When they came here, it was dark.

They are obviously the first time to come, and flower tears they are the same, so they are not familiar with the surrounding.

However, they were very cautious, especially after the discovery of the lake.

Tianyi originally wanted to get close to him, but Yi Tian held him, vaguely as if to hear him say: "such a clear lake should not appear in the lifeless battlefield. It may be dangerous."

They stopped and began to test.

Without much exploration, Yi Tian's eyes swept around, and his eyes became black and white again.

"Zukon, miaohu! You come out. "

Unexpectedly, he found the lurk so soon.

Jiang Zizi asks sikongxiao and them to hide, because they are a little far away, and Yitian seems to have not found it for the time being.

"Don't hide. Get out."

Tianyi has a hot temper and goes directly to the direction indicated by the game of heaven.

Zukon and zukon were both afraid of being beaten by them. At this time, they could only appear. They were dejected and said, "I didn't expect that you found them all."

Yi Tian narrowed his eyes and asked, "what are you doing here? You don't have a clue, so I guess the key may be hidden here. Why don't you come here and have a chance? "

Zukon said: "it's not obvious. Otherwise, what else do you think we can do? Naturally, it's enough to stare at the most special place. "

Yi Tian and Tian Yi have a look at each other.

Tianyi looked at the lake and said, "so it may be here."

He was just about to go forward to have a look. Zukong and Miao Yu looked at each other. Zukong hesitated for a moment and said, "Tianyi, it's better not to get close to it. Yesterday Linhan prison didn't listen to the advice and was dead."

He knew that if Tianyi went up, he would surely die. If they don't stop it, it will be very troublesome to go out and get a lot of blame.

The spirit God palace, of course, is not willing to have a bad relationship with the god palace.

"Lin Han prison is dead?" Both Tianyi and Yitian are stunned.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes that he became a corpse. This is not a lake, but a trap made up of thousands of water ghosts."

The two were creepy.

"Can you see what's under the lake?" asked Yi Tian

Zukon shook his head and said, "we dare not approach such a dangerous place."

Yitian and Tianyi whispered a few words, and then Tianyi said: "we know. You should go quickly. Leave here. If we want to find you back again, we will not be polite. At least you should stay in bed for half a month until we get the key."

Sure enough, he'll expel others.

This was not unexpected to zukong and Miao. How can they allow them to stay here when they find out.

"Maybe we can help you." Miaoyu road.

"No. How far, how far. " Tianyi said in a deep voice.

The two men could only bow their heads, but when they left, zukon whispered: "to tell you the truth, the relationship between the spirit God palace and the heaven god palace is good. We also admire you for playing the game of heaven. You are really more suitable than anyone else. We don't disturb you much. But as friends, we have to remind you that Jiang Zizi, Si kongxiao and Hua tear must be nearby. Before you do something, you should drive them away. "

Anyway, there is no hope. It's better to sell a favor.

"Really? Thank you very much, zukon. After you go out, come to the God's palace. I'll take you to eat and drink Tianyi smiles.

When the other party mentioned such an important thing, he obviously wanted to get closer to each other. Naturally, Tianyi would not refuse.

"Farewell first." The two of them left in a flash without any hesitation.

Tianyi and Yitian were left behind. They looked around coldly. Tianyi said: "Jiang Zizi, come out quickly. Don't hide. I haven't asked you for the account of last time."

He was defeated by Jiang Zi and Si Kong Xiao, and he thought he was disgraced.

Last time, it was the game of heaven. He didn't interfere. This time, if you can catch Jiang Zizi and them, he won't be polite.

It was not beyond Jiang Zizi's expectation that zukong would expose them.

I'm sure they won't stay here.

"Go first." Without saying a word, Jiang Zizi left quietly with two little beauties before the other party found himself.

"But if we leave, they will have the key right away." Sikong Xiao was a little reluctant.

"It's not that easy. Take a look at the situation. You can't go too far. " Jiang Zizi said in a deep voice.

Far behind, Yi Tian, they have been searching for their position. As long as they can't find it, they certainly dare not act rashly.

Jiang Zizi grasped their position with Wanxi Fu and kept a certain distance.

They had a hard time finding the lake. They would not have chased it out. With wanxifu to grasp the distance, Jiang Zizi has a complete advantage.

"Taigu Shenzi is not only a contest of strength, but also a battle of wisdom and courage. What if there are so many clues? When they all gather here, they stand out from the crowd and may not have an absolute advantage. "What Jiang Zizi didn't expect was that in the process, they also met Jun Jiansheng brother and sister who passed by.

Sure enough, as if there was a master's arrangement in the dark, at this last moment, they all gathered here.

Of course, they didn't get too many clues. They had the same idea as zukon: look for special places everywhere and take a chance.

And then followed the sun's rays and came here.

"The three of you?" Jun Jian gave birth to them, too.

Jun Muxi, Hua tear and sikongxiao have a good relationship, so they won't compete together as soon as they meet.

"What about Lin Han prison?" Jun Jiansheng asked.

Sikong Xiao quickly said what had happened.

"It's troublesome for him to get your leads and find this place." Jun Jian frowned.

Jiang Zizi's eyes were blazing and he said, "so the only way to stop them now is to join hands with the five of us. He has got the clues from all of us, and the rules don't say that we can't besiege them. Even if we don't stop them for the purpose of clues, should we? "

In this way, grasp the most.

Jiang Zizi's words made them think for a while.

After that, Jun Jiansheng said: "it's better to have a powerful one at last, regardless of the result, at least you can't let Yitian become an archaic God son easily. Brother Jiang is right. We can go together."

"But even if we go together, we are not sure. He is too strong." Flower tears hesitated way.

"Don't you have faith in me?" Jiang Zizi patted her on the shoulder.

"Of course, tears have also decided that we must do our best. Even if we fail, we have tried hard, right?"

They really don't have much confidence, which is normal.

However, Jiang Zizi recognized their ability, and they were actually very strong.

Just form an advantage in the battle, and their confidence will soar!

This is also an opportunity for Jiang Zizi to reverse the war.

No more retreats!

”Go! "

the five of them, instead of retreating, rushed in their direction.

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