"I'm just trying to tell you, start tomorrow and take the challenge of the beast tower as a task." Said Jiuxian Jiao.


"You'll know when you go to the beast tower. It has a total of 100 floors. The top layer of the beast God tower is the place where all the sacrifices are looked up. The ceiling of the top floor is carved from ten pieces of Ling Ling "Tianjing stone". That day, the crystal can absorb the essence of heaven and earth, including the endless vitality of the universe. The most important thing is to absorb the brilliance of the sun and moon. If you can stay at that top level, you can at least increase the speed of your holy body by ten times.


Jiang Yi didn't hear of it, but he knew that ten kinds of lingkuang, the most precious spirit mineral between heaven and earth, did not know how many times more than their family's stone.

Even if used to forge weapons, it is also the Top Totem soldier.

The ceiling at the top of the beast pagoda is actually covered by this transparent "crystal stone", which is the foundation of God.

crystal can absorb all the essence of heaven and earth, including a large number of heaven and earth Qi, gathered at the top of the beast God tower.

At the same time, it has a strong ability to absorb the light of the sun, moon and stars.

"I have visited it once. That layer is the most beautiful place of the whole God sect. The sky crystal stone is on top of the head. It seems to take down the whole star sky, which makes you feel the Star River and moon in the sky, just like it is on the top of the head. It is also the place closest to the sky, except the pillar of origin. It is the most outstanding sacrifice reward of God

"This top level can increase my holy state cultivation speed by ten times?" Jiang asked at ease.

"The utility of Kyanite is very suitable for you, and it is possible to add that it is high enough. You don't believe me. " She complained.

"Of course, you can tell me what the beast pagoda is? How can I get up? "

No wonder Beishan embers let themselves go to the beast God tower to challenge the fish. It turns out that this beast tower is so important.

Nine immortals began to introduce: "there are three animal deities in the animal god palace, named" Star "," Moon "and" sun ". There is no difference between the three. They are only subordinate to the primary, intermediate and senior priests. You can only challenge the star beast tower before you are 18

Jiang freely understood that this is for fair consideration. A man who has trained to be 24 and 14 is not fair in itself than combat power, so it is necessary to distinguish between them.

He is now a primary priest, and only need to pay attention to the star beast pagoda.

"The tower of the beast is a hundred stories in total, and as long as the priests are of age, anyone can challenge. Of course, the premise is to pass the assessment of "guarding the tower God". The whole beast pagoda, no matter when, 100 floors are full of members. The 100 people are the top 100 talents of the whole animal god palace. The higher the tower level, the more talents are vertical and horizontal. The top level of the three pagodas is occupied by the "son of God" or "Goddess". The rule of challenge is that you only need to beat a tower opponent, his tower, and it will belong to you later. "

"Can I challenge the top level directly? Then he is not tired, every day there are challenges? " Jiang asked freely.

"Of course, if you are not an altar with the rank of the beast pagoda, you can only choose the first level to the Ninth level challenge for the first challenge. Advanced beast pagoda has ranking, second challenge, can choose the 10th to 19th floor. By analogy, if you want to challenge the top of the tower, you need to challenge it ten times in succession. Of course, your current strength can only challenge the top ten. If you succeed, you can stay in the beast tower and practice it. "

Jiang freely smiled and said, "everyone wants to enter this beast God tower. The first to the ninth floor of people, is not to be challenged every day."

"That's not. First of all, everyone in the beast tower can only be challenged once in half a month. Second, the tower guard service will test the challenger's strength. Only if the guard God waiter thinks it is possible to challenge the success, he will release. Ninety nine percent of the people can't live up to the tower God. "

The guardian of the pagoda is actually the normal God service, but it is assigned a task to manage the beast God tower.

"This beast tower is very interesting. Genius is well-organized. But what are the benefits of the rest, as long as it's not the top level? Is there only one false name? "

"Of course not. Every layer of the beast pagoda has" crystal stone ". It is not the ceiling, but on the window. The more upward, the larger the crystal stone is, the more the heaven and earth will gather. Even the first level of the beast God tower, the cultivation environment is 30% more than we here. About 50 levels, we may have achieved four times the effect here. Of course, I mean the cultivation of your holy state, because your Dharma is special, so there is such a big increase. "

So, there are some advantages to occupy a pit in this beast pagoda.

"I don't want to challenge. I want to practice with you here." Jiang Zhidao.

"Fool." Nine immortals listened to the straight smile, she pinched Jiang comfortable face, said: "you so indulge in my gentle hometown?"

"It's a fool to be not addicted to." Jiang Zhidao."What if I said, if you can practice there, I can also sneak in to accompany you?" Nine immortals said with a smile.

"How could it be?" Jiang Zizi obviously didn't believe it.

"Good news for you." She leaned against Jiang Zizi's ear and whispered, "my brother passed the examination and became a god servant. He will be a "tower keeper" for a year. If he hadn't gone, I would have let you go. "

I see.

"Is he so good?"

Nine immortals bowed his head and said, "in fact, it's my fault. If it wasn't for me, he would have been a god servant. I can almost have the realm of a god servant, but I don't know, is it meaningful for me to become a god servant? "

"Of course, don't make sense."

She just felt that time was running out, and it seemed useless to be a servant. However, Jiang Zizi hated the way she lost hope for the future.

He pressed her shoulder and shook, "don't be so sad. If you do this again, I'll take back your skirt."

"Dare you, I'll break your neck."

She was in a hurry and forgot all about the curse.

After laughing for a while, Jiang Zizi said, "Xuanye has a girlfriend named Chiyu. Today, I have some conflicts with her. She seems to be the 97 of the beast God tower, which is on the fourth floor. I'll challenge her tomorrow

"You can cut off a man's arm and hit his girlfriend." Nine immortals.

The first ten floors are just springboards. He really wants to go to the highest place of the beast God tower to see what the scene will be like.

"One day, I'll take you under the starry sky and see what the beautiful scenery will be with the stars above you." Jiang Zizi is bold and upright.

"And then don't do something exciting?" She bit her red lips and showed her pink tongue. Her eyes were blurred, her face was enchanting, and her whole body was fragrant. It was really unbearable.

"Do, I can't do it!" Jiang Zizi said bravely.

Recently, he felt that he was really a cabbage. Jiuxian, the pig, was eyeing his body.

However, it is really romantic to think about what to do under the bright star river

However, Jiang Zizi thinks that the geniuses in the animal god palace are really abnormal.

"The pond fish is the fourth level of the holy body. It's only on the fourth level. What kind of monster are those hundred layers?"

"When and when can we challenge to the top?"

And then, finish the dream of doing something "interesting" under the starry sky

Not too much.

The next day, he came to the beast God tower with Beishan Ember.

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