If they elope, it will also hurt the face of the royal family. In the future, they will have to take dongyangjing away from the imperial court and let her live a life of displacement. He is not willing to do so.

He can not bear, let his beloved, even home can not go back, so today he just so strong appearance, in public, and her embrace.

As a brother, when the elder brother has already had such a demonstration, Jiang Zizi knows that he must stand up.

His words, indeed, attracted a lot of laughter.

"Free, can you?" When everyone looked at Jiang Zizi with suspicious eyes, Jiang Junjian asked directly.

Jiang Zizi nodded and said, "brother, take good care of it. It depends on me if you can hold the beauty back."

It's bold of him to laugh at such an occasion.

Jiang Zizi asked again: "Your Majesty, I have just passed my sixteenth birthday. I have only been practicing for one year, but I have confidence to fight the crown prince. Over the past 16 years, my elder brother has given me countless guidelines to enable me to achieve my present achievements. My brother's affection is thicker than water. Please allow me to be punished instead of my elder brother. "

His attitude is really tough, though it's farce.

Emperor Yan laughed and said, "it seems that all the teenagers in your family can bring surprise to people. Now that you've pleaded like this, OK, I'll give you a chance to fight for your brother. Of course, after you lose the war, you can't be sent to prison instead of your brother. Your brother, you need to continue to reflect in tae'e prison. You are my son-in-law. I don't want to. There is no marriage today. "

Jiang Zizi is really drunk. Today's affairs have been destroyed like this. He even wants to marry Princess lingxuan to himself. What a big heart!

What's on his mind?

Up to now, Jiang Zi Zi has no idea of his purpose, why he wanted to release Jiang Junjian, why he chose today, let alone why he wanted to marry Princess lingxuan himself.

Even today, what happened to the royal family was such a disgrace. It seemed that he was not really angry. It was really symbolic. It gave Jiang Junjian an opportunity to get away from punishment.

Of course, no one can stop Jiang Junjian and dongyangjing from being together.

Jiang Zizi must know that his brother's husband and wife's truth must be deceiving. He is such a decent and responsible man, how can he mess around before marriage. Jiang Zi despises him very much.

Next to her, ruohua looked at her two sons. She had made so many reasonable arrangements today, but she found that she really did not know the two sons as well as before. Their courage and courage were far beyond her ability. At first, the two little people finally broke away from her cognition and let her have so many surprises.

For example, in today's affairs, if Jiang Zizi can defeat the prince, everything is perfect, and there is no need to elope.

Everything is in Jiang Zizi's body. If Hua knew how he was now, his majesty agreed at this time, and she didn't say anything.

"Stand up and keep your face, you know it." Emperor Yanlong looked at the prince and yelled softly.

"Yes, father!" It's interesting that the prince is still in full dress today. The wedding is not going on. The two bridegroom are going to have a big fight here.

"It's wonderful. It's a lot of ups and downs. It's much more beautiful than a wedding ceremony."

"Yes, but to speak of it, these two brothers are full of courage. They have completely offended the royal family for the sake of a woman. Of course, their father, who had offended clean, seemed to be OK

"To tell you the truth, if I were your majesty, I can't bear it today. Your majesty can still give me an opportunity to show that he has great courage. Even if he wants to kill Jiang Junjian, the people can still understand. After all, Jiang Junjian is so confused that he makes such a mockery of the imperial court."

"In the final analysis, this joke is not provoked by qingluan king. Even his daughter can't control it. It's really funny."

People talk about it casually, and then watch Jiang Zizi and the prince longfu fight against each other on the Yan Long altar.

Those Royal people are very blue. I'm afraid that the prince would kill Jiang Zizi.

In particular, the queen, from the beginning to the end of the day, saw her face as ugly as eating stool.

"My sword!" Jiang Zizi shouts at the direction of the temple of sacrifice. The dragon sword is there.

"Leave you!" The nine immortals threw the dragon sword to his feet, and Jiang Zizi took it out.

He looked back at Jiang Junjian and dongyangjing, saw their hands tightly together, saw their hopeful eyes, and saw their happiness and love. Jiang Zizi was very clear.

"Today, I must not be defeated!"

"I can't, let her wait for him another year, the girl's youth is so precious, must be in this year, let them regardless of everything, come together."

"When they get married and have a big fat boy. If my mother has grandchildren to play with, I won't stare at me. I can slowly pursue my sister Jiuxian, perfect!"He can't fail.

Facing this guy who came back from the dead, Jiang Zi is very careful.

In front of him, Prince longfu was gloomy, and no one announced that the battle had obviously begun.

"Jiang Zizi, do you want to kill me again?" Suddenly, there was a creepy smile on the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, Jiang Zizi felt numb on his scalp.

He even knew that he and lingxuan had killed him, but why? He didn't react at all these days. Who is this prince longfu!

In other words, who was killed by himself!

Jiang Zizi was very sure of himself, but when he met such an opponent, he could only try his best to stabilize his heart. His brother's happiness was on his sword. He could not turn back.

At this time, Emperor Yanlong said to all the people: "you two, learn from each other, point to that is good, do not have casualties."

He gave Jiang Junjian a chance and the prince a chance to save some face.

"I see, father, I will not kill him." The prince looked back and said sincerely.

"You know, they're going to get married after it's done." Yan longhuang smiles. He looks back at Princess lingxuan. The girl, standing still, doesn't look outside. She is really calm.

The prince said, the next moment, the nine Yan dragon crack soul claw, toward Jiang Zizi to kill fiercely!

he is as like as two peas in that night. He is as strong as ever. All the attacking ways are the same.

Jiang Zizi also put aside everything and entered the fighting state!

Take up the sword, you can't lose.

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