After returning from Sikong hall, Jiang Zizi abandoned Feng Xiaoyao and began to think about the "nine palace Heavenly Sword technique".

This is the real "Japanese level battle formula". Although it is only inferior, it is difficult to cultivate Jiang Zi's state and level.

It's hard enough in itself. In addition, the nine kinds of sky sword techniques have different attributes. Ordinary people can only cultivate one or two of them.

To tell you the truth, this is just a fantastic sword formula. Jiang Zizi estimates that since ancient times, few people have really cultivated this formula.

"Jiugong Tianjian, as its name implies, is nine kinds of Tianjian. If you can cultivate it successfully, you can form a nine palace sword array, and achieve the highest power of this battle formula."

"If you can't practice it completely, it's the nine common swordsmanship. It's not very useful to play. It's better to practice other tactics."

Jiang Zizi began to look through the book. There was no mark on it, indicating that few people had ever practiced it.

Since the time when his mind is still and his mind is in a state of absolute emptiness, he can enter the holy state very quickly.

In fact, it's very difficult for him to understand the spirit battle when he studies the pithy war. In fact, it's very difficult for him to understand the effect when he studies the pithy war, because when he studies the magic formula, he needs to understand it better.

"Red fire sky sword, thunderbolt sky sword, golden light sky sword, empty wood sky sword, ice sealed sky sword, wind killing sky sword, Dark Earth Sky Sword, water source sky sword, and shining sky sword! I can basically control all these attributes. No wonder he wants to come and ask for it. This nine palace Heavenly Sword is really suitable for me. "

Jiang Zizi was very happy to get such a suitable sword formula. He would not throw it on the face of Si kongxiao. The best response is to cultivate it successfully.

"Sikongjin, successor of the beast god palace master, sikongxiao, the present goddess. It's really high. I can't see that sikongxiao is the most gifted person in the beast god palace at this age. This shows that she is the top ten super genius in the whole continent of origin? "

Thinking of this, he was a little suffocated, because the origin of Shenzong is the core of the origin of the mainland, he has forgotten that he is in this core.

It's really against the weather that she has the ability to rank in the top 10 among the hundreds of millions of beings in the mainland.

For example, in Yanlong, this age is the fourth level of xuanmaijing, which is the top five talents. But in this divine sect, she is the highest level of the holy body.

"Admiration, admiration."

For this kind of people, Jiang Zizi can still recognize their abilities.

To face up to the opponent, you have room for improvement.

It must be admitted that they are really good.

Although their growth resources are too much, for example, Na sikongxiao's practice at the top of the beast God tower will only gradually widen the gap with others.

The information and reputation obtained by the sacrificial disciples of the master of the beast god palace can not be compared by ordinary people.

No matter what, his concentration is still in the "nine palace Heavenly Sword technique".

In the daytime, the swordsmanship is honed, and at night the holy body is forged. It is a happy "double cultivation".

After Jiang Zi became more and more powerful, Jiuxian often competed with him.

"Let me see what your talent is."

Ten days later, Jiang Zi was able to use the red fire sky sword, the thunder thunder Sky Sword and the golden light sky sword.

The power exploded, perhaps.

Next, the speed is faster and faster. After all, sky sword is interlinked.

In less than 20 days in total, others may not be able to practice Jiugong Tianjian in their whole life. Under Jiang Zizi's training, the nine palace sword array finally formed can bring threat to the nine immortals.

After checking his current terrible strength, Jiuxian said in a soft voice: "it's quite good. Start to challenge the beast God tower tomorrow. If you can reach the level above 70, we will directly move to the beast God tower to practice. The effect of the seventy level is quite good."

"How about seventy floors? I'll go straight to the top."

"You don't learn to brag."

"Beauty. Temptation, let me lose my mind." Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"Well, it may also make you lose your armor and lose everything."

If you are joking, Jiang Zizi will not be silly enough to challenge the top level. You still have to eat one bite at a time.

The next morning, surrounded by the four of them, he went to the beast God battlefield.

Although the nine immortals became a god servant, they did not like to appear in front of people, so they did not follow.

There was no engagement this time. When I first came, there were not many people in the beast God battlefield.

However, Jiang Zi appears here again, and the news will soon spread, and more and more worshippers will be watching.

"Boss, are you sure to beat two in a row today?" Asked Lu Dingxing.

"Your grandson despises me too much. I'm abusing my opponent." With a smile, Jiang Zizi stepped on the battlefield of beast God."Arrogant!" On the way, several sacrificial disciples heard it and immediately couldn't help laughing.

"He really has such a good challenge as the beast God tower. He is now on the 19th floor. If no one challenges him, he is lucky and wants to abuse his opponent. Above 20 levels, it's basically the fifth level of the holy body. "

"His realm seems to be the second level of the holy body."

"The existence of the bottom of the beast God tower is not small. Those who are so much better than him are all lower key than him. "

"It seems that he hasn't lost yet. Today, let's see what his expression will be when he is frustrated."

"In the future, it must be a turtle with a shrinking head and dare not come out."

Among a few of the disciples, Jiang chose a man from the list of nine gods.

From the 20th to the 29th floors, three of them have been challenged in half a month. Today, they can't be challenged any more. Only two of them are now on the beast God tower, so Jiang Zizi chooses one of them.

The 27th floor, Mo Feng.

"Mo Feng, someone challenges you. If there's nothing else, come down and fight. " The nine gods spoke directly to the beast God tower.

"Who?" A young man, like the wind, galloped from above and landed lightly on the ground, like a pengbird.

"Xiaoyaodian, Jiang Zizi."

Hearing the name, Mo Feng frowned slightly. He had already seen Jiang Zizi and recalled his message.

"The last time he fought with Xuankong, I saw that the realm was the second level of the holy body realm, but because of the strong totem, even the fourth level of the holy body realm could be dealt with. However, I should have no problem winning him." Mo Feng thought.

Nine gods don't talk much nonsense. They directly announce that on the battlefield of beast gods, the challenge begins.

Jiang Zizi was about to make a move when he saw a group of people come out of the beast God tower laughing.

That group of young girls are very gorgeous in clothes and high-end in temperament. Everyone takes them out and they are basically gorgeous people, especially one of them. No matter where they go, they are the focus of people.

It's sikongxiao and them.

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