"Shut up!"

Xuancang and the forest curtain yelled at the same time.

The young man didn't go through his head and was completely angry with Jiang Zizi's words just now. In other words, he didn't realize the significance of Jiang Zi's present identity.

Some words, Xuancang they can say, but this young man may not be able to say.

He was a little confused, so when the two saints told him to shut up, he was still a little stunned.

"Saint, he is indeed shameless. Isn't it all spread out..." The young man exclaimed.

Jiang Zi narrowed his eyes and asked, "what's your name?"

"I'm Liu Huai. If the Archaean son of God thinks that there is something wrong with what I have said, he can report it to the palace master and the first God. " Liu Huai has a very hard airway.

Their dispute has long attracted many onlookers.

"You come out."

Jiang Zizi hooked his finger.

Liu Huai asked for the consent of Xuancang and Lin Mu, but the two saints now turned their backs and said nothing.

Liu Huai was dumbfounded and said to herself, "Why are the two saints so afraid of him? I spoke for them just now. Although Jiang Zizi is an archaic God son, he is young after all. Even if he scolds him a few words, what can he do? Go to the beast god palace master or the first God to punish me? How could it be? "

He felt that, above the palace master, there must be no leisure time.

He just said some bad rumors in front of Jiang Zizi.

When the two saints did not respond, he took the courage to come out and said, "what do you want? Do you want to challenge me? I'm five or six years older than you, but I don't want people to think that I'm cheating the small with the big. "

He is a figure of the moon beast God tower. He is over 18 years old, and he is an intermediate priest. Now he is 23 years old. He occupies a position in the moon beast God tower, which is one of the more famous figures.

Jiang Zizi is a junior apprentice. He has not yet reached his seventeen birthday. He is sixteen years old. The other party has at least seven years more practice than him.

It's just shocking that, before Liu Huai's words are finished, Jiang Zizi suddenly makes a move.

Liu Huai has a wild level totem, named "poisonous locust tree totem", which is a very difficult totem.

Jiang Zizi even fights with Liu Huai. Xuancang and Lin Mu understand each other's thoughts. Of course, they don't want to stop them. They regard this as the contradiction of the younger generation.

In any case, no matter win or lose, Jiang Zizi seems to be no good.

Lose, shame.

If he wins, he is said to have a bad temper and suppress others if he doesn't agree. If his reputation is bad, it depends on how long he can be an Archaean son of God.

Anyway, as long as Jiang Zizi is the son of archaic God, it will be very difficult for them to handle it.


The power of Jiang Zizi's dragon totem of swallowing the heaven was shown in an instant.

It was completely controlled.

"Liu Huai is the second highest ranking figure in the God seal realm. She is at least six years older than Jiang Zizi."

"Archaic God son should still be holy body realm, I don't know whether there is a breakthrough recently."

"It must not be so fast. He is too proud. At this time, he directly fights with shenyinjing. Who does he think he is?"

"The venomous thorn of Liu Huai is very difficult to entangle."

In the public's attention, Liu Huai condenses her true Qi and turns into a vine that is very similar to Ruo Xiaoyue's "flower thorn". However, it is dense and has more than 1000 poisonous thorn vines under his control.

"Taigu Shenzi, don't cry when you lose." Liu Huai laughed. It was a good chance for him to become famous.

Innumerable poisonous thorns are shrouded in ginger's freedom.

To meet him is Jiang Zizi's violent and direct power.

His magic eye instantly turned into Jiugong Tianjian technique, and the Jiugong sword array was enveloped and swept, which instantly tore a large number of poisonous thorn vines!

The fierce and majestic sword spirit is sweeping towards Liu Huai!

Liu Huai was shocked. He obviously felt the power of Jiang Zizi's Totem seal, which was beyond the holy body!

I didn't expect that he had arrived at shenyinjing!

After all, he had a higher realm. After he had stabilized his mind, he was also furious and said angrily, "even if you defeat me, what can you do? How many people can you approve of your misbehavior and ferocity?"

In response to him, Jiang Zizi suddenly strengthened his attack, and the nine palace sword array was under the hood!

Liu Huai is trying to resist, and suddenly found himself powerless, did not expect that in a short period of time, his true spirit even leaked so much.

Until this time, he was afraid to remember that his totem and Jiang Zizi were two different levels!


In an instant, the sword spirit penetrated through, and Liu Huai's throat was cold. Looking down, she saw that she had been pierced.

He was so powerful that he couldn't resist.

"You, dare you kill me?" He wanted to say these words very much, but all of them were missing from his throat. The world was spinning around. Jiang Zizi's eyes were cold and indifferent. Then, everything was over.People see that Jiang Zizi is just a move, Liu Huai's body fell to the ground, motionless.

He closed his eyes, looked around for a week, and said, "if it's not confident that I can't kill you, if you speak to me later, you should pay attention to your words. Otherwise, he will end up."

At that moment, almost half of the hundred mile street was silent.

People looked at him dully. They didn't expect that he would kill people like this.

According to the rules of Shenzong, it is definitely not allowed to kill people in public. However, he is not even the son of God. Even if the son of God can be disciplined by the palace master, he is an archaic son of God, and only the first God can discipline him.

But the first God obviously didn't care.

So, even if you kill people, no one knows what to do with Jiang Zizi.

After all, even Liu Huai's holy God, the forest curtain, did not respond.

He just picked up Liu Huai's body, then looked at Jiang Zizi and said, "Taigu Shenzi is really powerful. We should be careful when we speak in the future. Don't offend Taigu Shenzi, or you will lose your life."

People were silent.

"There's no need to sow discord. Everyone knows what I'm up against. Speak well and get along well. We're all friends. But if your mouth is cheap, don't blame me for sending people to the West. " Jiang Zizi smiles lightly.

However, people are still silent.

Jiang Zizi knows that it is the end of the nine immortals that makes his mood fall into a rage.

That's because he cares about it.

He doesn't care about his irritability at all, let alone what others think of him.

Now, he just wants nine immortals to live.

God block kill God, ghost block kill ghost.

If someone likes sarcasm, ridicule and insult, if he is stronger than Jiang Zizi, Jiang Zizi can't do much, but if he is weaker than him, he doesn't mind sending people back to the West.

What is the purpose of practice?

Nothing else.

Only, happy gratitude and hatred.

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