"For the time being, no one is here yet."

Jiang Zizi and sikongxiao quietly appear near the lake.

Their position, a distance from the lake, they lurk on a mountain, this position can see the whole picture of the lake.

Jiang Zizi sensed it with his breath talisman. Sure enough, there was a very strong breath of life in the lake. Besides, there was no one around except them.

It doesn't mean they are nearby.

"They know the location clues, but they haven't been here for half a month, which probably means that this is not the place at all." Si Kong Xiao worries about his mind.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Zizi took a look at it, then hid it and continued to study the Amulet of a bi hell. A talisman in his hand was basically successful.

"Wait, what if they find the black dragon key somewhere else, relying on five clues, the sun talisman and a thousand kinds of animal blood?" Sikong Xiaodao.

She is completely on Jiang Zizi's side now, and she has given up playing chess. Now, she has put aside everything. If there is a chance, she certainly hopes Jiang Zizi can win.

Jiang Zizi laughed and said, "there's no way. That means we don't have this fate with Archaean son of God. But this time, I'm more intuitive. Something will happen here. "

"You're not a woman. What intuition do you have? Nonsense." Sikong Xiao gave him a look, which was very pretty and lovely.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Zizi is confident. His concentration is completely on the talisman. He is ready to wait here.

If he needs to continue to use the sun talisman cultivation, or the totem puppet is about to arrive, he will move to the periphery, so as not to disturb a group of monsters in the lake.

If it wasn't for losing his clue, Jiang Zizi would not be so passive and would have to wait here.

However, three days later, he finally waited for the first group of people.

It's not playing the game of heaven, but zukong and Miao Yu.

After they came here, they did not come near the lake, but lurked nearby like Jiang Zizi.

"It seems that they have been here before and have the same conjecture as we have." Sikong Xiaodao.

"They estimated that there was only one clue, and there was no hope. They might as well guess the location of the black dragon key. This practice is correct and may finally take a chance. They think of it with us. "

Now, Jiang Zi Zi sees their existence, but they don't find it.

"What now?" Asked Sikong Xiao.

"Keep waiting until they come here."

"Are you sure they'll find it here?"

"Just look at it."

They may have clues to the location. The more Jiang Zizi looks at this place, the more he feels that this place will be the most special place.

"Ugly time? What are the implications? "

He began to pay attention to this time clue. There was sun light here. Jiang Zi could judge the time. Generally, the sun would disappear at night.

He estimated the arrival of the ugly time, and then concentrated on all the movement around him.

For the whole hour he was in a state of intense concentration.

At a certain moment, in the middle of the night, suddenly there is a sun light down, shining on the lake water.

The sun was dim and unreal, and it just flashed away and disappeared in an instant.

However, it is night, how can there be sunshine!

Jiang Zizi was astonished to see that when the sun's rays came into the lake, the whole lake was boiling, and those water ghosts were waking up from their deep sleep, extremely restless.

But because the sun's rays disappeared in an instant, the agitation soon disappeared.

"There's a problem!" Sikong Xiao also saw it.

"In the middle of the night, the sun light will make those water ghosts restless. There must be mystery in it. I'm 70% sure. This must be related to our test." Jiang Zizi narrowed his eyes.

"You have a good intuition. What are we going to do now?"

Jiang Zizi thought for a moment and said, "those water ghosts are dangerous things. Don't disturb the snake. Moreover, zukong and they are still nearby. What's more, we don't know how to use the sun talisman and a thousand kinds of animal blood. "

Although I am a little sure that this is the location, but what the clues are will have a great impact, so Jiang Zizi did not make any rash moves.

Taigu Shenzi's position is not so easy to snatch. He estimated that even if he had five conditions, he might not be able to succeed.

A few nights ago, there must have been sun light suddenly shining on the lake, but Jiang Zizi did not pay attention to it. After all, the time was too short.

In the next few nights, he observed, and was astonished to find that the same thing would happen every time he arrived at ugliness.

This shows that the black dragon key is probably at the bottom of the lake, but how to get it out is a big problem.

Jiang Zizi thought about it for a while. He told sikongxiao that he wanted to go there alone."It's too dangerous. I'll come with you." She worried.

"Don't worry, I can escape quickly by myself."

In the middle of the night, he approached the lake.

I wanted to see the mystery of the sun's rays at a close distance, but I didn't expect to see another group of people coming soon.

It's flower tears and Lin Han prison. One after another, Lin Han prison walks in front, while flower tears follow in the back, listlessly.

"Tear son, there is a lake here. Do you want to take a bath?" Lin Han prison excited way.

"Lake, is the water clear?" The beautiful eyes of flower tears sparkled, and she saw the lake a few steps ahead.

I've been here for a long time and my whole body is dirty. I can't stand it for this beauty. Her eyes glowed and said to Lin Han prison, "you should stay away from me. Don't get close."

"But I still have to take care of your safety..."

"No, you don't have to move." Flower tears warning way.

"OK." Lin Han prison nodded. In fact, he must have something in his mind.

He won't peek directly. After all, there are so many people watching.

He thought that if such a lake appeared in this place, there might be some original animals. If Hua's tears were frightened, he would be able to save the beauty.

Flower tears warned him, and then hopped to go.

I didn't expect to take two steps. Jiang Zizi came out from the side and said in a low voice: "don't go there. The lake is dangerous."

"Brother Zizi!" Finally, she saw him again. Hua tears immediately forgot about bathing and bathing. She rushed to embrace Jiang Zizi. Jiang Zizi pressed her down and said, "you stink. Here are some clean body charms."

"Wow! Thank you, brother Zizi She was so happy that she could use it directly and it would be clean and refreshing soon.

"Get out of here quickly. The lake is dangerous. You can't get close to it." Jiang Zizi admonished.

It was obviously the first time they came here by mistake. If Jiang Zizi doesn't stop her from taking a bath, she will be in trouble.

"It's dangerous. Then we won't be close." Flower tears spit small fragrant tongue.

Don't mention how depressed Lin Han prison is.

I thought that I could get closer to flower tears, but I didn't expect that Jiang Zizi appeared again!

It's really haunting

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