Jiang Zizi feels like a dream.

First of all, the nine gods suddenly became such a horrible existence.

Then, he changed into the dragon. At that time, he felt so strong that he killed all the god palace masters.

Next, they moisten them with Qi and blood. Unexpectedly, they needed so much Qi and blood. They almost were sucked dry by themselves. Fortunately, they survived with the mysterious talisman.

Of course, she must have acted unconsciously.

Now, he has recovered with vigour, and the vitality in the white cocoon is extremely strong. The totem array has been destroyed, the god palace master has died in battle, and the four palace masters have separated after the sea of fire has disappeared, but they all have been seriously injured. At this time, they all sit on the ground and can only recover and recuperate, so as to drive the black flame into the body.

Most of all, the bronze gate overhead, close to illusory, then disappear completely. This shows that the purpose of Xuanyin primordial God to open this evolutionary world has failed!

The blood moon in the sky, just after the ugly time at the moment, began to dim, and had lost its brilliance.

All this shows that Xuanyin primordial God can't succeed in opening the evolutionary world!

But then, how to take them to escape in the anger of the first God of Xuanyin is a troublesome problem.

Jiang Zizi naturally saw that the Xuanyin primordial God's eyes were extremely cold and extremely cold. She felt as if she had this endless frost on her body. At this time, she glared at Jiang Zizi and felt cold all over her body, as if frozen.

The death of the god palace leader is a great blow to Shenzong!

The failure to open the evolutionary world is also a big blow to her!

However, none of this can eliminate Jiang Zizi's hatred for her. If she does not die today, she will never die in the years to come.

Although she didn't succeed for the time being, her vicious heart almost destroyed the nine immortals!

Even if it is almost, even if it is not successful, this blood feud has been completely planted! Jiang Zizi has never hated a person so much!

"Jiang Zizi!" She gave a low roar. Her voice was cold enough to make everyone tremble. Obviously, she could feel her killing opportunity at the moment!


Until now, she suppressed the nine gods, countless dark blue light, formed a cage, trapped the nine gods completely.

The nine gods had already been severely damaged. At this time, they were in a frantic collision, but they did not rush out of the cage.

People hold their breath again!

Jiang Zizi's dragon has disappeared, but at this time, Xuanyin Chu God is still intact!

"Kill him!"

"Chu Shen, revenge for the god palace master!"

"Kill him! Kill them

In their eyes, Jiang Zi was already a monster.

Monster, must die!

For a time, tens of thousands of people were calling frantically. More and more people gathered here. At this moment, almost all the people of Shenzong came.

"Kill Jiang Zizi!"

"With the life of this traitor, sacrifice the Lord of God's palace with blood!"

People are angry and irascible. Where do you know that at the beginning of today, who is going to kill whom.

Who is the perpetrator, who is just a rebel, and who cares? They only care about the interests of God, their own interests.

They just believe in the ancient gods, and are not willing to show mercy to those who curse them.

As for Jiang Zizi, who ruined his future, was envied by others, and was unruly in character. For them, it was just their own destruction. Who cares!

People don't care, they just want Jiang to die freely! Also want to let that person in the white cocoon die!

In the noise of the Shenzong people, Xuanyin Chu God didn't disappoint them. After controlling the nine gods, she appeared in front of Jiang Zizi in the blink of an eye.

"I've been planning for this night's event for so many years. You've destroyed my efforts! If the evolutionary world can be opened, it can benefit the people of the whole continent of origin! But you Jiang Zizi has prevented us from making great achievements! Jiang Zizi, you are really not good to die She had a very cold tone and was extremely angry.

"Great achievements? Take people's lives, let people suffer eternal torture, even the fetus is not let go, you mean is a great achievement? The first gods are so ridiculous. Is the so-called God so heartless? " Jiang Zizi sneered. His voice was very loud. He didn't mind being heard.

When he said the four words of heartlessness, Shenzong people were even more angry.

"This damned villain! As a sacrifice disciple of God, as the son of archaic God, how dare you say such words

"If you don't respect God, you should die!"

"Kill him!"

Innumerable roars of roar, formed the stormy waves, swept by.

"Evolution, how can you know the utility of evolution! You have destroyed the great events of human life with your personal love. You are a sinner for thousands of years Xuanyin Chu Shen's voice was still shaking, which showed how regretful she was.

However, the opening of the evolutionary world is based on the conditions. Jiang Zizi is the most suitable candidate. He could only seduce him step by step. If he and the charmer are not in love, that's wonderful. There's no need to cheat at all.She thought nothing of the matter, she did not know what love is, but did not expect that this small love, brewing into such a big mistake!

"A person's death, the blessing of life, even if it is a magic spell, can be liberated! You are so wrong

Jiang Zizi was happy and said, "then why don't you die? Why don't you go to eternal life and benefit your common people! You talk to me like you fart

How could he be afraid of her at this time? It's a near death.

"Shut up, Jiang Zizi!"

People scolded furiously, from the 18th generation of his ancestors, extremely vicious.

People don't even want Jiang to die easily!

"Well, today I'll apologize to the common people with your blood as a sacrifice disciple. It's my incompetence to let the people who originated in the mainland miss the eternal chance!"

Her face is incomparably indifferent. She is high above the sky of Jiang Zizi. With her strength, it is easy to destroy the present Jiang Zizi.

Her eyes, suppressed in Jiang Zizi's body.

She hated to the extreme, could have been killed in an instant, she had to shiver, thinking about how to start, in order to get rid of hatred!

Finally, she wanted to crush Jiang Zizi to death!

In the void, she gathered a big hand and covered Jiang Zizi's head immediately.

People cheered, like a feast!

At this moment, between heaven and earth, there was a voice of personality and feeling, and the man said, "bitch, if you dare to move my man, I'll find 100000 wild boars to dry you to death!"

Only the nine immortals can speak such an overbearing language.

Hearing her voice, Jiang Zizi, a big man, couldn't help but cry. Of course, this is the tears of joy and precious.

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