He said that he wanted to fill up her "grievances" of more than 50 years, so we should redouble our efforts

In fact, he felt that the effect of Taixu cosmic alchemy was still breaking out. He now had a very perfect ethereal state. He estimated that he could be close to Xiao Youshan's soul state, which was the virtual state.

The virtual state seems to be divided into levels.

He just needs to continue to practice.

Visualizing totems is very boring.

In the sea of life, the once sprouting black dragon has grown very astonishingly.

Now the change has become the dragon totem of swallowing the heaven. It is really vicious. Its eyes are completely blood red, and there are virtual shadows behind it. The Dragon teeth are very thick.

The only constant is the black petals in the mouth.

No matter what the black dragon grows up to, the black petals are still standing still, but it seems to completely suppress the black dragon.

"Big man, please, don't grind haw. If you have any skill, please give it to me." Jiang Zizi and his big eyes stare at each other every day, which is extremely boring.

He has tried every means, but it is no use. The totem of the life sea is still.

"Sir, can I sell my looks?" Jiang Zizi scratched his head.

Still can't!

It looks like it's hard.

"No more, I'll stew you up!" Jiang Zizi threatened.

I didn't expect it to be hard and soft.

To let people know, I'm afraid we have to laugh to death. Totem is not a living thing. Who can hear him.

Jiang Zizi has a headache. Day after day, it will only slow him to reach the realm of Shenyin.

Although not in a hurry, but who will refuse to become stronger?

Time goes by day by day.

Although the days were natural and unrestrained, the more he went back, he found that there were more and more white hair hidden in the long black hair of Jiuxian.

Time, to this beauty is so merciless.

She may not have found those white hair, so in front of Jiang Zizi, she is still happy and cheerful, and she will not fiddle with her passion.

When she indulges, she exaggerates more than Jiang Zizi.

It's just the white hair. It won't go away.

They are like thorns on Jiang Zizi's chest. Whenever I think of them, my chest will ache.

At night, even if he fell asleep once in a while, he would still dream of the towering bronze gate, which brought terrible pressure to him and made him wake up in his sleep with sweat.

Death is like a mountain on top of my head.

"Why does this bronze gate appear repeatedly in my dreams?" Jiang Zi couldn't think hard.

He remembered as if he had come back from the lifeless battlefield and began to dream about this gate.

Only when she sleeps soundly beside her can he feel relaxed. Jiang Zizi enjoys the feeling of holding her completely in his arms and treating her as a little girl.

Although she is a little sister, she also needs to be guarded. She doesn't always have to protect herself.

When you hold her tight, you will be more afraid of losing her.

"Don't come, I can't do it." She murmured with her eyes closed. It seems that Jiang Zizi is really tired


Jiang Zizi hugs her tightly and looks at the starry River above her head. The light in his eyes flows.


In fact, he felt that visualizing totems was useless, especially after more than ten consecutive days, it would be a new year immediately, and there was no gain at all.

The new year, which originated in the mainland, is far less grand than the day of offering sacrifices to gods. Therefore, folk festivals are held to celebrate the new year, and the deities are silent.

Tomorrow he will go to Chu Shen Yu. Jiang Zi is ready. He knows what he is going to do.

At present, there is no cultivation method of shenyinjing. He planned that if xuanyinchu God gave himself the method of cultivation, he would practice directly.

Otherwise, if you drag it down, it seems that this life totem has no news.

What he didn't expect was that on the last night, he just struggled for a moment to visualize the totem. Suddenly, a large number of words poured into his mind, and he could not forget if he wanted to forget.

It's the cultivation skill of the God seal realm!

It's the right time to come. Jiang Zizi was ready to give up.

This "method of gathering divine seal" is called "Jiutian beast candle dragon secret art".

Jiang Zi is not sure whether it belongs to the holy dragon Sutra of the Yuan Dynasty, but he speculates that it may also be a part of the holy dragon Sutra.

After all, from the name, it is similar to the Sun Moon Star Dragon forging technique.

According to the first sentence, "the secret art of the nine heavenly beast candle dragon" states that the dragon has nine forms.

Its horns are like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbit, neck like snake, abdomen like mirage, scale like fish, claw like eagle, palm like tiger, ear like cow.

Dragon, heaven and earth have no, the nine heaven god beast, gather for the dragon.

This is the general principle of this skill.Jiang Zizi learned more about it.

Nine kinds of totem, nine kinds of totem, are the God of nine kinds of totem.

Antlers are the seal of deer god.

Rabbit eye is the seal of rabbit God.

Finally, nine kinds of seals, including deer horn, camel head, rabbit eye, snake neck, mirage abdomen, fish scale, eagle's claw, tiger's paw and cow's ear, were gathered together to create the dragon's seal in the totem sea, which is the nine fold God seal.

From this point of view, this nine day god beast candle dragon secret art is very different from other gather God seal methods, because other gather God seal method, is based on a single God seal, constantly expand outward, the final nine God print point is like "onion", a total of nine.

However, in Jiang Zi's current skills, the nine gods are printed in different directions, without overlapping parts, but they are finally combined together.

It is not clear which way is higher or lower, but Jiang Zizi is very clear that this is a very suitable way for him.

This is a training method tailored for dragon totem, which can't be used by others.

For the time being, he didn't understand the mystery of this skill. When he got the skill, the sky was almost bright, and there was not enough time left for him to gather the first seal of God. So he put it away, because today there is a more important thing, that is, entering the primary God realm.

Early in the morning, the Lord of the beast god palace was waiting for him outside.

"I'll show you the way once today. In the first three days of each month, you will go to the primary God region by yourself. You have the ancient god's mark on you, so you can enter the primary God Kingdom directly." The main road of the beast god palace.

Jiang Zizi nodded.

The owner of the beast god palace looked at the top of the beast God tower and suddenly asked, "her magic spell has almost begun to appear."

Jiang Zizi nodded.

"Let it be. It's destiny. Ordinary people are powerless." The master of the beast god palace sighed, did not say much, and directly led the way for Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi pursed his lips, and he laughed at himself. Even the master of the beast god palace said that this was the destiny that could not be changed. Isn't it in vain that he still had such faith?

But how can you give up.

Along with him all the way, there are many secrets on sky island that ordinary people can't reach, and chushenyu is just one of them.

It is said that the effect of practicing for three days is similar to that of a month outside.

Having the qualification to enter the primary divine realm is equivalent to every month, with almost two months' cultivation effect.

It's a place everyone dreams of, but even the palace master can't get in and out of it.

On this day, Jiang Zizi came here.

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