Death, like this vast river, is endless, not a moment, but an eternal and eternal torture. This is like the passage of time, flowing, the people struggling in the long river have become bones.

life is from the forgotten River to the bitter sea, in addition to all bitter, inexhaustible, all happiness is the bubble on the river, will be broken at a touch, can only chat with *, the feeling of moving people is only when the river drowning, mutual hugging, and the strength of the river, so big, sooner or later will be dispersed, when the disintegration is nothing more than the separation of flesh and blood, the water will only be more painful. Thoroughly.

The river of forgetting the river, is in endless torture, and eventually turns people into corpses.

drowning, despair, everything is quiet, occasionally encounter a bubble, can breathe a breath of air, that is, endless fear.

Who can jump on the river to see how long the river is and how big the bitter sea is.

Jiang Zizi sees that there are endless people drowning with him. They struggle, but they can't resist and eventually die.

"The birth of life is doomed to destruction."

"If you become a God, you may have a long life and become stronger. However, God will also die and be destroyed."

"Is there any life that will not be destroyed?"

He drifted on the long river. Over time, he was tired to numb and began to think.

"If there is such a life, then I will become such a life."

"Life that will not be destroyed."

He suddenly realized something.

"I practice to destroy the source of heaven. Do I have to destroy myself in the end?"

"If the source of heaven exists to make everything else disappear, then I am not one of the other things?"

This is confusion.

This source of heaven is too deep, and other sources don't need to think about such problems.

This is a contradiction.

Endless contradictions, countless disputes.

He suffered bitterly because he could not think of this problem, so the cultivation card could not progress here, or even was not just a problem of cultivation.

The destruction of Tianyuan, after all, is not a path, but a supreme road.

He didn't know whether he had been on this occasion for a hundred years or a thousand years, or that countless centuries had passed. This kind of pride and torture was not something that ordinary people could hold on to, but Jiang Zizi always thought about two people, so every time he wanted to die, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Those two people, of course, are his jiuer and his bell.

One is waiting for him, the other needs his protection to grow up.

He can't die here for these two people.

Finally one day, he persisted to the bitter sea, perhaps by this time, he was already a corpse.

There is no limit to the sea of suffering.

He tried to reach the sea, and found that this is the heaven and earth, the universe, there is no end, the world is in this bitter sea.

"Is the will to destroy the source of heaven, in the end, to destroy this bitter sea? And I am in the bitter sea, and if the bitter sea is broken, I will die too. "

It's like dying together, but he's there to achieve eternal life.

This is always an endless contradiction.


He looked down at himself.

"In this case, why can't I destroy Tianyuan itself! If I am the source of heaven, then it is I who destroy the bitter sea, not myself. If the bitter sea is destroyed, everything will be destroyed, but myself, the existence of destroying all this, myself, is the eternal life

He found his niche.

Before, he felt that he was a life, a person, even if he became a God, it was all life.

But now, he no longer looks at himself with his life, but regards himself as the source of heaven itself. Then there is no contradiction in everything, and everything is smooth!

In fact, Jiang Zizi didn't know that many ancient gods could not understand such a change of self orientation, but he realized it by chance in the forgetting Sichuan sword.

In fact, this is the most difficult part of the cultivation process. Even if someone else knows it through and does not personally experience it, he will not understand it at all, or he only knows the surface.

And now, he has experienced a hundred years of wandering, to get the experience, will be so profound.

The deeper he was, the greater the experience he got. He finally felt that he was out of this nightmare like place, and his consciousness returned to his body. From this moment on, the source of destruction in his body grew unprecedentedly, which was the most ferocious growth.

"Tianyuan is me, I am Tianyuan."

When Jiang Zizi understood the source of heaven, the closer he was to becoming the source of heaven itself. This means that his cultivation of destroying Tianyuan has reached a small degree of perfection!

This is Tianyuan's success!

Tianyuan Xiaocheng is the first time to reach the realm of God.At this time, Jiang Zizi felt the growth of the destruction of Tianyuan. Step by step, the change reached the limit, and gradually formed a transformation. After the growth of the petals reached a limit, it seemed that the color became deeper. At this time, the petals began to vibrate gently. With each vibration, Jiang Zizi could sense the heaven and earth, all the destructive forces shaking together This is the symbol of the initial state of God!

The power of heaven and earth that can be aroused by the state of the first God is ten times that of the heaven source state. This is the creation of the demigod!

Today's Jiang Zizi has officially stepped into the initial state of God. He is still in a stable state, regardless of what happens outside. Anyway, no one bothers him for the time being.

Forgetting Chuan Jian almost made him forget. After all, his focus was on the breakthrough of this realm.

When all the realms were stable, when he opened his eyes, he found that he was sitting on the high platform, and the sword of forgetting Chuan was still inserted there. Obviously, he did not seem to have pulled out the sword.

After all, it seems that the sword is not particularly suitable for you. This is the sword of death, and what Jiang Zi Zi wants to control is not just death.

It should be in the process of breakthrough that the sword of forgetting Chuan broke away from himself and made Jiang Zizi arrive at the initial state of God successfully.

Without success, Jiang Zizi had no regrets. After all, it was a great harvest to be able to get to the initial state of God.

Now go to find the guardian of Archaean devil tomb, and you can enter the divine realm.

However, he was still a little curious. Who would this forgetful sword belong to?

When he stood up, everyone looked at him in amazement.

"He has arrived at the beginning of God."

"Once upon a time, he was not only the second level of Tianyuan realm?"

"Even so, he did not pull out the sword of forgetting Sichuan?"

"He almost succeeded just now. It seems that he is just one step away from the sword."

"What a pity."

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