At night, lingyinzhai.

The people in the imperial dining room had just taken away the delicious food. Princess lingxuan touched her bulging stomach and went back to the yard and sat on the swing.

Over the years, she has developed the ability to practice while shaking on the swing.

For more than two months, she hasn't been to Shenglong palace very much.

In the dead of night, no one dares to make a noise in such a big imperial city. She closed her eyes and swayed gently under the red lantern.

Just tasted the brand-new food, the feeling of food and clothing is so full, this is the best time of the day, she can't help humming her childhood songs.

She could just rock and not talk for days or nights.

Suddenly, someone came in. The sound of footsteps was very heavy. Princess lingxuan quickly opened her eyes and looked forward to it.

However, she soon lost her mind and realized that it was impossible for her to think too much.

They say her parents have been killed, and for many years.

I didn't expect that the person who came in was Prince longfu. He has never been here.

"Your Highness." Princess lingxuan comes down from the swing and salutes slightly. Her head is low, but she knows that the other party is looking at her.

"Time flies. You were a little girl a few years ago, and now you are going to get married." Long Xuan said with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, what can I do for you?" In fact, she doesn't like being disturbed at night.

"Look at you. I want to tell you something."

Princess lingxuan raised her head blankly. She didn't think that he would say anything good to herself. She had never had any intersection since she was a child.

Long Xuan stared at her red eyes and said, "you certainly don't know that your parents may not have died. They just went to a place where they can't come back."

"What are you talking about?" Lingxuan suddenly feels that the whole world is split.

The facts of so many years were easily broken in his mouth.

He said so firmly, let her at the moment into the suffocation, the trembling in her eyes, her struggle at the moment, everything is in the anticipation of Longfu.

"I know where they are, my mother told me. There are no more than five people in the world who know where they are going Long Xuan said seriously.

"Where? But your majesty says they are dead

Lingxuan can't control herself. She feels difficult to breathe. Her red eyes stare at him tightly. The whole person's thoughts are completely controlled by long Xuan.

"My father? He won't tell you. It's not the time for you to know about this matter. Tell you, it's very complicated and involves a lot. He also has a lot of guilt about it. So I guess he's going to tell you for the rest of his life. After all, it's impossible for them to come back. "

What he said seemed to be true.

But even if it may be false, only a glimmer of hope, as long as there is a little bit of real possibility, can make her instantly become another person.

Her heart, which has been silent for more than ten years, seems to be revived at this moment. Tears flow out of her eyes, and she looks at longfu blankly.

"Why complicated, why don't you tell me Why? "

"If you want to know, I can tell you, but you can never tell anyone, and you can't let anyone know that you already know."

"So, what do you want to exchange with me?"

Lingxuan knows that he must need himself to take risks in exchange for something Yanlong emperor doesn't want to say.

With a slight smile, long Xuan said, "I'm also very frank. I'm afraid of Xiaoyan, and I'm afraid that she will affect my future accession to the throne. As it happens, she is entangled with your fiance again. I want you to compete with her and control what belongs to you firmly in your own hands. Don't let her get her fingers on it. If she wants to fight, she will lose her reputation and she will no longer threaten me. If she doesn't argue, I can't help her. What you have to do is very simple. You just need to follow a rule. Jiang Zizi is yours

She didn't expect him to be so clear and straightforward.

"When will you tell me where they are?" This is the only thing in Ling Xuan's mind.

"Look at your performance. Normally speaking, as long as you break down Xiaotiao, I can tell you the truth. Of course, if she is not interested in Jiang Zizi, it has nothing to do with you. I will tell you the truth. Lingxuan, you know in your heart that I just want to succeed in the future. Xiaoxuan is a princess. In the future, she should be her Princess. She is not the material. What you do is to let her go her own way. Don't mix in things that don't belong to her. "

Long Fu stared at her and said, "you must remember that we can't let anyone know our agreement, especially the father. He can't let you know the truth. You have to believe me, I am very frank with you, the position of your parents, for me is a small matter, I tell you it is OK. But if you let others know our agreement, then I am sure that you will never know the truth in your life! "Never know the truth for a lifetime!

What is the truth?

"Lingxuan, you can't go too far. Jiang Zizi is the husband given to you by his father. Why does Shenxiao want to take charge of you? Why does she want to take it? How much has she robbed you of all these years? You do this just to get her to put herself in the right place and stop robbing other people's things. "

Princess lingxuan stood where she was, lowered her head and fell into chaos.

"They're not dead..." These words are like a magic spell, changing everything she has been dead for more than ten years. Maybe before, she didn't know the meaning of living, but at this moment, she suddenly found it.

She wanted to see them. She was so eager that she even knew. In the end, she might not know the truth. She wanted to pursue the truth.

Life, therefore, has meaning, her desperate life, therefore has the straw to save life.

"I'll give you time to think about it. You are not harming Shenxiao, but you are helping her. As for your brother and me, I just want to go on smoothly. I believe you can understand me, right? "

He saw Ling Xuan's reaction clearly. He knew in his heart how important this matter was to her, and how important it would be for such a "fool" person to do a lot of stupid things.

"They are miserable in that place. They must want to see you, but they can't help it. It's not a place that anyone can go to or save them. Maybe, in the future, you can go to them, because that place can only be in and out. So even my father couldn't save them. The reason why he didn't tell you was that he was afraid that you would go there rashly. But my brother thinks that you should not be hoodwinked all your life. You have the right to know the truth. "

"OK, I see..." Her tears splashed down and wet her skirt.

"I know, they are still alive, I dream of them, they are still alive..." She shivered and choked, her hands gripping her lapels, shaking uncontrollably.

"It's hard for you. Without the care of your parents, it's been very hard these years." The prince reached out to touch her head.

Ling Xuan stepped back and didn't let him meet him.

"I can't bear it. I don't know how my father can hide you from you."

"You don't have to say, you go. I will do what you say. I hope you can abide by what you said, or I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

Lingxuan suddenly raised her head. Her blood red eyes and tears were like blood tears. When long Xuan saw such a look for the first time, he trembled for a moment.

However, he soon laughed, just a fool, what to worry about. If he dares to use it, he is not afraid that she can escape his control.

"Don't talk to your brother like that. Come on, this is my dowry for you. The" moon level totem weapon "named" Weeping blood blade "is specially made for you. I believe it will be suitable for you."

He took out a short sword from behind and put it on Princess lingxuan's hand. The blade of the sword was in the scabbard. You can also feel the ferocious blood light of the sword.

"It can suck blood." The prince smiles and retreats two steps, admonishes: "Yan'er, look at your performance. Our brothers and sisters will not let each other down, will they?"

Lingxuan gently pulls the bloody blade out of the scabbard. It's the blood red blade. It's the same color as her eyes.

It's like a sword born for her.

She did not speak. She looked at the sword and then at the prince.

The prince continued to smile, then turned to leave, the figure soon disappeared in the dark.

After standing for a long time, something suddenly occurred to her. She rushed into the room and found a map.

There are many circles on it, and she is eager to know where, in the end, is the place where she can get in and out.

"Father and mother, when dreaming, why don't you tell Yan'er directly? If I had known that, ten years ago, I would have gone to see you."

"It's too much of you not to tell me..."

Her tears continued to fall and wet the whole map.

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