For the owner of the magic sword totem, when the sword in his hand can't hold and fly out, it means that he has been completely defeated.

Once imagined, Jun Jiansheng's Totem suppression did not succeed.

Jiang Zizi did not rely on sikongxiao's auxiliary suppression this time, but completely defeated the opponent with his own ability.

You know, Jun Jian Sheng is much stronger than Lin Han prison!

When you saw Jun Jiansheng spurting blood to fly back, many of the strong men on the origin opened their eyes and looked at the scene in disbelief.

Jiang Zizi didn't stop, but he rushed to Jun Muxi, and Jun Jiansheng fell on the ground, still struggling.

At this time, Jiang Zizi's spirit of death, the God of death, turned into a thick gray black dragon, wrapped around Jun Jiansheng's body, and caught him dead!

When Jun Jian was wounded, even the suppression ability of totem was reduced. The power of death could not be dispelled for a short time!

Relying on the suppression of the spirit of death, Jiang Zizi has enough time to deal with Jun Muxi!

Not to mention, at this time, Jun Jiansheng already had a gold shield on his body. As soon as the Golden Shield appeared, it directly indicated that he had been defeated.

Jun Jiansheng, at this time, he has quit the war!

The battle is not over!

At this time, Jiang Zizi turns to Jun Muxi, and Sikong Xiao has to stop her.

When the two of them besieged Jun Muxi, the battle was over.

Their brother and sister's most powerful is to join hands, now one has been defeated, only Jun Muxi's words, play the strength, only their brother and sister combination of 30% to 40%.

Fighting alone, although she suppressed Sikong Xiao, she could not defeat him.

"It's been decided." On the origin, the Lord of the beast god palace had already said this sentence when he was besieged.

The other three groups were not nearby, and no one could stop Jun Muxi from losing the battle.

"Hum." The master of sword God's palace snorted coldly, and his face was ugly.

What's more ugly is the other saints in the sword god palace who talk about Jiang Zi Zi.

Whether Jiang Zizi is complacent or not is obvious at this time.

In their eyes, being besieged by Jiang Zizi and sikongxiao, Jun Muxi did not hold on for a long time.

When he saw Jun Muxi admit defeat and the Golden Shield appeared on his body again, the victory and defeat of the sword god palace and the beast god palace were completely separated at this time.

The four of them didn't matter. After all, it was fair and aboveboard that they won.

On the origin, some people are happy and others are sad.

The animal god palace is naturally happy. In fact, Jiang Zizi has got four clues. The number of online cables is still the first, and they have not been defeated so far, just like the god palace.

Originally, the sword palace was the only one that could compete with the god palace. Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi were expected to be defeated one after another. They had only two clues, but they had been defeated twice!

Such a situation was unexpected to the sword god palace.

As a result, people's faces on the side of the sword god palace are worse. The master of the sword god palace was the one with a bad temper. Now his eyes are very cold.

"Jiang Zizi has given him a chance, and he really has nothing to say." The main road of mushen palace.

"I didn't expect that the two young men in the beast god palace really have the ability." The god palace master smiles.

The master of the beast god palace said: "it's a little bit hopeful. It will bring a little challenge to the game of heaven and Tianyi."

"Don't be modest. I think they've got four clues, the most of them." The main road of god palace.

"As long as we don't get your clues, four clues are actually no more." The main road of the beast god palace.

At present, only Jiang Zizi has the possibility of competing with the game of heaven. Therefore, there is a certain friction flame between the two palace masters.

Of course, as my colleagues for many years, I still flatter each other.

But everyone can feel the smell of gunpowder between the two temples.

So far, even they don't know where the black dragon shaped key is.

Under the origin, the gold shields on Jun Jiansheng and Jun Muxi have disappeared.

Jun Jian was still in a daze.

"To tell you the truth, I'm still a little depressed. Why can't my totem dispel the attribute of your totem? According to the principle, it is absolutely possible! " Jun Jian frowned.

"Maybe it's because it's more handsome." He is serious.

"I think too much. You are far worse than Jun Jiansheng." Sikong Xiao said.

"Brother, I want to be more open. They have given us time to rest, but we are still defeated. It shows that they do leave and need to be convinced." Jun Mu Xi road.

Jun Jiansheng shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "I'm not upset. However, since the clues have been lost, we can't help it. However, there must be time. We may not be unable to get your clues. "Jiang Zizi said with a smile: "if you meet then, you will have a great power."

"Don't look down on us. If Xiao'er didn't stop me today, I would have beaten you to the bottom." Jun Muxi looks at Jiang Zizi angrily.

That moment's manner, has the sentiment of all kinds.

Speaking of this, they said goodbye to Jiang Zizi.

Naturally, they will not give up and will continue to pursue clues.

After they left, Jiang Zi thought about it.

"I didn't expect that they had time clues."

"Yes, ugly time is not midnight."

When they were ugly, it was their clues, plus the sun, the talisman and a thousand kinds of animal blood, and now all of them have been collected here.

"Without the light of the sun, it's hard to tell whether it's day or night, let alone the ugly times."

"It's really a problem."

"This clue, although knowing the time, seems to have no effect at present." Si Kong Xiao said in distress.

"It's natural to rush to the bridge. When I beat Yi Tian, the five clues will come up, and the black key will appear naturally." Jiang Zizi said confidently.

"Brag, who ran so fast the other day." Sikong Xiao said with a smile.

Jiang Zizi didn't smile. He calculated the time and said, "these days, I have been delayed in practicing with the sun talisman because I have met them. Although there are three sun Charms now, I have not been promoted this time. If I encounter a stronger totem puppet, I may have some trouble."

"Yes..." Sikong Xiao was also worried.

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