Now is the time when no one dares to act rashly.

However, the Heavenly Dragon King over there has taken the initiative to say: "since everyone has come together, we don't hide it. Before that, we have made some attempts, but none of them have been successful. Therefore, we guess that the appearance of the sixth Rune may require the owners of the five runes, and it should have something to do with these five pools. Therefore, let's Tianlong Saint daughter and Jiang Jiang Zizi and the white night lattice work together to find a way. When the sixth amulet appears, we will snatch it according to our ability. "

Listen to this meaning, it seems impossible for Shenxiao to lead out the sixth rune, otherwise they will definitely continue to try.

"I have no problem." Jiang Zizi has three amulets in his hand. If he has the chance to leave Shenzong, he is willing to go up. Otherwise, if the Shenzong people have been in control of themselves, there will be no chance to get out of their control.

He is no problem, but it depends on the meaning of Shenzong people.

There must be something wrong with the hell palace.

When the family kings and dragon protectors of the holy Dynasty turned their eyes to the netherworld kings, the people in the netherworld palace were more gloomy and unhappy.

"The white night lattice did not inherit the blood prison talisman. The blood prison Rune was taken away by others. The man was in this, but he did not appear." Jiang Zizi said simply.

The people in the netherworld were embarrassed, so he spoke out instead of them.

"How could it be?"

The people of the pilgrimage and the God clan all widened their eyes. To tell the truth, they really didn't know.

"You can throw away the blood prison rune, tut tut." The Dragon King shook his head and sighed.

"Who inherited the blood prison symbol The pilgrims seem to have a headache because they have to ask all the heirs of the runes to come forward.

Jiang Zizi waved his hand, of course he didn't know.

People in the netherworld Palace are very dark, and obviously can't say it.

"Well, there's no way. We can only wait for the strange man to appear." Heaven Dragon King way.

"It's really a strange person to be able to take away the blood prison rune. It seems that the blood prison rune is one of the six most difficult to inherit." Water Dragon King's way.

Their words are more penetrating to the hell palace.

"We can only wait slowly. I hope we can't even see the sixth Rune because of you." The sacred way of Yanlong.

After all, the relationship between Shengchao, Shenzong and the Ming Palace is not very good. Countless times of suppression have made the Ming Palace bear a grudge. Of course, the relationship between the Koreas and the Shenzong is also one of rivalry.

The scene suddenly became cold.

Jiang Zizi himself is also carefully looking and thinking. The current situation is a little stiff, and there is no way to change the situation, because no one dares to act rashly.

He had eye contact with Tianya and ye Dongyang, but now they are waiting for a chance to save Jiang Zizi. Maybe these dragon people and beasts are an opportunity, but the number of them is too much, and they dare not mess around.

In the atmosphere of death and silence, there was sudden thunder on the flat ground -

suddenly, the Dragon King and beast king in the middle of the square suddenly burst out ten times of gas field, shaking the whole field for a time, crushing the ten times of the gas field, and an ancient and ferocious breath swept out, instantly making the whole spherical space fall into a manic atmosphere.

You can clearly see that the Dragon man and beast king opened his eyes. They were a pair of blood red eyes, as big as red lanterns, flashing terrible blood light in the dark.

Its aura, eyes, looks very difficult to deal with, a little low roar, can make a large area of surrounding walls tremble, even as if the entire nest is shaking.

The Dragon man and beast king of this size has already awakened, and all the other dragon people and beasts naturally wake up one after another in his call. For a moment, all the dragon people and beasts roared wildly, and the astonishing evil spirit soared to the sky and swept the people.

There are hundreds of dragonflies waving their tails and claws. Each of them is a monster that can fight against the level of Saint God. In terms of quantity, the number of Dragonmen and beasts is even more than the sum of the strong ones on the scene!

I'm afraid that even the people of the holy Dynasty, including Shenxiao, did not expect that the dragon, human and beast would suddenly wake up.

Such a situation makes their faces change. They were still waiting for the arrival of the last Rune owner, but now, they seem to have been targeted!

Dragon man and beast are staring at all people, including Jiang Zilin. If you let these wild beasts stare at them, you will feel palpitation.

However, this is an opportunity to get out of the control of the deity.

Seeing the group of giant animals coming up and tearing up all the people who disturb them, suddenly, in a passage of the spherical space, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared. No one noticed her existence, but she suddenly swept over to the direction of the Dragon man and beast king.

Only then did people see its existence!

"Who is that?"

"Is she looking for death?"

Many people were startled out of the voice, such a move, is undoubtedly not fatal.

After that, people saw a scene that shocked them.When the tiny figure appeared in front of the Dragon man and beast king, the manic dragon man and beast king suddenly quieted down, like a tamed beast, and his blood colored eyes were aligned with the vision of the beautiful shadow.

Her eyes turned out to be bloody.

The Dragon man beast nearby also quieted down in the mania.

It was a miracle.

All people's shocking sight fell on the body of the beautiful figure.

In front of the Dragon man and beast king, her figure is too small to see her face clearly. Jiang Zizi can see her profile and back.

He knew that this must be the one who took the blood prison rune.

But why is she a little familiar? Besides, she seems to be a strong person, but she seems very young. This kind of posture, looks similar to yourself.

The most puzzling thing is, why can she calm those dragon people and beasts!

"Who is that?"

"It's her who took the blood prison symbol! Get it back The white night lattice recognized her, and her tears almost burst out.

But they didn't move, because she was surrounded by dragons, humans and beasts. If she rushed up at this time, it would be dead.

"Who is your excellency?"

On the other side of the Shengchao, the Heavenly Dragon King also inquired about her.

Jiang Zizi took a look at the past. He suddenly saw that there was something wrong with Shenxiao's expression. She held her hands in front of her chest, her eyes were blank and her body was shaking slightly. There were doubts and fears in her eyes. Naturally, there were tears. It looked very complicated.

Her direction, however, can directly see the face of this beautiful shadow.

"Does she know this man?" Jiang Zizi guessed at her strange performance.

If the dragon is able to communicate with Qianren, it seems that if they are able to control the ghosts of Qianren, they will be able to communicate with them. With this group of dragons, humans and animals, she can become the original mainland is all powerful figures!

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