"Come on, don't be sentimental, give me a magnificent first night." She put her hand around Jiang's free neck, smiling like flowers, as if the fear and sadness did not exist.

Jiang Zizi just hugs her. He likes to move, but this time, he doesn't move at all.

"So, you want me to be a two-year trash, pretending that I don't know what will happen. I only share the happiness with you, but I can't share the pain with you. It's impossible. From today on, I won't forget for a day. I won't watch you die. It's impossible. " Jiang Zizi bit his teeth and shook his head.

"Fool, no one can change anything. This is the curse of the ancient gods, don't you know? "

"What is the ancient god? I'll kill whoever curses you His eyes were red.

"You must not let others hear such a treacherous thing. This is Shenzong." Nine immortals worried.

"I mean it. I swear, I will never let you leave me Jiang Zizi is a little crazy.

"Well, dear, let's find a way."

Although she said so, Jiang Zizi didn't know. She was just trying to comfort herself. She had already accepted her life.

"You accept your life, I will not. I don't dare to be anyone. No matter what obstacles are, since I like you, I don't want this life, and I can't do nothing. "

"Well, I'll ask you again. You can make love with me today. Come or not She may want to use her own gentleness to dissolve Jiang Zizi's anger at the moment.


She didn't expect, ah, the boy who used to yearn for something to happen to him every day, refused himself today.

She's so active.

Anyway, they are all dying people. As long as he loves himself, there is nothing to care about.

Unexpectedly, he resolutely refused, and said: "unless I have a way to let you live, otherwise, I will not touch you."

"Why, you son of a bitch, do you want me to be a pretty girl to die?"

Jiang Zizi gritted his teeth and bit his head. He didn't think so, but she didn't have confidence, but he didn't know the height of heaven and earth.

His dignity and responsibility told him that if he promised her, he would yield to his fate and regard the remaining two years as the end of his life.

He can't give in to fate.

"Why?" Nine immortals can't think of it.

Jiang Zizi grasped her hands tightly.

"I don't want to love you for two years, I want to love you forever."

He was so passionate that she was really moved. However, two years is not her lifetime

"Now I regret it. I told you not to provoke me. I will not bring you happiness. "

As the night grew deeper, Jiang Zizi hugged her and did not speak for a long time.

She is a little distressed, gently stroking the young man's back, is her own fate of the problem, to his body.

Fate, that is a great beast, who can resist.

Jiang Zizi tore open her skirt. He wanted to see the curse clearly and remember it deeply.

The snow-white piece came into view.

"Ah." The nine immortals gave a light cry. It was too easy for people to become beasts.

However, Jiang Zizi was not affected at all. He remembered the curse deeply and helped her to tidy up her clothes.

"You used to have nosebleed. How can you resist it today? Is it that charm has fallen? " Nine immortals bit red lips, a little unwilling to ask.

"I learned what men should do for the people they like. If I can't protect you, I don't want to touch you. "

Before ah, I didn't know the fate would be so rough, I thought I could take advantage of it.

Now, if it's still like this, how can I be worthy of her.

"It seems that my cabbage has grown up. Unfortunately, I don't want to eat it again. " Nine immortals wronged said.

"Sooner or later it will be yours. Let me grow longer." For a long time, Jiang Zizi finally calmed down.

"From tomorrow, I'll try to find a way. I won't believe it. In two years, I can't save you. By the way... " He tore his chest and saw the green talisman.

"You say, can it save you?" Jiang Zizi asked.

It's wonderful. The talisman is on his chest, and the magic charm is on the chest of nine immortals.

"I don't know. Maybe it's six magic charms, but it's yours. It can only save you."

"If I die, isn't it a thing of no owner, and you can use it?" Jiang Zizi asked.

Nine immortals scared, she quickly nervous way: "you can't do stupid things, not worth, my life, can't compare with you."

Life for life is not the best way.

"If I dig out this piece of meat, can I dig out the talisman?" Jiang Zizi asked.

"No, it's bloody. Well, little fool, there are still two years to go. Don't worry. I'll believe you, OKJiang Zizi is not in a hurry. At least, he can have a try at that time. Cut the meat off his chest.

That pain is nothing.

"You said," I am not born to you, but I am old. But I won't let you old. You must remember what I said, and never lose hope. "

"Well." Nine immortals nodded heavily.

This youth, said so sincere, he has such a strong belief, even if it is against fate, she was really moved.

"So, let's go on as we used to be! Come on, let's practice together and become stronger together. "

Jiang Zizi exhilarated.


She may still be in a trance.

Trance looking at this passionate youth, with him, life seems never lonely.

"I really want to take care of him, accompany him, and take the road he said for a lifetime. However, will fate and heaven give me this opportunity..."

No one can answer.

Only his warm blood seems to make her full of hope for the future.

"What a fool. I delivered them to the door today, and he didn't want them. Who knows how long your little brother has held his head high and his chest is stiff."

She was smiling in her heart, but she didn't say anything. Otherwise, Jiang Zizi, who was still very righteous just now, would be very embarrassed. He didn't realize that the little brother had betrayed his heart

The night of practice passed quickly.

In the morning, she cleans her face, arranges her clothes, keeps herself in good order and praises her good looks. A girl who can take care of people is really enjoying it.

For example, Lu Dingxing, beishanjian and so on, come out in the morning, a mess, a look is single.

"Today is God's day. Go to the origin altar to test your luck. However, don't have any hope. I'm a curse of the ancient gods. If you mix with me, be careful that others are the treasure of genius, you can only get a rotten egg from the ancient god."

Nine immortals Jiao voice smile way.

Life, or to go easy ah.

So they all seem to be the same as before, flirting with each other, relaxed.

But Jiang Zizi will never forget that from today on, he has a new determination and task.

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