In the process of this standoff, the bloody left eye of the golden ape has been staring at Jiang Zizi.

It seems inconceivable in the imperial animal amulet, more incredible is Jiang Zizi's performance at this time at all costs of life. He's not dying. He's fighting for control of his body.

So the eyes of this eye are full of endless doubts.

In doubt, in order to get Jiang's freedom of existence, he tried his best to make the imperial beast Fu conclude a very strong contractual relationship with Qi and blood all over his body!

As you can see, the blood line spreading out of the bloody eyes is constantly withdrawing from the golden ape's body. The golden ape reappears its animal nature. It seems that it is not dead, but it is under control. However, it is not completely out of the predicament, because the power of the Royal beast Rune has been like a thousand troops, rushing to its body, and instantly spreading.


The faint yellow Amulet of the imperial beast completely melts into its forehead position, forming a faint yellow complex brand at that position.

When the brand was formed, Jiang Zizi found that he miraculously possessed the control of the golden ape, just as he had controlled the deep-sea whale, and he could let him die for himself.

You know, this golden ape is a very top source animal! It dares to fight against this black eye in this evolutionary world, and naturally has enough ability.

From then on, it will become Jiang Zizi's weapon!

Unfortunately, in order not to expose the imperial beast rune, he may not be convenient to use. But when it comes to the point

It's equivalent to another means of life-saving.

A terrifying bodyguard for the original beast.

But in fact, up to now, Jiang Zizi has not relaxed at all and can't be happy, because the black eyeball still exists. At this time, it just breaks away from the golden ape's body and still appears intact!

It itself is the most terrible!

In order to control the golden ape, Jiang Zi consumed almost all his Qi and blood, and almost died of aging. Fortunately, the immortal talisman saved him again.

Let him rush back to the peak, lost most of his life, still alive.

However, the black eyeball, returned to apathy and cruelty, heartily showed the monstrous evil spirit, looking at Jiang Zizi strangely, you can see that it is still laughing.

However, when it saw the green light of Jiang's free chest and let it recover again, "it" could not laugh.

Probably, he knew two of the six talismans.

It seems a little speechless.

Jiang Zizi could only let the golden ape intercept him in front of his eyes. However, after the imperial beast Rune was in control, he found that he was so badly hurt!

Such an injury, in the face of this black eye, it is difficult to show how much strength.

Crisis, still not solved!

Just at this time, the black eye's eyes bypassed Jiang Zizi and focused on someone behind him.

Jiang Zizi didn't know who he saw.


In the blink of an eye, it disappeared, and it crossed a blood red track. The person who rushed to it was Ruo Xiaoyue!

What Jiang Zizi wants to protect is the bell. Because of this group of people, bell is the most special, and at this time changed into a little white dragon, looks like a source animal, he thought, black eyes will attack bell.

Compared with lingdang, if Xiaoyue this little aunt, it is too common.

Jiang Zi did not expect that he would choose Ruo Xiaoyue.

When he turned back, it was too late.

But he didn't expect that the other one was quick witted.

He's Lu Dingxing.

He stood beside Ruo Xiaoyue.

In this most tense moment, he did not know where the intuition came from, suddenly aware of the danger.

He with the fastest reaction side over body, block in if small Yue's eyes.

In fact, in the past two years, if Xiaoyue grew up, she was very moving, and Jiang Yining was very similar, less gentle, more playful.

She has grown much taller, and she is no longer the little girl she used to be.

At this moment, she was still nervous whether Jiang Zi could control the golden ape, when a bloody light suddenly came.

All of a sudden, a dark figure was in front of her.


It's like blood splashing.

It was the same sound of broken eyes, which she had just heard.


Lu Dingxing that huge body, knelt down on the ground, under the pain, he can not help but issued a low roar.


For a moment, everyone was around him.

Lu Dingxing was shaking all over his body. He covered his left eye in pain, trembling and struggling, and his mouth kept making a low voice of pain.

"Panda!" Jiang Zizi went to help him and lifted his head.

When he looked up, the left eye had been torn by the black eye. At this time, the black eye filled it. The blood line of rage spread from the position of the left eye to the left half of the head, and then spread down to the whole body!And the look of his right eye was gradually disappearing, as if he was about to die.

"Giant panda!" If Xiaoyue took his hand, a shrill voice, let his right eye recover some clarity, he looked at the crowd, right eye pain and expression, left eye, only endless indifference and ferocity.

"Boss, it's a little uncomfortable. It seems to be dying..." Lu Dingxing coughed a few times. The blood line on his body was still spreading around, with the left eye as the core, to spread all over the body!

With the expansion of the blood line, that golden ape on the towering evil Qi, began to explode towards Luding star.

"Fart, you can't die!" Jiang Zizi roared out a voice. He pressed Lu Dingxing's hand, because he just wanted to block his face.

"I'm so terrible, don't let Xiao Yue see it." He struggled and begged for mercy.

"Panda, what did we say? Are you a coward when you are so afraid of death? " Jiang Zizi stretched out his hand and slapped him. He just wanted to break up the blood line that spread like poison, but it didn't work.

No, the feeling of death is not His mouth was pale, his whole body was shivering, and the blood thread spread and shuttled on his body like a poisonous snake.

Everyone was in a hurry.

"Hold on, we'll find a way."

We get along with each other day and night for a long time. We are all brothers.

"If you dare to die, I will curse you all my life, and I will hate you all my life! Lu Dingxing, if you don't want to die, we can help you! "

Jiang Zizi was very anxious in his heart, but of course he knew that only when he had strength in his heart could he have a little possibility!

If his eyes fade quickly and disappear, there is no chance to try to change everything.

Now, what else can we do to stop the spread of this blood line and the collapse of his spirit in his right eye

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