After getting clues from Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi, he came to the Golden Shield of Yitian.

"Are you wasting time? Don't you hurry up? "

Tianyi is trapped in the golden shield. At this time, his face is red and his teeth are clenched. The whole person is extremely embarrassed.

"They react too fast. Jiang Zi has a magic charm. I can't catch up with them."

"If you don't, how do you know you can't catch up? We haven't got their leads yet! What's more, I must give them back ten times today's hatred Tianyi looks ferocious.

Today, he can imagine how humiliating he is.

Yi Tian was silent for a moment and said, "brother, you can deal with Jiang Zizi. Xiao'er should have thought for herself. It's not too much for them to beat you together. I was careless. I didn't expect that they should have such strength. Otherwise, I would have solved the opponent earlier to help you. "

"You mean, you let me win first, and you let me go?" Tianyi gnaws its teeth.

Yi Tian nodded.

No wonder after his defeat, he was able to deal with his opponent immediately.

Tianyi takes a deep breath.

Today, at least, I got some new clues.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "sikongxiao, it's really good to cooperate with Jiang Zizi. The lonely man and the widow are always entangled in this way. Don't you worry? Today, Sikong Xiao can listen to Jiang Zizi's orders. "

"Brother, you don't have to worry about it. If she will be the one I am destined to be, then no one can rob her. If she is willing to sink, she will not be with me. "

"You seem confident in your charm. Today's disgrace, I can't quarrel with sikongxiao, but Jiang Zizi, from today on, I will let him kneel down for me and pray for forgiveness. "

"Well, I'll help you." Playing the way of heaven.

"No need. Today he is just with the help of sikongxiao. Next time he meets him, you can help me to take sikongxiao. You can talk about your love and I will revenge myself."

Tianyi finally came out of the golden shield.

On the other hand, Mujun and Mujun came out of the golden shield.

Tianyi squinted at Jiang Ziyi's escape direction and said, "we'll go this way, maybe we can meet them again."

They quickened the pace.

"By the way, what's the clue to the sword palace?" It's got by Yi Tian alone. He doesn't know.

"It's a time clue." Playing the way of heaven.


"Ugly time."

"Ugly hour, midnight? It's easy to understand a thousand kinds of animal blood. This ugly time and our clues are confusing Yi Tian frowned.

Yi Tian thought for a moment and said, "I don't know what the clues of the wooden god palace are. It's easy to deal with Hua tear and Lin Han prison. The remaining two groups of clues need to be obtained earlier."

Just gather the clues and the truth will be revealed.

"This time, they won't be able to waste their chance. It's really not easy to meet once in this lifeless battlefield. " Playing the way of heaven.



"What are you doing? Turn back? "

What Si Kong Xiao did not expect was that when they escaped a certain distance, Jiang Zi took her back directly.

"They must have come to us. Do you want to go back and die?" Sikong Xiao was worried.

"No idea. Follow me and you'll see."

Jiang Zizi didn't return to the original way completely, but went around a circle. He used Wanxi Fu to judge their position.

Sure enough, he found them again, but this time Jiang Zizi controlled the distance and passed them by.

In this way, the teams on both sides went in the opposite direction. After missing, the distance will be more and more far.

"What are you doing with such a thrill?"

Just passing by, Sikong Xiao was really breathtaking.

She knew that sooner or later, they would get the clue of Hua tear. If they got the clue from the beast god palace, they would gather together.

Then there's no chance.

She can't let Hua tear not lose clues, so she can only keep her own clues and prevent the success of the god palace.

After missing, Jiang Zi speeds up her speed. Si Kong Xiao is not willing to go. As a result, Jiang Zi directly pulls her little hand and drags her along.

"What are you going to do Si Kong Xiao was distressed.

"You see." At this time, Jiang Zizi finally stopped. When he stopped, sikongxiao saw two people standing in front of him.

They are wearing sword robes, a man and a woman. They are similar in appearance. They are handsome in men and beautiful in women. Both brothers and sisters are heroic. In terms of appearance, they are top people.

It is Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi.They had just been defeated and left. At this time, they were looking for a quiet place to heal their wounds. Unexpectedly, as soon as they sat down, they met Jiang Zizi.

Jun Jiansheng stood up, staring at Jiang Zizi with sharp eyes, and asked, "it seems that you have escaped, but you have fixed your eyes on us."

Jun Muxi also stood up.

She is really another type of beauty. She is dignified and dignified. Her eyes are as sharp and pure as a sword. Her figure is extremely tall, almost as tall as Jiang Zizi.

As soon as I saw it, she was a very proud girl in her heart, but she was also very clean and had no bad thoughts.

Jiang Zizi said frankly: "it is. I know you must have gone in this direction. I'm here to get your clues. "

"Muxi." Sikongxiao slightly apologetic, said: "I don't know this guy is so colorful, I was pulled over by her."

Jun Muxi said softly: "it's OK, Xiao'er. The competition of clues is natural. He knows that intercepting us can only show his intelligence."

Jun Jiansheng was a little discontented and said, "we just lost the war and have been hurt. At this time, it's a bit inhumane to sneak up."

Jiang Zizi said: "don't get me wrong. Although it's reasonable to say that" take advantage of his illness to kill him "is reasonable here, but I've fought with at least two of them. Then I'll be a gentleman and give them four days to recover and practice. Then, we'll tell the winner or loser. If they win, they can get our clues. It's not a loss."

When hearing Jiang Zizi's words, not only Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi were particularly surprised to look at him, but even sikongxiao was shocked and said, "Jiang Zizi, I can't imagine. You said this sentence?"

"Nonsense, I have always been such a gentleman. You must not use the heart of a villain to pass a gentleman's belly."

"It's incredible. I don't know you any more, Jiang Zizi. According to your previous virtue, are you cheating? If you want to come, don't use small tricks to deal with them. " Sikong Xiaodao.

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