos and ascension.

After the successful evolution, his totem became the "infinite parrot totem". As a heaven level totem, it can't be bad.

He also wants to show off his bags. Thousands of people just came in from the outside.

Looking at the joy on his face, we can see that his totem has also evolved successfully, becoming the "dream of the Millennium Bug totem.".

Jiang Zizi noticed his eyes at the first sight. They were like stars, but now they are spinning. If you look at them more, you will lose your mind and fall into them.

He came to Jiang Zizi with some excitement.

"One source of evolution can really change your life, boss. After that, the life is yours." He said seriously.

Beishan ember said in silence, "don't do this, rob a man with me. I'm ready to sleep with him tonight. Are you going to serve him with me? "

"How disgusting If Xiao Yue can't listen, cover his ears.

They all evolved successfully, and the stone in Jiang Zizi's heart was finally put down.

It is said that when the evolutionary source evolved, others stood outside and waited, just like waiting for a wife to give birth to a child.

That kind of tension is definitely comparable. Because evolutionary sources are so precious that if evolution fails, you will have to cry.

And it's a consumable. If evolution fails, it's in vain!

"There are only pandas left."

"Let's go and wait for him to see how long he'll last."

Lu Dingxing's evolutionary source is the fourth level, which is also the top level evolutionary source Jiang Zi has ever seen.

Gods and demons!

The name alone, it's all blown up.

The characteristics of gods and demons are also physical changes. Luding star has a troll as a cushion, so it should be possible to succeed.

If there's no Troll bedding, it's hanging.

Nine immortals went out. She told Jiang Zizi that xiangliushu was dead and had nothing to do for a day or two. After a long time, it would certainly change. Jiang Yining's side, it is estimated that someone would also ask about it. She could help Jiang Zi to have a look at Jiang Yining secretly these two days, so as to avoid accidents there.

Jiang Zizi is very grateful to her. She is more comfortable and thoughtful than Jiang.

He couldn't go there often, so he and the other three people waited outside Lu Dingxing's house. If Lu Dingxing didn't come out for a day, they couldn't let go of their hearts.

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