The disciples of the life and death Fu school often compare with the pictorial symbols.

Just now, Ning fan and Ye Zi are also comparing the speed of the amulet. He is too regular and makes Ning fan Yin.

Ning fan thought that Jiang Zizi was also a symbol. He did not expect that Jiang's choice was the most relaxed one!

Win or lose directly by fighting!

"Do you know that I am the sixth level of God's Indian realm?" Ning fan is so surprised that he can't believe his ears.

"An 18-year-old boy who wants to fight ninfanby?"

"Did I hear you correctly?"

The five of them burst into laughter, rolling back and forth.

Ning fan helplessly waved his hand and said, "don't laugh. Maybe he is very strong. He is playing pig and eating tiger."

The crowd took a look at it and laughed.

"Do these top talents like this? Can't anyone treat them and tell them that it's out of date? "

They were laughing hard.

"Brother, you are six years old. When I started practicing, you might just be an egg. " Ning fan teased and laughed.

"At this age, it's only the sixth level of shenyinjing. Is it OK to say so?" Jiang Zizi smiles.

They were stunned and laughed again.

"I thought the archaic Shenzi of Shenzong could avoid vulgarity. What's the difference between his tone of speech and the owner of the wild biography I read yesterday?"

"It's amazing. Ning fan, you have to be careful, he may suddenly burst out, a move to you. Those who write "wild biography" all daydream in this way. "

Ning fan chuckled and said to Jiang Zizi, "OK, children, don't waste time. Go ahead."

"You are too noisy."

When Jiang Zizi talks, the friends behind Ning fan have given them the battlefield.

Ning fan entered the combat state, the whole person was suddenly cold up, and his usual temperament is completely different!

A strong stream of blood gas, around the side of the body.

When he's no longer joking, he's a strong man!

The scene is cold and sharp, Ye Zi is in a nervous mood, and quickly hides with the bell.

"Daddy, break his ass!"

In such an occasion, the bell is not nervous.

"If you can't finish drinking, you can give your girl some. After all, you are growing up." Ning Fan said with a sly smile.

Originally, for Jiang Zizi, this was just an ordinary battle, but the other side said such words, it was not over.

In the past, his daughter is more than one.

Humiliating words, when it comes to children in these months, that's too much.

What Jiang Zizi responds to is his totem power, swallowing the field!

In the dark, his eyes flashed with the light of a giant beast. The black gas swept through his eyes. Several pieces of "a-nose-hell" amulets were crushed in his hands, and the heavy Inferno breath swept through in an instant.

"A rhino hell Rune? Would you? In this gambling fight, we can't use the talisman which is not drawn by myself! " Fanning road.

"At the end of the process, you will be given an icon for the process."

Engulf the field and a bi hell Fu double shrouded, Ning fan is very headache.

"It seems that he has been underestimated. But

He grinned and moved!

In the center of his eyebrows, there is a pen, which is the blood ink totem!

The awakening of totem, behind it, seems to have a towering pillar supporting his body!

There was a pen in his hand, not a wooden pen to draw the talisman, but a totem weapon. The point of the pen was very sharp, and it seemed that it could penetrate everything.

There was a rush of blood between the pen tips.

Hong level totem, blood yuan pen, and the sixth level of shenyinjing, this 20-year-old youth is better than nangongque.

It is also better than the white night lattice of the Ming Palace.


Jiang freely swallows the sky, has nothing to do!

In a flash, the two fight in an instant. Nanning fan holds the blood yuan pen, displays the Tiansha writing technique, and confronts Jiang Zizi's Jiugong Tianjian technique!

Burning blood Rune!

The master of Fuwen can fight while playing the talisman.

Burning blood Rune can cause blood burning only if it is slightly stained on Jiang Zizi's body.

Dark wheel Rune!

The two and a half of Yuan's talisman was cut into two and a half times in the air.

"You have a little bit of skill." Ning fan sighed.

"Is it?"

The other party is too proud. He doesn't know that in the world controlled by Jiang himself, the stronger the attack he uses, the greater the consumption. Moreover, all his attacks can be eaten back on him in the end!Split dragon three moves!

Jiang Zizi's magic eye turns his halberd into a combat halberd. This time, he completely suppresses his opponent. Ning fan's Qi dissipates before, and all gather in the true Qi.


Ning fan behind the palace, let Jiang Zizi split half, he himself is very embarrassed, dodge Jiang Zizi's attack.

As for his four friends, they could only hide behind. They looked at each other with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"I have a little skill." Until then, they still comfort themselves.

But then, they see Ning fan's face depressed, in Jiang Zizi's suppression, gradually retreat.

Finally, with Jiang Zizi's fist, Ning fan completely smashes the palace and falls to the ground. His chest is almost sunken, and his whole body is covered with blood. The whole person trembles under the aura of death.

Ning fan's eyes, very desperate!

One eternal magic fist, directly defeat it!

"Er!" He was just about to speak when he let out a mouthful of blood.

"Ning fan!" His four friends rushed in and helped him up. Their hands were shaking.

"How can you lose? It's impossible. What kind of state is he? "

"It must be that you are too careless. Ning fan, I said you can't be careless..."

Just now they were still laughing. At this time, their faces were blue and their expressions were dull.

"Shut up Ning fan has been suppressed from the beginning, and if he is not reconciled, he knows that he is not an opponent.

He struggled to get up and said, "Jiang Zizi, this is life and death Fu Zong! It's not your God clan! I and you have no injustice, you dare to hurt me like this, next I and you do not end! We'll see. "

When he spoke, Ye Zi was standing by Jiang Zizi's side, with his mouth open. He didn't know what to say.

"Ning fan, have you forgotten something?" Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"Get out of here, or don't blame us for being rude." His four friends, in front of Ning fan, were not good looking.

"Don't mention it. Take him and pour it in for me." Ning fan gnaws his teeth.

"You have no gambling." Jiang Zizi narrowed his eyes.

As soon as he had finished speaking, his four friends had already rushed up.

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