Although the original animal has a strange track and is proficient in the art of illusion, it can not be seen clearly. However, Jiang Zi can still judge that there is not only one original beast here.

The number could be four or five.

"With such a large amount, we are more likely to get the 1000th animal blood, but obviously, it will also be more dangerous."

Jiang Zizi flashed the idea in his mind.

Therefore, he has held his soul talisman in his hand, not to deal with the Dream Fox, but to rescue himself at a critical time.

The significance of a thousand kinds of animal blood, they are particularly relaxed.

Jiang Zizi estimated that according to the designer's intention, there might be only one thousand kinds of original beasts in the whole lifeless battlefield.

So far, this is the most special source animal, absolutely the key to Archaean Shenzi!

After entering the cave, there was tremendous movement and silence inside. Without saying a word, Jiang Zizi said nothing, but he would chop at random when he mentioned the magic eye.

All you need to do is chop, leave a few drops of blood.

However, at the moment of his hand, he can immediately feel the terrible attack from these source animals.

All of these attacks are on the basis of illusion, which not only enchants Jiang Zizi, but also enchants Sikong Xiao.

What Jiang Zizi was worried about happened.

Originally thought there was only one original beast, and he was confident that he could hold on.

But I didn't expect that there were at least five at one time. When the five head source animals' psychedelic ability accumulated together, it would be particularly terrible.

Even Jiang Zizi himself fell into the ultimate illusion in an instant.

The scene in front of us is changeable in a flash.

In this moment, he left the cave, left the lifeless battlefield, and galloped to the remote land of tenderness.

Sensational decadent sound, in an instant around the ring, like water into their own skin.

The refreshing fragrance swept over him and completely wrapped him in it.

He is no longer in the lifeless battlefield, but in a sea of pink flowers, surrounded by the sound of women's laughter. Looking up, there are beautiful women everywhere. They only have thin ribbons to block the key parts, but it is just in this way that they appear particularly attractive.

They naturally saw Jiang Zizi. When they were running and frolicking, they would smile and look at him from time to time, with incomparable temptation in their eyes.

"Hum!" Jiang Zizi's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He had already made preparations, and a piece of soul talisman was pasted on his head in advance.

However, the source animal's psychedelic ability is too strong. Jiang Zizi pasted the soul calming Rune before he was enchanted, which produced a little effect at this time.

At the moment of soul shaking, the beauties in front of them all melted into water, and the scene looked terrible.

Only for a while, those beauties who had melted into black water quickly reunited, and immediately became charming. They continued to surround Jiang Zizi. Their snow-white skin loomed in the color fog. They licked their red lips and showed their pink tongues. Their eyes looked at Jiang Zizi vaguely.

Fortunately, when Jiang Ziyou was awake just now, he once again gave a soul talisman, so when it worked, these beauties turned into black water again, and even a whole sea of flowers turned into black water.

But soon, the effect of the talisman was suppressed by psychedelic, and thousands of beauties came back again.

Jiang Zizi's willpower was still firm, and he continued a process of resistance. As long as a soul calming Rune was effective, he immediately added another one to himself.

But he was very worried. Even he was confused to such a degree. How could sikongxiao resist!

Just thinking like this, he felt vaguely as if someone had climbed onto his body and held himself tight, but he couldn't move because he didn't know whether he was in reality or in a dream.

Trance between, as if the lips with slippery, moist things, a smart warm things, swimming between their own lips and teeth, that sweet feeling, seems not fake.

"Si Kong Xiao!" Just at this time, the beauty around her turned into black water again. Jiang Zizi opened her eyes and saw Sikong Xiao holding herself. Her pretty face was in front of her eyes. She was very confused and looked at herself. Her red lips and cherry tongue were between her lips and teeth!

Kiss with a beauty, beauty is beauty. It depends on the occasion!

Jiang Zizi shivers with fright. He pushes away Sikong Xiao and pastes three pieces of zhenhun Fu directly on her head!

"Ah Sikong Xiao cried out in pain and squatted on the ground.

She doesn't know what's going on.

At this time, Jiang Zizi also sobered up. He widened his eyes. At this time, he could see clearly. There were five little white foxes around them. Their eyes were staring at each other in scarlet. They stood in a formation, and they were implicated with each other. The red light in their eyes shone on Jiang Zizi and they were very strange. They were totally fascinated by blood red Surrounded by magic whirlpool.

Later, then quickly, Jiang Zizi suddenly reacts, and the magic eye in his hand sweeps away directly, breaking out a sharp sword.Whoosh!

Maybe the fox couldn't imagine that Jiang Zizi could get out of their control, so he didn't stay away for a while. Two of them were chopped by Jiang Zizi, and the tail of one of them was directly cut off by Jiang Zizi.

The snow-white tail flew out. Jiang Zizi immediately caught it and quickly put it into the jade pendant. There was a lot of blood in a tail. A drop was absolutely enough.

The 1000th animal blood, got it!

After being attacked, those fox origin beasts are very nervous. It seems that they are actually very timid creatures. After being attacked by Jiang Zi Zi, they immediately flee completely and escape in all directions.

Fortunately, they escaped, or it would be hard for them to continue to be confused.

After that, he felt a little relieved.

On the origin, how can I explain

However, he suddenly felt that there was a very hot sight behind him. Looking back, he saw two people who made him frown.

Playing the game of heaven and Tianyi.

Among them, Yi Tian's hand, holding a fox, he gently forced, the fox was killed by him, blood everywhere.

The look in Jiang Zizi's eyes at Yi Tian knew that he had already seen the scene.

Yes, he and Sikong Xiao are kissing each other like nobody else

See Si Kong Xiao forget feeling appearance.

From his indifferent eyes at the moment, Jiang Zizi knew that he had completely angered him.

Of course, they are competitors.

Only this time, the smell of gunpowder was unprecedented.

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