"Oh, ha ha..." Jiang Zizi pretended to giggle and protected them. He was relaxed. He looked at lingxuan again. She lowered her head and twisted her body. It seemed that she was not suitable for being held by others.

"It's a special time, don't you mind." Jiang Zizi coughed and said solemnly.

"Well, it's OK." She nodded slightly, a little ruddy.

"Do you know it's a special time?" God Xiao would like to pinch him, after all, now all the people are still looking at him covetously, and there are people in the middle who don't believe in evil to continue to attack them, and are directly shaken out by the devil's tripod.

On the other side, Li Zixiao was relieved to see Jiang Zixiao's situation here. He and five other people quickly gathered together. All six of them were relatively strong and could withstand many attacks for a time. After all, their single combat effectiveness was still amazing with the increase of the Kowloon battle array.

It seems that the situation has stabilized. Many talented people who are hiding in the dark and preparing to enter the stadium will have to pinch their wrists. At least, there is no breakthrough in Jiang Zixiao's side. Li Zixiao and others are cruel roles. They have narrowed down the scope, so that only a few dozen people can face their opponents at the same time, and only a few dozen people can hardly form a real threat to them!

On the contrary, Jiang Zizi, holding two beauties in his arms, is as carefree as nobody in the battlefield, but envies others.

"This man has two things to do. Don't you know how to write shame?" The oracle of the princess is intolerable.

As a beauty who reverses all living beings, she thinks that the perfect love is one-on-one love, not Jiang Zizi.

Jiang fanchen's face was gloomy and he did not speak. His surname was Jiang. In the tomb of the ancient devil, Jiang Zizi almost completely covered him and took away all the publicity that should have belonged to him.

"Do you need any more futility? You still can't help me. This is what I got through my own efforts and who gave it to me. You must know in your mind whether you can take it away or not. " With a smile on his face, Jiang Zizi shuttles through the attacks of countless people, and the devil tripod makes him come and go freely.

This kind of feeling is really cool. I feel that I am a man of iron, while others stab themselves with wooden swords. How can we succeed? There's no itching.

Until this time, the futile geniuses gradually stopped and looked at all this with a dull face.

In their eyes, they are full of feeble sense of Jiang Zizi. Before, they were still fanatical, but now their faces are very ugly, just like eating dog excrement.

"Not yet?" Shenxiao said coyly.

"No, I can't joke about your lives until the danger is over." He was more serious.

"You're right. You should hold them closer to protect them." Zhang Yaochen said with a smile that they also came to Jiang Zizi's side and confronted with others.

Now people are staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes. The danger of the demon corpse has been relieved. What will happen next is unknown. At this time, apart from the incomparable depression, people are also quite surprised. Because the ancient tomb of the devil is so big, is it that all the tests have been finished?

So far, all the tests are puzzling, especially in the section of the demon corpse, which directly reduced nearly 20000 people! The lives and deaths of these 20000 people are enough to make people calm down and think about it, and their hearts are creepy. Because they're not sure if they're going to be next in a place like this.

"I didn't do it, and I didn't mean to fight." In the depths of the crowd, Su Qianyu road of the sword soul totem world.

"Why?" Jiang Shenhua asked, he and Su Qianyu age is similar, the realm is different, has been asked Su Qianyu goal.

"He solved the problem of demon corpses, which is equivalent to saving tens of thousands of people's lives. In our sword soul totem world, there are 11 people who are less than the seventh level in Tianyuan realm. All of them are not dead. It can be said that Jiang Zizi saved their lives. We really can't do anything about those who save lives." Su Qianyu road.

"It makes sense." Jiang Shenhua nodded.

It's just a pity that there are more than 10000 people present. There are too few people who think the same way.

What will happen next?

Seeing that they could not compete for Jiang Zizi's treasure, many people have left here and are ready to explore the ancient tomb again.

The demon corpse has returned. Maybe, now the Archean devil tomb has changed, and there are more creatures waiting for them?

Jiang Zizi thinks the same way. He thinks that the test of Taigu demon tomb is certainly not over.

He thought of those geniuses who were engulfed by demonic corpses. There were still some coldness in his heart. How terrible was the test here? In other words, is this really the test of ancient gods!

Just when he was so confused, the change suddenly appeared!

If we say that understanding the devil's tomb is the first round of test, and resisting the demon corpse is the second round of test, it seems that the third round of test will come soon.

The change comes from the natural golden roulette.

Jiang Zizi thought that there were ancient gods above, and the existence of them was high above. It was impossible for him to appear. At this time, there were two figures on the golden roulette leaving. They came down from above, like a sun and a full moon. The dazzling light attracted the attention of all people for a time!Suddenly, the dazzling light of this day and January has appeared on people's heads. In the noise and shock of the people, the light turned into two figures, which turned out to be two very young figures, gradually appearing in front of people!

"See the ancient gods!"

I don't know who to start from. When someone responds and kneels on the ground and shouts, the geniuses of the totem world all kneel down on the ground and shout in order. Everyone's face is very devout and full of awe of "the power of God.".

Even Li Zixiao and Li Zixiao were half kneeling on the ground. They were so excited with the crowd that Jiang Zixiao was stunned. It is said that there will be an ancient god coming directly to the well of the divine realm. But now, does the ancient god really appear? To tell you the truth, he had a look. He was a little surprised by such a young ancient god. It seems that the ancient god in his mind is not like this. But after all, it is from the golden wheel, which shows that they are in control of everything in the Archean devil tomb. In this way, they are probably ancient gods!

Anyway, Jiang Zizi was also a person who had been to the ancient god, so he became calm. When all the people knelt down, he was a little lazy and quietly sat on the ground, saying in his heart: "there are so many people, the ancient god should not notice me."

After all, he had a natural aversion to kneeling.

"Jiang Zizi, are you crazy?" God Xiao saw that he actually sat down and was stunned for a time. How could there be such a bold person.

She widened her eyes and pinched Jiang Zizi, but Jiang Zizi was still indifferent and said, "don't worry, it's OK."

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