This event is unprecedented.

Originally, the appearance of the demon corpse is very terrible, but when it is found that it can be controlled, the pressure of genius is much less.

At least after they are in control, they will not kill people casually. As for how to compete, it will be a later story.

There are at least 70 people who have learned about the hundreds of magic tombs, so these 70 people are still very excited. They can't wait to control their own magic corpses. If they have magic corpses, they have the right to speak. No matter how the situation changes in the future, they can take the initiative.

"Get out of the way first, so you don't have to be crushed to death like Yi Jisheng!"

When there is a movement in the sky, people still quickly back away to make room for a lot of space. Their eyes are relatively bright. It seems that the fear of the demon corpse at the beginning has already disappeared. Now the magic corpse seems to become their fighting weapon.

At this time, the bronze coffin landed in the sky!

And there are hundreds of them! It's very dense and frightening.

Jiang Zi also saw clearly that hundreds of coffins fell down. When they touched the ground, they directly hit the ground, and half of them were directly inserted into the ground.

Boom! Boom!

For a time, the earth was shaking, and the whole land was about to collapse and sink.

When stabilized, the bronze coffins look like a jungle. It looks weird.


Open the door enough to make people suffocate.

Boom! Boom!

With a loud noise, the coffin doors fell to the ground. Among the coffins, a demon corpse crawled out of the coffins. As expected, it was the same as before. Although the appearance was different, it was undoubtedly very terrible. The appearance was very ugly. After a long time, there were still mucus falling from the teeth.

Such a scene should have scared people out of their wits, but now the geniuses are not afraid. Those with black tripod in their hands are ready to try.

In fact, most people's eyes are attracted to one of the coffins, which is a blood red coffin! There are a lot of dry blood on it. It seems so real that the volume of that coffin is more than five times that of other coffins, which shows that the magic corpse inside is at least five times more than that of other coffins.

The other coffin doors have been opened, but the blood red coffin has not moved. At this time, other demon corpses have climbed out of the coffin. The people with black tripod in their hands quickly go up and take out the small black tripod to control their magic corpses. Those without the black tripod can only stay away.

Basically, only the best 100 out of tens of thousands of people have such a nature.

Shenxiao and lingxuan are very busy because there are too many magic tombs for them to realize. They use their own magic corpses to open the way and get close to their magic corpses. After being protected, they are at least safe.

But other people are different. Hundreds of demon corpses suddenly appear, and the scene is still very chaotic. Some people have not found their own magic corpses, but their magic corpses start to kill others!

You know, the corpse is terrible before it's under control!

Once there is chaos, it is a fatal threat!

For example, Shenxiao can only control the second demon corpse for a short time, while the other three demon corpses start to rage at this time. When someone is in charge of the magic corpse, she is killed by a slap!

The small black tripod flew out and fell into the hands of others.

In fact, such tragedies happen frequently, but some of them are not under the control of people. Those people are afraid and start to panic and flee for their lives when they are watching.

"Let's go!"

"Run away!"

Life and death broke out again.

This scene is expected by Jiang Zizi.

He was still waiting for the bloody red coffin to open. Nine of them are protected by magic corpses. Even if the scene is chaotic now, they have no problem.

In the chaos, Jiang Zi finally waited until the blood red coffin opened. At first, it was just a gap. But at this time, a huge blood red palm stretched out from the gap. The blood red palm pressed the coffin door directly, and then slowly pushed it open until the coffin door was opened.

This process made Jiang Zizi stupefied.

This kind of action, not slow, and other impatient out of the devil corpse, often this situation, represents a very critical thing, that is: wisdom.

He didn't think too much about it. He took the blood red tripod directly and led him to the blood red coffin. The blood in the coffin was turbulent, and a huge figure emerged from it. It was a ketone blood red giant, covered with blood colored scales, with a pair of huge horns on his head, like a cow's head.

He has a pair of blood red eyes. He is very indifferent. When he appears, the whole world seems to be dead. All the evil corpses dare not move in front of him, including Dugu Wu, who has been controlled by Jiang himself.Dugu Wu's height is only to the knee of the bloody corpse. In front of the bloody corpse, he looks like a baby.

After the appearance of the bloody corpse, he was not manic at all, and the world fell into a dead silence.

Jiang Zizi took out the bloody tripod and faced him, waiting for himself to control the king of the demon corpse!

But he didn't expect that the bloody tripod didn't show any light. It was clearly what he got from the tomb of the ancient devil. It didn't seem to have any reaction!

"Is he a cheap servant?" Jiang Zizi was shocked and changed into a bloody tripod. But there was still no response.

He is depressed. What is the situation?

Just when he was depressed, the bloody corpse suddenly lowered his head and saw him. At that moment, Jiang Zizi felt a fatal crisis. The other party's eyes were like a living existence. He was different from other demon corpses.

"Protect me!" This is his command of loneliness. At this time, his hair is creeping. This change is really too sudden.

With a cry of loneliness, he even lowered his head and knelt on the ground. Jiang Zizi could only escape by himself. Fortunately, the bloody corpse didn't seem to care about him. Instead, he lowered his body, picked up Dugu Wu with both hands and roared. Then, he opened his mouth and directly bit Dugu Wu's head and swallowed it into his stomach!

Jiang Zi was cold all over, because the bloody corpse saw him again.

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