Flower tears speak, that watery big eyes, it is really impossible to refuse.

Even sikongxiao asked, "why don't we take her?"

ginger has a headache. He said, "this is not our has the final say. The master is to arrange two of us, one is to keep two people together. If you think about it, for example, if other teams need to get clues from your wooden god palace, they will have to beat both of you, but they can only find one. Isn't this an invisible increase in the difficulty of collecting clues. I took a look at the rules in the past, and they were not allowed to be separated too far. It's the default rule, but this time they didn't elaborate

In fact, Hua tear and Sikong Xiao can't be unaware. They just want to expect a miracle

I didn't expect to hate Lin Han prison so much.

I guess she doesn't do less things that she hates.

Jiang Zizi took out several pieces of soul talisman and said, "here you are. If you meet a Dream Fox again, you can use this to deal with yourself. Your soul state is good. There is a certain resistance time. As long as you wake up, Dream Fox can't control you."

"Wow, you are so sweet. I love you." Hua's tears quickly took over and blinked his big, watery eyes at Jiang Zizi.

Another look at Lin Han prison's gloomy face standing on one side, she can only cover her forehead, a speechless look.

"Remember, when the final election of Taigu Shenzi is over, you should often come to Mu Shen palace to find me. Maybe I want to compete with the nine immortals. " Flower tears delicate way.

"Ha ha, she won't argue with you. She also likes girls. I wish you could be picked up by me."

"Ah?" Hua Lei and Si Kong Xiao are both frightened, especially Si Kong Xiao. Last time, nine immortals went to the top of the beast God tower to tease her.

Let Jiang Zizi say that, she is more convinced that nine immortals are like this.

The two girls looked at each other.

"You must have lied to me. I'll go first, hum!" Flower tears Du Du mouth, this just left, she glared at Lin Han prison, way: "don't be stunned, go quickly!"

Lin Hanyu bit his teeth. He finally gave Jiang Zizi a gloomy look. He and zukong must have thought the same. They still have a chance. Who can laugh at the end? It's not sure.

"Is that true for the nine immortals..." Sikong Xiao asked nervously.

"Ha ha..." Jiang Zizi smiles but does not speak.

"I'll have to stay away from her next time. You are all monsters She glared at Jiang Zizi.

Of course, these are all seasonings for the journey.

Most of all, they've got three clues now.

"Hua tear, they have never met the team of Tianshen palace. Even if they defeat the sword palace and the spirit palace, the number of clues can only be equal to us. They are likely to have only one clue. Maybe we have the advantage now. We must give full play to the advantage and seize the opportunity. "

Jiang Zizi and she were shuttling in the ghost land, while saying.

"If you play?"

"It's on the one hand to collect thousand kinds of animal blood. On the other hand, we still have to think about the relationship among" sun "," talisman "and" thousand kinds of animal blood. "

"What do you think is involved?"

She didn't realize that when she was with him, she was too lazy to use her brain. What had been arranged for him? Anyway, she trusted him now.

Si kongxiao almost forgot that before he came to wusheng battlefield, they were still fighting against each other.

Jiang Zizi thought for a moment and said, "a thousand kinds of animal blood may be an independent condition. In the case of the sun, we can hardly see the light of the sun in this lifeless battlefield. It may not be related to the sun in the sky. There may be some connection between the sun and the talisman. "

"Looking for a talisman related to the sun?" Sikong Xiao followed his words.

Jiang Zizi patted her on the back of the head.

"Why hit me?" Sikong Xiao covered his head and looked at him indignantly.

"You think it's too simple. If it can be analyzed literally, it's no test."

Jiang Zizi thinks that it must not be so simple.

There must be something deeper inside.

But the clues are not enough.

"We need more clues." Jiang Zizi said.

"Are you kidding? The combination of the wood god palace and the spirit God palace is a little weak. Now we can get their clues. We are very lucky. We don't have to think about the clues of the heavenly god palace. Do you know their brothers and sisters? " Sikong Xiao frowned and asked.

Jiang Zizi said: "yes, their totems can restrain you a little, especially Jun Muxi. She can suppress your deceleration effect. In terms of overall strength, we are only 30% confident that we can beat them together. "

"30%? I think there is no such thing as Because their strength is on the one hand, they are twin brothers and sisters. They have cooperated with each other since childhood, and even have no tacit understanding of this thing, as if they are one. You can't beat it at all, OK? ""You don't want to grow their ambition and destroy your prestige." Jiang Zizi said.

"If you can't fight, you won't admit it." Sikong Xiaodao.

"You dare to look down on me, believe it or not, I abuse their brothers and sisters with one hand, and beat them to tears and tears."

Sikongxiao chuckled and said: "boasting is not a draft. It's you who will be pissed off. I don't want to save you. Jun Muxi and I are also good sisters. Then I will surrender and not be beaten together with you."

"Wow, is that your sister? Can you introduce it to me? Then add the tears of flowers and let the three of you serve me? " Jiang Zizi fantasized.

"Think beautiful, bitch, and daydream."

Sikong Xiao really wanted to strangle him. He could think of everything.

"Mu Xi is a serious and serious person. She doesn't like to joke. If you talk nonsense in front of her, she will really kill you with a sword." Sikong Xiao admonished.

"Well, forget it. I'm afraid of Tigress, like you."

"Don't run, I'll strangle you!"

Jiang Zizi's indecent words can be heard by people outside.

After hearing this, the master of the sword God's palace snorted coldly. Jiang Zi even dared to talk nonsense about his granddaughter. He said directly to the master of the animal god palace: "discipline Jiang Zizi well, and then let me hear his nonsense. I'll cut his tongue."

The master of the beast God's palace laughed awkwardly.


"In fact, he has a real disposition. This boy is very funny." The master of the wood god palace said with a smile.

Jiang Zizi has just saved his granddaughter. Of course, he doesn't hate it.

But the forest curtain next to him was very uncomfortable.

He didn't expect that his most proud child would let Jiang Zizi beat him head on.

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