"Ghost?" Jiang Zizi is also afraid of this thing. However, people can't be reborn after death. If he is really a ghost, can he swagger in broad daylight?

He still didn't believe it. Maybe she was too scared and hallucinated after killing.

Look at her panic now, it's possible.

Jiang Zizi thought for a moment and said, "don't worry. You said he went to the holy dragon palace. Let's take me to see him."

"I..." She was still a little afraid, but she finally nodded with Jiang.

Jiang Zizi cleaned up for a while. Seeing that she was still full of tears, she quickly wiped it for her and said, "don't cry. You don't have to go out and let people see that I'm bullying you."

"Well!" She didn't let people touch it before, but now it's better. At least she didn't refuse Jiang Zizi.

After finishing it for her, the two talents left the sacrificial temple in the envious eyes of the sacrificial disciples. The nine immortals were not here. Jiang Zizi left a note for her and went out.

They went straight from the beginning to the end of Shenglong Avenue. Jiang Zizi looked up and saw the magnificent Shenglong palace. Looking at the building, it was really more magnificent than the temple of sacrifice, more like a supreme Academy.

"It's Jiang Zizi and princess lingxuan."

"They seem to have a good relationship. It seems that Princess Shenxiao is really involved."

"I thought it was Princess Shenxiao that Jiang Zizi liked. Now, he and princess lingxuan are quite compatible."

If you meet people in Yanlong ruins, you must discuss them. Some time ago, Princess lingxuan stayed in Jiang Zizi's place every day, which has been spread all over Yanlong ruins.

Jiang Zizi was about to enter the holy dragon palace. Suddenly, there was a huge movement in front of the gate of the holy Dragon Palace, and a crowd of people came out of it.

The first man, wearing a light gold robe and smiling, was chatting with Prince Yong, the leader of the holy dragon palace.

When Jiang Zizi saw him for the first time, he couldn't believe his eyes!

The man whose heart was crushed by lingxuan and burned to ashes by him actually appeared in front of Jiang Zizi unhurt on a tall golden dragon horse!

This man is the prince longfu!

Dead man, it's alive! Here it is!

He was burnt to ashes by Jiang Zi!

Jiang Zizi never thought that this fantastic scene would happen in the real world.

He was stunned for a moment, wiped his eyes several times, but he could only see that the prince longfu was no different from the previous one!

"Ghost..." Princess lingxuan quickly hides behind Jiang Zizi. She is afraid she is scared.

Jiang Zizi choked herself, not to mention her.

A person who has been burned to ashes by him can reappear. What is this not a ghost?

His mind was blank.

At the same time, the prince longfu also saw them. He and Prince Yong rode to the two of them. The prince looked at Princess lingxuan and said, "lingxuan, who is about to be married, how come you always show up outside? You have to learn from Xiaojing, you know?"

"Know, know." Princess lingxuan shivered.

The prince then looked at Jiang Zizi with a smile and said, "in the future, you should treat lingxuan as well as I will treat Xiaojing well. Ha ha... "

He's as cheap as ever.

"Uncle Huang, you said that if Xiaojing gave me a baby and my father became a grandfather, would he be very happy?" Said the prince with a smile.

Prince Yong nodded: "that's natural. I want to have a grandson too, but my sons are still young. "

They talk and laugh, and cross Jiang Zizi. Their direction should be to return to the imperial city.

Until they left, Jiang Zizi and princess lingxuan did not respond.

"The sun is so big, ghost, how can you be so swaggering..." Princess lingxuan worried.

Jiang Zizi wanted to break his head, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

The prince is really alive!

He shook his head and said, "I want to go back and think about it. You can go back and don't run around outside."

"No, I'm not going back." She was a little nervous. She shook her head and looked at Jiang Zizi pitifully.

"Why not go back?"

"I'm afraid of ghosts. He must come to me at night. I can't go back..."

I didn't think she was even afraid of death. She was afraid of ghosts.

"What do you want? Find an inn? " Jiang Zizi asked.

"I can't, the inn. He'll find it too..." She panicked and looked at Jiang Zizi with tears in her eyes and said, "can I go to your place?"

"You are not married, you want to sleep with me? I won't be polite to beautiful women. " Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"No, I'll just find a place and let me stay. I won't disturb you." She prayed.

After all, the temple of sacrifice was the shelter of the ancient gods, and she thought it should be able to dispel ghosts.Seeing her so pitiful, Jiang Zizi naturally agreed. He said, "OK, don't tease you. I'll give you my room. I have my own place."

He took lingxuan back to the sacrificial temple. As soon as he came in, Jiuxian saw the note and was waiting for him here. Jiang Zizi closed the door. Seeing her puzzled eyes, he waved his hand and said, "I'm the devil. Do you believe it? A man who was burned to ashes by me, I really saw him swaggering around, and deliberately provoked me a few words? "

"Do you really see it?" Nine immortals are very surprised.

Jiang Zizi nods.

"Did you see if it was the prince before you killed him?"

Lingxuan nods. She knows that this is Jiang Zizi's priest. She didn't expect that they had such a good relationship. Jiang Zizi told her all about it.

"It must be him. It can't be wrong." Jiang Zizi Dao.

"Is the prince twin?" Nine immortals opened a brain hole.

How could it be Jiang Zi couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "you shouldn't be thinking about some dog blood plot."

"Is that strange?" She was completely confused. They couldn't think about it.

"But nothing seems to have happened?"

In this case, the two weddings on the God worship day will still be held as scheduled.

If Xuan and Jiang are married suddenly, they will not be comfortable.

"These two days, I went to see the prince and see if there was something fishy about it. Then I decided whether to ask the old witch." Nine immortals in this way to end.

Her eyes swept Princess lingxuan and suddenly said with a smile, "princess, it's getting late. You should go."

Princess lingxuan was stunned and looked at Jiang Zizi. Jiang Zizi said awkwardly, "she is afraid that the ghost of the prince will look for her. I promise that she will let her live here next."

Nine immortals with a smile, her smile, often let Jiang Zizi creepy ah, sure enough, she suddenly aggrieved: "she came here, where do I live?"

Jiang Zizi even said, "it's OK. We can go to you at night."

Princess lingxuan is a little confused. She suddenly reacts. She asks Jiang Zizi in a low voice: "are you talking about your sweetheart? Are you the sacrificial master?"

Jiang Zizi didn't speak yet. Jiuxian said shyly, "yes, I have a good relationship with Zizi. I have to make love every night. It's very noisy. I don't know if it will affect the princess's cultivation."

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