This is a battle of the past and the present!

In this narrow space, the Dragon man beast and the strong man of the whole origin continent collide head-on together!

Among them, in order to get back their blood prison rune, the people in the hell palace regained their initiative.

The people of the holy pilgrimage are to keep the sacred fire symbol of Shenxiao.

The Shenzong side takes Jiang Zizi as hostage. They also want to get the sixth rune, so they don't want Jiang Zizi to lose, so they also choose to fight.

Life and death Fu Zong needless to say, they want to protect Jiang Zizi.

In this narrow space, it can be said that there is no escape. The strong man of the human race and the Dragon man beast with terrible physical strength collided in an instant, and the earth shaking battle broke out. The whole passage was full of fighting strong men and dragon people and beasts. The battle made a terrible roar. Jiang could not see clearly, because Li Yinhe of Shenzong held him alone and kept retreating Go.

On the other side, the Heavenly Dragon King also guards Shenxiao to retreat.

However, the goal of the Dragon man beast is the two of them, and they have the advantage of quantity. Even at the level of Shenzong palace master, at most, they can only stop a few dragon people and beasts. There are still dragon people and beasts breaking through the encirclement and coming to Jiang Zi Zi's side!

In particular, the Dragon man and beast king simply rushed forward. It was so strong that they all wanted to give up the opponent to other people. This kind of disengagement led to the Dragon man and beast king killing him as soon as he was in the no man's land.

In the end, it was the king of the underworld, the Lord of the sword god palace of Shenzong and the emperor of Yanlong in Shengchao, which meant that one person from each of the three forces came out to intercept the Dragon man and beast king.

"You two, the blood prison Rune belongs to our underworld palace. After solving this fierce beast, the blood prison Rune will be returned to our hell palace!" Infernal Hades speaks his word in battle.

No one paid any attention to him. Neither Shenzong nor Shengchao would give up taking advantage of him. If they could get the blood prison Rune easily, they would never let them out.

The Dragon man and beast king was finally stopped, but there were still many dragon people and beasts breaking through. Jiang Zi was always taken back. Li Yinhe was very rude. He did not care how Jiang Zizi was, and almost dragged him away!

"You don't want to play any tricks to escape, no way, you have to stay in Shenzong all your life." Li Yinhe said coldly.

Jiang Zizi doesn't pay attention to him. He is searching for the positions of the two Fu kings. They are not involved in the battle. They should appear soon!

Sure enough, at this time, two figures came out, one left and one right. They were Tianya and ye Dongyang. Li Yinhe's strength was the end of the five palace masters, but Tianya was not as good as ye Dongyang. They joined hands and suddenly launched an attack on Li Yinhe. Jiang Zizi knew that he could almost recover his freedom!

"Let go of him!"

Tianya and ye Dongyang at one time, do not know how many Kun level runes they played, but they are a bit wary, because they are afraid of attacking Jiang Zizi.

However, Jiang Zi never thought that Li Yinhe did not use him as a shield, but started directly. The silver silk thread in his hand suddenly turned into gold, which was almost like fire refining. When he was intercepted in front of him, he easily blocked Tianya and ye Dongyang's joint efforts!

"Li Yinhe, how can you be so strong? Your means are much better than Tianyi!" Tianya was shocked. They thought it was easy for them to crush Li Yinhe, but they didn't expect their next attack to be easily resolved by Li Yinhe.

It's like adults defusing the attack of children. They are so powerless in front of Li Yinhe.

"Who said I was Li Yinhe, Li Yinhe, closed in sky island. He also needs to work hard to be a real palace master. " The middle-aged man holding Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"Who is that?" Ye Dongyang and Tianya have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. They never thought that Li Yinhe claimed to be not?

At the end of the question, Li Yinhe began to burn a golden flame on his body. In the blink of an eye, an old man in a white robe with white hair and white eyebrows and a sun totem pattern on his brow appeared. This man was extremely terrifying, and his momentum crushed the whole audience. When he showed the truth behind him, the burning flame swept away, making the whole passage seem to be too much Where the sun shines.

"The first God of the sun!"

Ye Dongyang and Tianya both exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, this arrogant Li Yinhe has not been him, but has not appeared for a long time at the beginning of the sun god! It turns out that the man who has been restricting himself is the first God of the sun!

Jiang Zizi was shocked.

After all, what he thinks, Li Yinhe doesn't have the courage. He is not Li Yinhe at all.

The first God of the sun even appeared here, followed here

All of a sudden, a cold breath came to Jiang Zizi's side. Looking back, a beautiful woman stood beside the early God of the sun. She was high, holy and elegant, beautiful to suffocate. She was the first God of Xuanyin!

The two first gods of Shenzong actually appeared here.

Ye Dongyang and Tianya are stupefied in situ. They want to bring back Jiang Zizi. It seems impossible."I'm not timid." Jiang Zizi looks at xuanyinchu's Shinto.

Xuanyin Chushen looked at him indifferently. They were not people of the same level all the time. Therefore, Xuanyin Chushen only had indifference in his eyes.

In their eyes, there are countless dragon people and beasts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't hide. I suggest that we clear away the dragon, human and beast first, and then the sixth amulet. We are competing with our strength."

The first Shinto of the sun.

Under his words, the hidden strongmen appear one by one.

Only then did Jiang Zizi know that these top strong men had been around all the time!

They all followed their own team, but did not show up. The Sun God appeared directly as Li Yinhe.

In the passage behind him, three men in black appeared. Two of them were slightly older, one male and one female. They were the parents of white nightling. Another black haired middle-aged, is no one Hades, but since he appeared here today, it is obvious that he has become a god of the nether!

The parents of the white night lattice have the same detached temperament as the two first gods. Moreover, both of them are very top-notch in appearance. They look like gentle scholars. Who would have thought that this is the master of the nether palace!

Next, it should be the holy Dragon Emperor of Tianlong Shengchao!

Jiang Zizi doesn't believe it. He's not around!

Sure enough, in Shenxiao, a young man in a gold robe appeared in the public's view. He was the father of the Heavenly Dragon King, who had white hair, but the appearance of the holy Dragon Emperor was still a young man

It looks like father and son are upside down

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