"Stop it. You almost succeeded?" Jiang Zizi is confused.

"You! Well She really made Jiang Zizi cry.

"Are you so good?" Now it's Li Zixiao's turn to be confused. Jiang Zi is enough to be so rebellious. Now even this God Xiao has such a skill?

"Still less." Shenxiao road.

In fact, she is not really angry with him. After all, she can continue. She just didn't like the feeling of being teased by her.

"All right, I'll take you to the nearest position." Li Zixiao road.

"Yes?" Shenxiao eyes a bright, if you can close to see, it must be more secure than this corner.

"No problem, of course."

Li Zixiao opened the road directly. With his aura and divine power, when he arrived, those people who gathered in front of him took the initiative to make way for him. Even if she brought Shenxiao to the front, no one would have any objection.

"Then I'll go to find Ling Xuan." Jiang Zizi said. He thought that since the ancestors of Shenxiao, longhun, could help, it would be very possible to use lingxuan's blood power.

If she is not protected and seen by outsiders, she may face the same danger as herself.

"Go. She went alone Shenxiao knows what he thinks, so he is not jealous.

"Good lad. I'll stick around." Li Zixiao patted him on the shoulder.

"He wants it well." Shenxiao road.

"Ha ha, goodbye." Jiang Zizi gains something and is in a good mood. After saying goodbye to them, he goes to find Ling Xuan.

Shenyinjie has a number. Li Zixiao has already introduced it. It feels different to be close to each one. Therefore, Jiang Zizi judges the location of lingxuan. At present, it is not considered as the "Tomb of the ancient demon Huang Bufeng". There are not many other mausoleums left. It should be easy to find lingxuan.

After leaving here, Jiang Zi saw that the names of two tombstones had changed. The name of one of the tombstones became "Jiang fanchen", and the other became "Jiang fanxin".

"These two men are very good."

After meeting Jiang Jie's tomb, the two people who have not been led by Jiang Jie arrive at the third tablet.

He inadvertently raised his head and saw that there was no original text on the black tombstone. Instead, there were two words "Longyan".

Longyan is princess lingxuan.

Jiang Zizi guessed really well. Her top blood once again played a role, which made her have a talent comparable to her own. After her blood power was dug out, her cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, reaching an amazing level. This kind of insight can also enter the top ten in the well of the whole divine realm.

However, it may be the relationship that has just been understood. The scene of this magic tomb is very chaotic. There are nearly 6000 people in a circle. In the center of this circle, it is obvious that something lively is happening.

As soon as Jiang Zizi approached, he vaguely heard the people beside him discussing.

"Who is this dragon Yan?"

"No fame at all. How could it be so natural."

"Her state of mind is very low. I heard the people inside just now. It seems that there is only the first and second level of Tianyuan realm. It's too much exaggeration to have such a terrifying insight ability in such a state. "

"I say so, but the problem is that even if we can understand what's going on, it's not impossible to hold on to it. Even if it's not the blood prison totem world's people here, she has been exposed, others will not let her leave safely A young man with disorderly hair.

In the process of their talking, Jiang Zizi is already crowding in.

"What do you squeeze?"

"The people in the blood prison totem world are in it, but you can't turn it!"

"Get out of here

The people who were pushed away by Jiang Zizi were very angry, but Jiang Ziyou was certainly not polite to anyone at this time. They would at most intimidate them, and would not start because Jiang Zizi was crowded. After all, there are so many people here. If you do something, you will hurt others, but you will annoy marijuana.

Through this way, Jiang Zizi offended people all the way, but he didn't get caught. All of a sudden, he squeezed to the deepest place.

At the final encirclement circle, he was surprised to see that Ling Xuan was indeed in it. At this time, a dozen people surrounded her. These ten people were wearing blood red robes, which were embroidered with various kinds of beast patterns. Each person had a strong blood, and each person had blood colored lines, which should be the direct tattoo of totem In the body, some of these secrets can enhance the ability of certain parts of the body.

Jiang Zizi saw such a scene at the first sight.

There is a black iron cage, the interior of the cage has many spines, so that people in the cage can't move. There are a lot of totem patterns on the spines, and some blood stains on it!

This cage is a totem weapon! At least Kun level or above, can completely lock people in it.

What Jiang Zizi saw was that in the cage, a woman full of bloody dragon scales was trapped in the cage. Many positions of her dragon scales had been punctured and some blood stains came out. Now she was struggling among them. A pair of blood red eyes looked at the people outside coldly, but as long as she moved a little, the spines on the iron cage would be Hurt her.In front of her stood a young man in a blood robe about 14 years old. The young man's skin was very pale, almost like white paper. He also had a pair of blood red eyes, but different from the ruby feeling of lingxuan, he was bloody and cold.

He was holding a space jade pendant in his hand, which belonged to lingxuan. Jiang Zizi knew him. He picked up the space jade pendant and said with a smile, "since you are my maid from now on, what you get from the devil's tomb will naturally belong to your master."

Seeing this picture, Jiang Zi didn't know what happened. Obviously, they saw that lingxuan had understood the demon tomb, but there was no background, so they bullied others and attacked them!

This young boy, only about 14 years old, is one of the core of the group. Maybe he defeated lingxuan and trapped her in this cage. Listening to him, he not only took away lingxuan's things, but also took her away as his maid and became her master.

No matter who the boy is, when he sees lingxuan trapped in an iron cage and has lost his jade pendant, Jiang Zizi's heart is filled with anger.

When lingxuan is a relative, he never gives up to let her suffer. This person is very kind, and has completely offended Jiang Zizi's bottom line! The scales almost exploded, and his eyes were covered with blood.

Senleng's killing machine burned up from his chest, instantly burned into a huge fire, swallowed up all his spirit and will. In the midst of his anger, Jiang was free to bite his teeth. When others were afraid to go forward, he stepped into the field and directly attracted the attention of all people!

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