On the first day of March, xuanyinchu was satisfied to see that he was already the second level of shenyinjing.

She didn't care about Jiang Zizi's departure from the original Shenzong. After checking his progress, she disappeared.

When the time came, Jiang Zizi naturally left, and the nine immortals were still at the gate of origin and did not come in.

Once again, they went down to the God of origin and continued their life of practicing while touring mountains and rivers.

After a month's natural and unrestrained life, it's meaningless to go back to the cold and serious place of Shenzong.

Jiang Zizi didn't want to go back.

This time, sky Island entered a small country called the Western Republic of China.

The local conditions and popularity here are completely different from those of the Yanlong emperor. They like colorful clothes and some jewelry necklaces on their noses. They are very good at singing and dancing, and they also love life very much.

Every night, the people here set up a bonfire, singing and dancing around the bonfire, and life was full of fun.

Although most of them are not totem martial arts masters, they are full and active and carefree.

Their optimism has a strong appeal. After nine immortals came here, they lingered in the towns one by one, and they were reluctant to leave.

Because she is so beautiful, no matter where she goes, she will be treated as a goddess.

At the bonfire party, countless teenagers would invite her to dance, but in the end, she took Jiang Zizi and joined the hot dance.

Jiang Zizi was stiff all over, and had to be guided by Jiuxian's delicate body like a water snake to join the warm range.

Seeing that her face is always filled with a smile from the heart, Jiang Zizi's heart is also warm a lot.

When he hugged her and kissed her, the names of the Western Republic of China cheered.

Maybe only Jiang Zizi could see that under her long black hair, she was already full of white hair.

She began to get tired easily, her eyes began to dim, and the first wrinkle appeared on her cheek.

Years of devastation, this is all people can not avoid the nightmare. Jiang Zizi couldn't avoid people until they were middle-aged, old and dead.

But what's unfair to Jiuxian is that she's far from white haired.

The incantation had expanded a lot on her chest, and the bloody skeleton pattern had been expanded twice, and the color became more profound.

In fact, white hair does not affect her beauty.

However, time, the fierce beast, will continue to tear her body.

Is it useful? Jiang Zi was suspicious for the first time.

Put hope on the key to death, is it to seek death.

However, except for the secret of death, the whole world has no power to resist God.

She seems to have forgotten to look in the mirror.

But what Jiang Zi can see, she can see the changes every day clearly.

Every white hair, every wrinkle.

Seeing that she was so happy and immersed in joy every day, Jiang Zizi put all the struggles in her heart in her heart.

By the end of March, her long hair had turned white.

Not a single black hair.

Jiang Zizi has stopped making love with her because she doesn't have much strength.

The strength of shenyinjing is also gradually fading. On this day, her divine seal has dissipated. Although the influence of her strength is not great, it is only a precursor, and it will certainly dissipate more in the future.

Once the experience of wind carefree, this is nothing at all.

She is not only a retrogression of strength, but also a rapid aging, shortening the process of other people's seven or eight years into seven or eight months.

On that day, they stood on a snowy mountain. The snow was flying and the ice was snowy.

On the edge of the cliff, countless snowflakes fell into the abyss in front of them.

She was standing on the edge of the cliff. From behind, she was already a snowman.

Jiang Zizi gently saved her from behind, and she put her head on her shoulder.

"Cabbage, jiuer is not good-looking, can you still hold it?" She murmured.

"Don't talk nonsense." Jiang Zizi pinched her face gently. It's not as tight as it used to be.

"In fact, these two months are really the happiest time in my life of more than 50 years. You don't know, I completely let myself forget that I am a dying man, and enjoy the fun of the world. It's wonderful." She smiles, even though she is old, but still smile so beautiful.

Jiang Zizi hugs her tightly. Her white and black hair are ground together, and her hair is interwoven. She looks very good in the snow.

"To be honest, am I ugly now?" Nine immortals pursed a mouth to ask.

"Nonsense, you are the most beautiful old lady I have ever seen."

"I'm an old lady, I hate it!" The nine immortals were angry and squeezed one on his arm.

She turned around, and Jiang Zizi held her in her arms. She was not as good-looking as before, but the love in her eyes never decreased."Or I'll jump down from here? I don't want to be ugly in front of you. " She said with a low head and a smile.

No matter what she said, she was smiling as if she were talking about trivial things.

"Then let's go together. I also want to see what's beautiful under the cliff. "

Under the cliff, only death.

"It's funny. I don't want to give up. It seems that there are some achievements in practicing the death formula recently. I'm going to prolong my life." She laughed.

"Look, you are older than my mother now."

"Asshole, I'm going to rip your mouth."

While playing, she suddenly retched.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zizi asked.

Her eyes were dazed for a moment, she shook her head and said, "of course, it's the damned curse. I don't know which gods I've offended. Let me know. I have to cut off his head and make it a nightpot for you

She stood up and compared her middle finger to the sky.

"I'll go to you. Damn the ancient god, fuck your ancestors for 18 generations."

It's really fierce. It's so rude to scold.

However, Jiang Zizi also wanted to scold

It's the end of the month again.

Two days later, on the first day of April, Jiang Zizi will have to go to chushenyu.

In fact, he didn't want to go, he just wanted to travel with her in this mortal world and travel all over the world.

Three days, not too long.

Nine immortals are still waiting for him at the gate of origin.

Jiang Zizi has entered the realm of primordial deity. There is no progress this month. Xuanyin Chushen checks it and asks, "I heard that you and Jiuxian both originated in the mainland during this period of time."

Jiang Zizi nods.

"It's delayed. It's slower than I thought. Adjust it appropriately. "

Jiang Zizi didn't answer. He concentrated on practice for the past three days. When the time came, he left Chu Shen domain.

Nine immortals are gone.

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