Today's scene, can be said to be intense stimulation, ups and downs.

Many Fuzong disciples came and looked at all this with astonishment.

A king, a fire talisman.

Over there, two great Fuwang fought a golden ape. It is said that it was a ten pin source animal. There was a great deal of fighting. The two king Fu fought with the original beast. Half of huoyun island was almost destroyed. There were desolate ruins everywhere, and large areas of buildings collapsed.

The ferocious ape was fierce and fierce. The newly arrived Fu Zong disciple quickly hid on the other side, only daring to watch the war from a distance and not close to it.

The news that Jiang Zizi killed Ye Chen and robbed wusheng Rune has spread all over Fuhai, causing more shock than in the daytime. For a moment, almost all Fuhai disciples approached with anger and tension.

"The end of the world, get out of the way." Ye Dongyang's voice is cold and has been bullied step by step.

"There's a lot of problems in this. It's not too late to make things clear before we start!" The end of the world is king's way.

Ye Dongyang doesn't care. In his eyes, he only has the opportunity to kill and suppress again. This time, with the end of the world protecting him, Jiang Zizi retreats.

"Tianya, you are betraying the life and death Fu Zong! You want your grandparents to spurn you? " Ye Dongyang said in a deep voice.

"King of fortune, please think twice!"

"King Fu, you are right to love, but don't lose your conscience!" Jingqing road.

His words have won the approval of many people.

Tianya withstood the pressure and looked back at Jiang Zizi.

"I have an image symbol that can explain everything!" Jiang Zizi didn't disappoint him. He not only had the image symbol, but also copied and saved several copies during their confrontation.

They don't have to let them break the rules.

"Take it out." Tianya got the video symbol and said directly, "you don't have to be filled with indignation. We're going to do business. Give some time to play the video symbol. Don't worry. Jiang is still at large. If he's insane, I'll be the first to let him go."

With his words, people can be regarded as stop being angry.

In fact, Tianya is also gambling, gambling that Jiang Zizi will not be so stupid and do such a stupid thing.

Ye Dongyang also stopped, an image symbol time, he can afford.

How can there be any doubt about killing and seizing treasure?

This is an iron fact. No image symbol can change it.

In Tianya's hand, the video symbol began to play, and all the people gathered around to watch. If the image symbol was unable to explain anything, Jiang Zizi was indeed unable to fly.

In the eyes of the public, Jiang Zizi began to record since he went to huoyun island.

"I said last time that ye Chen took my things, which is not nonsense. During the day, he asked me to come to huoyun island at ugly time tonight, and he was willing to return the things to me." Jiang Zizi added his purpose of coming to huoyun island.

However, no one listened to him, because everyone believed that he came to kill people and seize treasure.

As a result, what happened in the video symbol was beyond their expectation. At the first meeting, ye Chen couldn't wait to use the wusheng Rune to kill people. Jiang Zizi couldn't resist it. The fierce ape came out to control Ye Chen. From the beginning to the end, Jiang Zizi didn't give a hand.

But in the end, ye Chen died miserably. When Jiang Zizi was going to leave, he took Wu Sheng Fu, which was true.

It's just that people with a clear eye can see that ye Chen's death is his own death, and he can't blame Jiang Zizi.

People's faces were shocked and puzzled. They looked at everything in the image symbol.

"How could..." Jing Qing looks pale.

"Jiang Zizi took Wu Sheng Fu and possessed it privately. Obviously, he wanted to hide it. This is absolutely true!" Ning Xueyu road.

"If it were you, you wouldn't take the Wu Sheng Fu in front of you?" Jiang Zizi said.

"Of course I won't, this is the treasure of life and death Fu clan! Besides, you not only take it, but also inherit it! " Ning Xueyu road.

"I didn't know that this wusheng Rune was so easy to inherit. During the day, ye Chen didn't have to work hard to succeed by the old master of fufu. I just did something about it. I didn't know that it was successful."

Up to now, his inanimate body has been completely created, and the wusheng Rune has been fully integrated into his body.

Jiang Zizi takes a look at Ye Dongyang. His eyes are gloomy. He doesn't know how many murders there are.

"Ye Dongyang, what do you think of the fact? It seems that ye Chen is looking for his own death? " Tianya is not polite. Just say it.

"It is he who wants to kill me. It is strange that he and I have no injustice or hatred. Why did I come here?" Jiang is between life and death. Naturally, he has to fight for it.

Now, people can't shout to kill him.

Ye Dongyang didn't answer, but on the other side, the two king Fu tried their best no matter what happened here. Jiang Zi paid no attention to one of them. The violent ape was killed and the body fell to the ground.

Jiang Zizi felt a pain in his heart. What a pity! He also plans to let the tyrant ape take himself deep into the evolutionary world! The result has not begun to use, was killed!These two king Fu are really cruel!

Anger is anger, at least not now.

He wants to see what they want to do with themselves under such circumstances?

At this time, the imperial animal Rune came flying, landed on Jiang Zizi's palm and glued in.

The other two king Fu came up panting. Their faces were cold. Zhou Yuan said, "Ye Chen died because of you. You also took the Wu Sheng Fu without permission. You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the living one. First, hand over the wusheng Rune and the undead rune, and then go to the fire life prison!"

"May I ask the king of Fu, how can I hand over these two amulets if I am not dead?" Jiang Zizi asked.

This makes Zhou Yuan speechless.

She doesn't know the undead rune, but there is no living rune that can be passed on.

"You first pass on the wusheng Rune to my disciples of wushengfu generation." She said.

Who is qualified to inherit? I don't think anyone can do it. " Jiang Zi stabbed the pain again.

"Jingxuan can try it!" Jingqing road.

"He? Ha ha. " Jiang Zizi smiles, his meaning is very obvious, Jingxuan, no way.

I'm afraid Ye Dongyang himself has no best way to deal with this situation.

"Please master Fu." Tianya looked at the distance and saluted in a hurry.

Fu Hai's supreme existence finally arrived. He stood out of the crowd with his hands behind his back, and looked at Jiang Zizi with great excitement.

"Royal beast rune, where did you come from?" The old Fu Master shakes the road.

He saw it.

"Six talismans, beast charms!" The crowd marveled.

"I got it in Fuhai." Before Jiang Zizi answered, the old master Fu said.

Jiang Zizi can only nod.

"There are three kinds of six magic charms! Three talismans, gather together! The unity of life and death, the master of life and death, reappears the world! God has blessed me with life and death Fu Zong

People never thought that the old master Fu was full of tears.


When people looked at all this in dismay, no one noticed that there was a lot of black liquid flowing out of Ye Chen's body. The liquid flowed on the dry ground, but did not moisten the ground. Instead, it finally gathered in the Fuhai sea and finally turned into a human water mass.

The water mass looked at the direction of huoyun Island, and then the corner of his mouth grinned strangely again, and then it melted into the sea of Fuhai and disappeared.

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