Maybe today, I will die.

However, if this life is over like this, he doesn't want to have reincarnation.

People, how can be bullied like this!

Not willing to accept it!

His eyes fell on the nine immortals.

When I first met her, she flirted with her, her manners and feelings, and her youth's vigor and vitality were fresh in my eyes.

Later, there was the blending of flesh and blood, the joy of fish and water, such indulgence and wanton, how can we forget it in a lifetime.

That two months of sightseeing, her smile and joy, will never forget ah!

"Jiuer, what is the purpose of human life? What kind of life can we have no regrets? "

He murmured to himself, asking her, and himself.

"The destiny is not fair, who arranges the destiny, lets you only live 24 years at a time, leaves with regret."

"Which animal has arranged the fate that you can only end this moment Who the hell are they

He didn't want to.

Red eyes, looking at heaven and earth, looking at the blood moon.

And the God worshippers looked at his eyes with disgust. In fact, they were those who hated the curse, because it was said that those who had been cursed by the ancient gods were naturally disgusted.

But why, why are they so ruthless and dignified.

She is very kind. She has never done anything harmful to nature.

Their children, only a few months, and what can be harmful things, he has not been born, why should never be born!

"A herd of animals! Ha ha, a bunch of animals

Jiang Zizi covers his forehead and laughs tremblingly.

A group of animals are not just talking about the palace masters and Xuanyin Chushen.

It's not just about people who look at them in despair and still laugh.

There is also the so-called fate, the so-called ancient god, who controls all these things.

"Why are you so high and dominant?"

"Why can you smile and look at life and death in the world?"

"On what basis will she be cursed by you, and on what basis, the unborn child should be subjected to such torture?"

Everything is because of power!

What is powerful for?

In order to have the strength to fight in this desperate moment.

Otherwise, you can only watch the death of the one you love most, and you can only smile bitterly.

How ironic.

Jiang Zizi has never been so eager for strength.

At this time, no one will answer his question. The five palace masters will only continue to preside over the totem array and send the life blood of nine immortals to the gate of evolution.

At this time, the door of evolution was completely consolidated, and they wanted to carve the lives of the nine immortals on it!

As for the poor child, let it be buried with him!

Bury with me!

Jiang Zizi suddenly remembered that when he felt the child's existence for the first time, he beat his own face.

The feeling of blood connection was so real. It was a new life, a fresh life, the result of his love with the nine immortals. He was full of curiosity about the outside world.

Such a real, let him remember, tears.

That may be the greatest happiness in the world, is the inheritance of life, is the inheritance of blood.

However, how much panic he will have now.

"Ha ha..." It's hard for him to think about it.

But who knows how much anger there is in his smile.

They said that they would be forever famous!

They said, their merits are boundless!

"Go to his mother's name forever, to his father's great merit!"

What he wants is to let them live!

How disgusting is it that after killing three members of a family, they will not be allowed to live beyond their lives or reincarnation. After suffering forever, they will be rewarded with eternal fame and great merit!

On Jiang Zizi's body, there are many dragon shadows. His life seems to be connected with them through the palm of his hand.

At that moment, blood was connected.

Around those ugly faces, they don't know what Jiang Zizi is insisting on.

They will not understand what the nine gods insist on in their madness.

Not everything will go according to their plan.

The nine gods changed into monsters, and their fighting power was extraordinary, which was beyond their expectation.

Now, when the body of the nine immortals is dying out, and when the little life has lost its voice, Jiang Zi is full of evil Qi.

His scarlet eyes, with a strong and strange smile, looked at the five lords of Shenzong.At the same time, he also saw the Xuanyin primordial God who controlled everything and waited for the opening of the evolutionary world.

At that moment, he even sent out an earth shaking roar, sky Island, all concussion for this!

Boom! Boom!

The huge roar caused the sacrifice disciples to stand unsteadily and stagger!

Then, they widened their eyes and suddenly saw that Jiang Zizi was stuck on the blood cocoon. His body suddenly burst out and turned into a huge black dragon!

"Totem beast!"

The five palace masters, one after another, screamed with great shock.

Their eyes were dull, watching Jiang transform into a huge black dragon which was no smaller than Jiushen's body and coiled in the sky!

That's the totem beast that only incarnates when it becomes a god!

That's the dream of all practice and the most fascinating legend between heaven and earth!

Now, they looked at the dragon, which was shrouded in black air and was full of the spirit of destruction. Everyone was shocked on the spot.

All of them, including Xuanyin Chu Shen, fell into a state of extreme dullness.

The change of nine gods is beyond imagination, but it is not the appearance of totem beast, because his totem is not this kind of monster.

But Jiang Zizi changed into his totem, which really appeared between heaven and earth!

At that moment, the black dragon's breath of destroying the heaven and earth swept away. Countless God worshippers, in fear, could not help kneeling on the ground

"Primordial God, totem beast!"

The god palace master trembled his voice and called out with great shock.

"Go on! Open the evolutionary world Xuanyin early God was the quickest to react. It was the last moment, and no one could stop her from opening it.

The five palace masters responded that it was only the last step. They put all their strength into it. For a time, the moon continued to cover the body of nine immortals, and then shot into the door of the evolutionary world!

Without the support of Jiang Zizi's Qi and blood, her flesh and blood quickly dissipated in the blood cocoon, and the whole person was about to disappear and perish forever!

People looked at all this in confusion and panic.

And what is the big black eye of that monster

In their panic, the black dragon, suddenly opened his eyes, until now, ten times of the destruction of the breath, just came!

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