On this day, several elite disciples of Huguo mansion saw a corpse in Nalan mountain.

The body had been buried very deep, but because there was no coffin, it was turned over by the hungry wild dogs. When they found it, it had been gnawed, bloody and smelly.

It seems that this man has been dead for some time, but after all, he is a totem martial artist. His true Qi gradually dissipates, and his body will begin to rot.

However, after being turned out and gnawed, it is impossible to tell who it is, only that he is very young.

"The clothes are like the missing willow tree!" Several elite disciples were extremely shocked. They knew that the master was looking for his son everywhere.

Shocked, they rushed back to the Huguo mansion to report. They were so flustered that they didn't consciously stop the spread of the news. Therefore, before xiangliuzheng knew it, almost all of them were spread in the Huguo mansion.

The news quickly spread to the palace. It was the end of the early Dynasty. After hearing the news, the old Prime Minister almost stood still.

Prince longfu and xiangliuguo quickly arrived at Nalan mountain. At this time, many people were gathered in the prime minister's residence. Most of their XiangLiu family gathered here, looking at the bloody corpse, their eyes were red with anger.

Liu, the Prime Minister of the state protection house, is standing in front of the corpse.

"XiangLiu tree!" Prince longfu's eyes turned red as soon as he saw his death. This is his best partner. Other princes are competitors. This is the only brother.

XiangLiu Guolao tears.

"Young, so miserable to die! Who is it! Who is it! I want to kill you He growled under his voice.

"Dad, the fatal injury is that the chest is penetrated by large weapons, and the internal organs are directly destroyed. It looks like a kill. The killer is very strong. " Xiangliuzheng's voice was hoarse.

"Take the tree back to rest." Xiangliuguo suppressed his anger.

"Check it for me! Go to the dead! If I don't find out the murderer, I'll live in vain for so many years! "

"Yes, Dad."

The next generation of the most intimate, XiangLiu this virtue, is his favorite.

Xiang Liushu died too miserably. They didn't want others to see him. The body was taken back to the prime minister's mansion.

It is said that his wife and grandmother saw that they were frightened to faint on the spot, especially the grandmother, who was so angry that she almost fainted.

"Tree son, my tree son, who is the one who is so cruel! Trees After the old lady woke up, she cried day and night, half of her life had been lost.

How could she know that if she hadn't given her grandson as her ancestor since childhood, her tree would have killed herself.

"You bastards, find out the murderer for me! Check it out

In the prime minister's house, there are only high-level officials in the family. Prince longfu was silent for a long time. He said: "about the murderer, I told the Lord of the mansion one thing last time, which may be helpful."

"What's the matter?" Prime Minister Liu Guo doesn't know about leaving Renxiang.

Xiangliuzheng had no choice but to say it again.

"Shu'er wants to use Li Renxiang to force him to have a relationship with Jiang Yining. After the state protection banquet is over, he goes to find Jiang Yining. However, Jiang Yining was attacked by Li Renxiang and went to Dongyang Jing, who can testify. "

"Jiang Yining! Is it a cheap woman in Dajiang city! It's her good fortune that I like her, and she dares to resist? " The old lady said angrily.

"Shut up, you!" Xiangliuguo angrily rebuked.

"Lirenxiang, I know this thing. If Jiang Yining is poisoned by lirenxiang, can dongyangjing solve it for her?"

XiangLiu was thinking about it for a moment. He frowned and said, "there is a doubt. Last time I went to Jiang Yining, I saw her door was broken. Maybe there was a fight there. "

"Who was around Jiang Yining at that time?" Prime Minister Liu Guangsen asked.

The crown prince said: "Jiang Yining's younger brother, Jiang Zizi, but he left first after the banquet, and xiangliushu started to do it."

He didn't want to say that he also used tricks to make Shenxiao and Jiang Zizi have a relationship. The place is in Nalan mountain. It's not a coincidence that the body is in Nalan mountain.

So he said: "at that time, Xiang Liushu drank a lot of wine. I mean, if Jiang Zizi had gone back at that time, it was normal to see that his sister had been given the fragrance of Li Renxiang. With his personality, it was quite normal for him to move and kill. Although his strength is not as good as Xiang Liu Shu, he should know how much "holy national wine" Xiang Liu Shu drank. "

"Yes, Jiang Zizi's dragon sword has the form of epee. It was shown at the grand meeting of six prefectures. If it was the dragon you sword that pierced through the chest, it would be such a wound!" Xiangliuzheng has been confirmed.

"It must be him!" Xiangliuguo is also locked in.

"What are you doing! Kill all the relatives of Jiang Zizi and Jiang Yining The old lady said miserably.

"Bring a man to the house and ask him to kneel down in front of the tree and put him to death at once!"

XiangLiu said in a deep voice, "don't make trouble, OK? Jiang Zizi will be the emperor's son-in-law in a month. His Majesty must have great use in keeping him. Is it said that he can be killed if he is killed? Besides, it's all speculation. Where is the evidence? The bodies were bitten like this by wild dogs, and he left no evidence of guilt. ""If you can't kill openly, you'll assassinate!" The old lady is still pestering.

"Don't worry. Revenge must be done, or the tree will not rest. However, the method needs to be appropriate. " The prime minister clenched his teeth.

The crown prince said: "the prime minister said it is true. After all, there is no evidence, and I don't know what it is for the father and the emperor to keep this ginger freely."

He had done an assassination, and he didn't succeed at that time.

Now he thought that if Jiang Zizi died and his marriage became a funeral, and if it affected his marriage to the crown prince, it would not be worthwhile. After all, the emperor Yanlong wanted to have a double happiness that day.

"Keep Jiang Zizi first, then you can cut thousands of pieces first! Throw this cheap woman to a wild dog and bite her to death! It's all over the place! " The old lady's eyes were red, like an old devil.

There is no one to speak. Jiang Zizi is protected by the temple of sacrifice, but this Jiang Yining is a dispensable existence. She is not as dazzling as her brother and younger brother, and she is also a member of the National Defense Office. She secretly kills such a woman and can't turn up many waves.

"OK, I'll take care of her today. First, I'll use her blood to offer sacrifices to the tree. After a period of time, I'll send the tree a good journey with Jiang's blood." Xiangliuzheng's words finally satisfied the old lady a little.

"Now, immediately, I will skin her myself! My tree! Trees The old lady lay on the coffin and cried.

"Dad, it's not a big deal that a Jiang Yining is missing?" XiangLiu is asking.

Xiang Liu slightly frowned and said, "I'm afraid the king of purple Lin will retaliate."

"Your Majesty, I hope he will appear. Besides, how could he know that we had done it, since he was not so gifted? "

Xiang Liu looked at his wife, who was half dead, and bit his teeth and said, "OK, bring it back."

XiangLiu was nodding and went out directly.

"Your Highness, please keep these things confidential." The prime minister said.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister. He is my good friend. His hatred is mine."

"Thank you, your highness. Unfortunately, the tree has left and can't serve your highness in the future. I'm sorry."

The prince looked at the xiangliuying next to him and said, "Yinger, you can also inherit the XiangLiu family's incense."

Although he said so, XiangLiu Kingdom still did not get comfort, because in their eyes, women can never be on the stage.

The first son returns to the west, the family is in great pain!

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