The most powerful effect of magic eye is the double forms of sword and halberd. If you can only use sword technique, it will be wasted.

"No problem."

Jiang Zizi had used the fire source gun, which was difficult for him. He could master all kinds of weapons.

"In the battle, the sword is smart and mysterious, and the halberd is unparalleled. The styles of the two weapons are different. If they can appear on one person, it will make the opponent very uncomfortable." Palace Road.

He looked at sikongxiao and Jiang Zizi, and said, "soul capture and magic eye have double" soul limitation "effects. You can cooperate more and play the best effect to make your opponent suffer from the beginning of the war. This is your advantage. Because the totems of the two of you can have a perfect degree of coordination. "

Hearing this, Jiang Zizi seems to be talking about cooperation. He asked, "palace master, isn't she one of my rivals?"

The master of the beast god palace shook his head and said, "I only know the preliminary rules now. It seems that the location should be set at the" lifeless battlefield "where the mainland originated. The preliminary rule is: each temple two people, form a small team, into the lifeless battlefield. Archaean goddess or Archaean goddess is one of the members of the final victory team. That is to say, in the initial stage, you must fight side by side. In the face of threats from the other four shrines, the cooperation of the two is very important. In order to become the Archaean son of God, you can only live and die together. If there is a little disagreement, each of you will lose the chance of Archaean God son completely. Otherwise, I've been thinking about how to make the most of your totem collaboration and what to do. "

"I will fight with her side by side?" Jiang Zizi is depressed.

"What do you mean? Who is willing to cooperate with you? " Sikong Xiao was immediately angry.

"I don't want to."

Jiang Zizi has no words to say. It is absolutely unreliable to tie her future with her.

"All right, stop fighting. You will know that there is a contradiction between you two. You will be given one month to resolve it. If the solution is not clean, neither of you will go, and we will withdraw from the beast god palace."

I didn't expect that the palace master was so resolute that Jiang Zizi could only recognize him.

He said: "don't worry, the palace master, I will take the overall situation as the most important thing, and I will not care about the personal gratitude and resentment."

Sikong Xiao said: "I will not give up this opportunity because of him. Please rest assured."

"Now that you have made a promise, you must do it. This is your most fatal problem. You know, the basic relationship between the two groups in other shrines is very good, especially in the sword palace. The two of them are twins. They work together with one heart and can play 120% of the strength in fighting. If you don't cooperate well, you only have 80%. How can you fight with others? "

Although Jiang Zizi is not happy with her, if the rules are really like this, he can only recognize her. Just make her a teammate.

"Jiang Zizi, turn an enemy into a friend." She put out her hand first, very sincerely.

Even if he nods from the top of the battlefield, he still wants to touch her at the top

"You have to be able to do that. Don't think you can do anything when you defeat Yun. "

"We'll see." Jiang Zizi said.

"You still can't get along well?" The head of the beast god palace has a headache.

Jiang Zizi said: "please don't worry. I want to challenge her to convince me. Otherwise, she looks down on me. If she enters the lifeless battlefield, they will easily have differences. This is the most fatal. Therefore, a team must listen to the arrangement of one person."

"You mean, who wins is the decision maker of the team, right? The other person, in the lifeless battlefield, needs to obey each other? " Sikong Xiao asked earnestly.

"Yes, have you the courage?" Jiang Zizi asked.

He did it to solve the problem.

Otherwise, after entering, she wants to go to the left, and she has to go to the right. Then she farts and goes home as soon as possible.

"Who is afraid of you?" Sikong Xiao rolled his eyes.

"I hope you do what you say. Don't go back and forth after losing." Jiang Zizi said.

"As a witness, I hope you don't cheat after losing. Are you not your biggest feature?" Sikong Xiaodao.

"Palace master, she mocked me again." Jiang Zizi smiles.

The owner of the beast god palace sighed and said, "you can solve your own problems by yourself. I have already done what I should do. It is your own destiny to win or lose. You also know what Taigu Shenzi means. If you fail because of the disagreement between the two sides, you will know that you will regret later. You have one month to think about how to do it

They both nodded.

In fact, Jiang Zizi didn't want to fight with her, but she didn't like her attitude that she was superior every day and despised himself and Feng Xiaoyao.

She is so proud that only if she is defeated, she will probably speak less and follow his own arrangement.

The palace master has no objection to their decision to decide the team's voice by fighting. Maybe he also thinks that a team needs the core, otherwise it will be more troublesome.Next, they went to the temple of war god and selected a battle formula.

Jiugong Tianjian is already a Japanese level battle formula. It is quite powerful and suitable for Jiang Zizi. Therefore, the palace master selected a halberd fighting method for him, named "three moves of split dragon". It is said that it is very suitable for his totem, and its power is stronger than that of Jiugong Tianjian, especially its instant explosive power.

Si kongxiao also selected a Japanese level battle formula called "thousand magic hands", which is said to match her totem.

As for totem, we can't know whose daughter Si Kong Xiao is, because she just inherited her mother's Totem: butterfly.

The totem of wind carefree is: Kun Peng. Flying in the sky is a totem of flying fish.

Sikong Jin's Totem is a tiger. Jiang Zizi doesn't know what tiger is.

After selecting them, the palace Master said: "sikongxiao's" life and death dream butterfly totem "has two forms of" life and death ", which are unpredictable. In the process of transformation, it is no problem to keep yourself safe. At the same time, there is also one of the most troublesome attributes, which is "deceleration". Her dream butterfly can make the speed of the enemy within a range drop rapidly and continuously. Then, combined with the Dementor, the magic hand and her original dark sky finger, her control power on the battlefield is quite terrible, which can be said to be unmatched among ten people. However, her weakness is that she is not explosive enough to really defeat her opponent. "

Then he saw Jiang Zizi and said, "I have seen your battles. Your greatest advantage is that your explosive power is very strong in an instant. After you find the opportunity, you can win or lose in an instant. This is how you defeat Shiyun and Shiyu. You have a strong control ability. For example, your talisman and the great lethality effect of your "God of death" Qi. After you have "magic eye", your control is strengthened again. To this extent, with sikongxiao's deceleration field and soul capturing effect, although you have no advantage in the competition of true Qi, the powerful control means in the battlefield is to let the enemy It's a headache. If you can play well, Taikoo will have a chance. In particular, Jiang Zizi, you should be able to continue to make progress in the future. "

I didn't expect that the palace master knew so much about himself. It seems that he did not watch himself in the dark, but he didn't know that he didn't look at the beautiful life of himself and the nine immortals. It's really embarrassing

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