The search for this island of life and death must have something to do with the Amulet of non life and the symbol of immortality.

The old master of Fu asked Jiang Zizi to find him by himself. If he was nearby, he might have an impact.

Since then, Jiang Zizi can come to Huo Minghai to practice at any time. Ye Chen has all the opportunities.

But it would be better if we could find the legendary island of life and death.

He also had a bell. Anyway, the girl must be inseparable, and the old master Fu seemed to have no problem.

Fire lives in the sea.

Jiang Zizi walks with her little girl who has been a few months old.

"Daddy, will that bad uncle come and steal the bell?"

"No more."

"Why do people respect dad so much?" Asked the bell with his head askew.

"Because of your father's good-looking, he has convinced everyone."

"But my aunt said that only ugly people would emphasize that they are handsome."

"She didn't see it." Jiang Zizi said.

"But my aunt said that those who said she didn't know were ugly people."


It seems that we should resolutely shorten the time she and Jiang Yining get along with, otherwise the girl will not have her father in her eyes!

After a while, lingdang felt dull and turned into a little white dragon and played around Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi continued to walk in a disorderly way. He used the power of totem seal to feel the power of lifeless talisman and immortal talisman. Now these two kinds of talismans are in a gray state.

Undead recovers faster, but green takes up only about a fifth of the area.

A few days later, the old master Fu came to ask him that Jiang Zi had not found the island of life and death.

"Not at all?"

Jiang Zizi nods.

"Maybe it doesn't exist, maybe it's not so easy to find. Let it be. You will practice in this fire life sea, and you can go in and out at will. "

He doesn't show up very often. Jiang Zizi knows that the reason why he is so is that he does not have much longevity. He needs to explore everywhere to find some miraculous medicine to prolong his life.

"I dare not die if you don't grow up." The subject of the old Fu has a long focus.

"The old master Fu worked hard for Fuhai all his life." Jiang Zizi said.

The other side laughed and said, "this is the way of human life. Fu Zong created me, and my everything must be returned to Fu Zong. When I was young, I was just as energetic and talented as you. Think you can be a God and live forever. "

"And then?"

"Later, I knew that everyone would die, even if it was God. It was just the difference of time. Heaven and earth, there is no immortal being. "

He's fighting aging and death.

Jiang Zizi can't think so much. His biggest dream now is to find her with the bell. Therefore, he has ten thousand desires. He wants to be a God, to leave the land of origin and go to the world belonging to God!

The last progress, mainly from the God printing liquid, now no God printing liquid, still need to be honest and consolidated.

Jiang Zizi occasionally goes out, because recently, things about the master of life and death runes have spread, and the branches of the immortal runes have gradually returned. In about a month, I heard that they had arrived.

The strength of Fujiang is about ten. With Tianyu and Ye Yu, there are about twelve Fujiang in the immortal talisman system. Although it is not as good as Wu Sheng Fu system, it is also a huge force.

These branches are mainly operated in the form of families. Now they come back with their families and bring back a large number of TianFuWei and Fusheng. In the family of life and death Fu, there are more white robed fu masters.

Just the appeal of Jiang Zi Zi has made an important step forward in the revival of Fu Zong of life and death.

For many years, the life and death Fu sect has never been so united and full of hope.

After all, the four great Fuwang have just promulgated stricter laws and regulations, banning internal strife between black and white robes.

After the unity of life and death, the efficiency is really much higher.

Daily affairs are handled by four king Fu. Jiang Zi's only task is to practice.

Fu Zong held a feast for the returnees. As the most wanted existence of the returnees, Jiang Zizi naturally appeared.

When they saw him, they found that Jiang Zizi was not as arrogant and domineering as the legend said. At least in terms of his own people, he was polite and steady, which made people feel good about him, and made these returnees full of hope.

Among the returning Fu generals, Zheng Chengkun founded the hall of living talisman in the Tianlong holy reign. This time, he heard that the immortal talisman reappeared and the master of the life and death talisman was born. He just moved the whole hall back to the school of life and death.

This is a very talkative old man. After seeing Jiang Zizi, he was full of praise.

At the banquet, the senior leaders of the life and death Fu clan were all present.

When people talked about the six magic symbols, Zheng Chengkun said, "it's said that the master of the talisman has also obtained the imperial animal talisman which has been lost for many years?"

Jiang Zizi nodded and said, "it's true."

"Three of the six talismans are in the hands of the master of the talisman. This must be a miracle that has never happened in ten thousand years. Recently, the six talismans have come out one by one, and I always feel that something will happen. " Zheng Chengkun road.Ye Dongyang asked, "do you have any news?"

"I have heard that the six talismans were in Fuzong before that. The immortal Rune and the imperial beast Rune were lost. The legend of the blood prison talisman was in the Ming Palace, but there was no sound for thousands of years. I guess I know the existence of the six talismans, just like the rumors of the imperial beast runes in Fuhai, I know that they exist, but even the people in the hell palace may not be able to find them." Zheng Chengkun road.

"Blood prison Rune didn't appear, how can you say one by one Tianya asked.

Zheng Chengkun said: "the talisman of immortality and the Amulet of imperial beasts have come into being. As far as I know, the" divine fire talisman "of the legend in the Tianlong Shengchao seems to have been born recently. Four of the six talismans appear at the same time. Should this be very rare? "

People looked at each other.

The old master Fu came from the outside and said, "it's really rare."

The returning people of the immortal rune system saluted the old master of Fu, who asked them to forgive him and went on talking.

"Fire charm, what's the situation?"

Blood prison Rune and Shenhuo Rune are one of the six talismans. Their power is also very terrible, and each has its own special effect.

"I heard it by chance. I don't know if it's accurate. Something happened recently in Tianlong Shengchao. I don't know if you have heard of it?" Zheng Chengkun asked.

People shake their heads. They seldom leave Fuhai.

"It's like this. It happened from the Yanlong sage clan."

Since ancient times, the owner of the dragon totem has been divided into five holy families and countless royal families. Among them, Yanlong holy family is one of the five holy families.

It is the majestic power of Tianlong Shengchao, whose overall strength is comparable to a sacred palace.

Jiang Zizi pricked up his ears and talked about the Yan Long Sheng clan. He was familiar with it, because the sage son and the Dragon protector who once appeared in Yanlong ruins were the people of the Yan Long Sheng clan.

Zheng Chengkun went on to say: "a saint son of the Yanlong sage family was killed by a maid. The maid fled all the way and even escaped into the forbidden area of the holy court, zulongyuan."

"Maidservant?" Jiang Zizi's eyes narrowed

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