This scene, let include Ning fan many people, the leg is directly soft.

This is the seventh heaven Fu Wei of the three God seal realms. Moreover, the last two still join hands.

They are defeated by Jiang Zizi and can bear it. What they can't bear is that they are still crushed by Jiang Zizi.

From the beginning of the war to the back, they hardly had much chance to shoot.

No one's seen. They're dying of electricity.

When Chen Qing and Lin cangjue fell on the ground and howled bitterly, Gu Shiman flew into the fire life island. Hundreds of onlookers around, holding the recorded image symbols, stood in place one by one.

When Jiang Zizi's eyes swept over them, hundreds of people fell back in an uproar. They used some talismans to step on the water. At this time, some people even lost control and fell into the water directly.

This scene is simply spectacular.

Unfortunately, Jiang Zizi just glanced at them and no longer cared about Chen Qing or Lin cangjue, he directly set foot on Huoming island.

This time, he was really angry.

The three fallen Tianfu guards explain everything.

The onlookers had a lot of complaints in their hearts, but they were more subdued at this time. In such a situation, they did not dare to say a word.

Including Ning fan, he wanted to talk, but the corners of his mouth couldn't stop shivering.

Can't anyone stop him?

Not necessarily. A middle-aged man came out of the fire island.

Fu general, Jing Qing.

He held Gu Shiman in his arms, put her on the side, took out a talisman of immortality to heal them, then looked at Jiang Zizi with cold eyes and said, "do you know what you are doing?"

"I'm looking for ye Chen." Jiang Zizi responded directly.

In his eyes, he didn't see the little fear of team Jing Qing.

"You come to huomingdao and look for ye Chen in this way. You think that you have already possessed the identity equivalent to that of the Archaean God son, do you? Second only to the five palace masters? " Jing Qing came step by step.

"That's not true. Ye Chen took my things and hid them. Today, I just want to take back my own things. I don't look down on anyone, but I will be hostile to all those who stop me. If I really want to stop them, don't blame one day, I want their lives."

He said this sentence, already said very ruthlessly, this has already threatened Jing Qing's head.

"Ha ha." Jing Qing was stunned and said: "young, you can be willful, you can not know the height of heaven and earth."

"You are wrong. I know you are strong, but you don't have to stop me. It has nothing to do with you. Why should I hate you?" Jiang Zizi said.

"It's all my people you've hit hard. It's none of my business, you say?" Jing Qing shakes her head.

"They are Fuhai people. Why are they your people? You're in the Fu clan. You're in a small Gang. " Jiang Zizi disdains a smile.

"That's enough. It seems that you really can't see the coffin without tears." Jing Qing looked at him coldly.

"I'll give you one last chance to ease up. Whoever blocks me today will never die with anyone later." His words are very insipid, but the murder contained in the plainness is even more terrible.

"It seems that you don't understand a truth. Your genius is really unparalleled in the world, but now you are just a god seal realm." Jing Qing's eyes are colder.

"You want to kill me, can you touch me?" Jiang Zizi smiles.

People are shocked, Jing Qing, can't you touch him? How could

"He's so arrogant that he doesn't even have the most basic common sense..."

People are dumbfounded. There are more than 500 onlookers now. This event has been thoroughly spread throughout Fuhai.

"Master Fu, I have no intention of making a bad deal. It's meaningless. It's fair and aboveboard for me to defeat Jing Xuan. You should be convinced. Now, I'll either go in by myself, don't stop me, or you can help me Tell ye Chen that I'll wait for him outside. What do you think is appropriate? " Jiang Zizi asked.

"I think it's more appropriate to catch you and put you in the fire life prison, and let you suffer from the fire of karma!" Jing Qing had a big drink. Among the people's exclamations, he was against Jiang Zizi!

Fu general's strength is comparable to that of a saint. In the blink of an eye, he rushes to Jiang Zizi's eyes! He stretched out his hand to capture it. In front of him, Jiang Zizi looked like a chicken.

Seeing Jiang Zizi being suppressed!

Jing Qing's heart only sneers, this ancient god son's arrogance, is really so ridiculous.

But in a moment, he froze.

In an instant, Jiang Zizi disappeared in front of his eyes.

He appeared fifty feet away!

"Master Fu, are you overworked? I can't even touch my shadow. " Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

People are more sluggish.

They watched with their own eyes, and Jing Qing became livid.

"Fu will adult how stupefied, is it scared by my horror?" Jiang Zizi asked with a smile.

"Since master Fu is not willing to help me shout out Ye Chen, then I went in by myself."Speaking of this, Jiang Zizi swaggered towards the fire island.

Jing Qing's cold eyes catch up and capture again!


Jiang Zizi is gone!

I don't know where he went. His instantaneous movement may have moved to some special position, such as in the woods, such as in the sea.

Jing Qing chases after the fire life island. Her face is purple.

People are staring at it all.

Almost the youngest Fujiang adult, can't touch Jiang Zizi's hair?

What kind of play is this?

No matter how exaggerated the story is, you dare not write it like this

Seeing the pig liver color of Jing Qing's face, people will know how angry he is.

This matter will spread, and it may be even more evil.

Among the crowd, Ning fan felt heartache and couldn't breathe, because he felt that he couldn't get revenge in his life.

Just now, Jing Qing must seize this opportunity to avenge Ning fan, but he can't catch Jiang Zizi

If Ning Xueyu hears it, Jing Qing will be despised to death!

But all this is true!

It's just that Jiang Zizi is still in trouble.

At this time, he was standing in front of him. He was a calm, serious man with great momentum. He was Ye Dongyang, the king of yihuofu.

"If Jiang Zizi does anything wrong, Tianya can't protect you." He said seriously.

"Even you come to stop it?" Jiang Zizi was a little depressed. "He took my things."

"What makes you come here with such a big fuss?" Ye Dongyang looked into his eyes and asked.

"My daughter's bell." Jiang Zizi said.

"A bell? So, you are deliberately looking for an excuse to come to my fire island to find trouble. Tianya, do you know what you do

Ye Dongyang's eyes are even colder.


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