In fact, it is their departure from Shenxiao that makes Jiang Zizi enter such a state.

He has always sought to be a God.

It has been said that the ancient god has bestowed all living beings, and such noble existence is the Savior of all living beings.

But as Jiang Zizi went up, he found that it was not the same thing.

There seem to be many ancient gods.

The ancient gods seem different.

Every ancient god seems to have his own seven emotions and six desires.

The so-called God is just a man of higher life level?

This is what Jiang Zi gradually realized.

This has dealt a certain blow to his world outlook.

As a result, the fury of Kan's tomb was even more severe.

Manic anger, let him at this moment, he only believe in power, only believe in himself.

"If the so-called ancient god is just a more powerful existence, then it is easy to do, and I can also become a God."

If you want to have divinity instead and become the God in people's imagination, I'm afraid it needs great love. Jiang Zizi thinks it's very difficult for him.

Because, he is not that kind of person, he is rebellious and passionate, pursuing freedom, he will not want to become a God with great love.

In that case, it's just right!

Maybe I don't know the way forward.

But today, he wants to go on!

Today, he wanted to take Shenxiao and lingxuan alive. They were brought in by him. If he had to leave alive, he could not.

This is a matter of fundamental principles.

A lot of thoughts in my heart were integrated into his killing God xuanbing at this time.

The chaos in the mortal world and even in the divine realm were all involved in the enemy's body. Jiang Zizi compared them as the source of his own confusion and anger.

"To be a man, one should think freely and express gratitude and hatred."

"For God, we should stick to our original heart. If there is no divinity, we should stick to human nature. How can we be both godless and inhumane! In this case, what's the difference between that and the so-called devil? "

"If God can kill all living beings, then man can also kill all gods!"

When Jiang Zi had the idea of this moment, what he didn't find was that his killing God xuanbing broke out ferocious blood light, as if reflecting his heart at the moment!

Cut the gods!

Kill God!

Kill God!

No matter what way, it's killing gods, killing ancient gods!

What a spirit!

How heroic this is!

It was the first time that he had such a wicked idea, but this time, he was sure that it was his unshakable will.

Even if the world says that they are bold, then what! The so-called ancient gods can not take away the lives of the people they care about.

He fought with Xuanyin Chu God for nine immortals.

At this moment, he also wanted to fight against the so-called God for them.

He didn't know where the future road was, because there was no direction at all at the moment, but he had at least such a will, which was completely consistent with the killing God xuanbing. Therefore, the killing God xuanbing was resonating with him excitedly at the moment!


Unknowingly, the power of the killing God xuanbing is still explosive growth, and eight of them gradually feel the destructive lethality.

Jiang Zizi found what he wanted in this will.

"The so-called destruction, regardless of whether it is human beings, gods, heaven and earth, should not change my will!"

"The so-called destruction, you should be indomitable, no matter you are God or supreme, if you are against me, against me, deceive me, why should I bow down! The only way to fight is to fight for it. "

"If we want to be destroyed, we should ignore everything."

When a lot of ideas appeared in my heart, it was no surprise that the destruction of the totem sea was expanding again, the black petals were growing again, and the patterns on them continued to become more complex. All the new totems Jiang Zizi had seen, but they were more clear after understanding at this moment.

His realm broke through again in the transformation of destroying Tianyuan. This time, he reached the sixth level of Tianyuan realm!

Although it is indeed the sixth level of the Tianyuan realm, the suppression force from the tenth destruction Tianyuan is directly comparable to the eighth level of their Tianyuan realm.

Even if there is no devil tripod, Jiang Zizi can compete with them at this time!

With the great tripod of the devil, with this terrible will power, and then faced with exhausted them, now the restoration of the degree of completeness of Jiang Zizi has become their nightmare.

Three thousand stars!

Meteor, star, 3000 Star River!

The three thousand Star River is the last move of the star God sword spectrum, and it is also the real power of the star God sword spectrum.

As soon as the sword comes out, there are 3000 stars hanging in the sky, each of which is full of stars and swords.However, Jiang Zizi displayed three thousand star rivers, which were three thousand dark stars. In each star river, countless stars were black, and each star burst out sword spirit, which was full of the power of destroying the source of heaven.

The destructive power between the heaven and the earth merges into the three thousand Star River. At the moment, the three thousand Star River is hanging across the sky, and then it suddenly falls down. Countless black destruction swords are falling towards the eight of them!

The power of this sword is beyond everything. Jiang Zizi smashes his opponents into golden pieces one by one with his crushing strength!

"How did it suddenly become stronger..." Nantianye, huangfulun and other six people were shocked. When they didn't respond to the shock, they were torn by the Xinghe sword Qi and collapsed in an instant. Before turning into gold fragments, they were shocked to see Jiang Zizi and shiver all over.

Under the three thousand Star River, only two people survived. One is Jiang Fanjian, who is very chicken thief and hides behind others. The other is Jiang Shenhua, who is the world's sword soul totem. He blocks Jiang Zizi's Kendo by his own sword.

At the moment, Jiang Fanjian's hair is chaotic. He is no longer a dandy, but like a beggar. He looks at Jiang Zizi and says blankly, "do you still hide your strength?"

"No, when I first came in, it was really the second level of Tianyuan realm. During this period of time, I broke through four levels in a row. Although it's only the sixth, I can already beat you." Jiang Zizi said.

"Ha ha, do you think I'm a fool?" Jiang Fanjian shook his head and laughed bitterly. He didn't believe it at all. However, the more he was like this, the more flustered he was. Finally, his trembling eyes showed that he believed.

"Don't kill me..." He knelt on the ground and wailed.

Before long, he turned into a golden fragment and slowly dissipated.

"I didn't kill you. Those people in the sky killed you." Jiang Zizi said.



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