The invitation to Zhan Jiang Zi in Chu Ci was rejected, and Su Yuexi made a mockery of him. He was afraid that he was a little angry. At this time, Ji Ying's challenge came.

Even if the sound of milk, sweet and soft, but it is also a challenge. Although Ji's appearance is simple and innocent, her strength is beyond doubt. When Su Yuexi became a God, she was recognized as the only one who could compete with Chu Ci.

Jiang Zizi saw this soft young girl again, and the feeling was really similar to that of Qi Yuan. The figure could be described as bee waist and buttocks, and the waves were turbulent. However, he had a lovely face, big eyes and innocent face, which formed a very exciting contrast. He was afraid that many ancient gods and gods would pay more attention to Ji.

Needless to say, we all know that in the Yongye Xinghai, Jiying must be a fan of thousands of people.

"Brother Chuci, are you coming?" Ji Yingying's beautiful eyes stare at him and say one more sentence.

"Come on." Chu Ci was not confused by her appearance and posture, but was very calm and serious. Maybe he had regarded Ji Weng as his biggest opponent. He knew each other well, and he would not let the girl's appearance like a rabbit be deceived.

It's another big fight.

Even if they are not ancient gods, their battles are still more attractive than other battles that are going on because of their special identities.

In terms of talent, these two are definitely the top of the young disciples present. When they reach Su Yanyu's age, they will reach the same level as her.

One represents the heavenly gate of the emperor and the other represents the Starry Sea at night.

After su Yuexi became a God, only the two of them were often compared. Now we must be guessing who can become a God first.

When Ji Ying was on the doushen arena, people almost forgot Jiang Zizi.

The suspense of their confrontation will be more attractive.

In the eyes of the gods, the king has a lot of hope.

At present, it seems that the performances of the young talents under the ancient gods at the feast of the God King are more amazing, such as Jiang Zi Zi, Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu.

A man and a woman, let their respective families place high hopes.

"Brother Chuci, don't be too rude. You should be gentle with others. It's just a common exchange, and people will accept it." Ji whining milk sound milk airway.

"No, just do your best." Chu Ci does not eat her soft and soft set.

"That's dangerous, hee hee." Ji whining toot mouth, make a look of fear, I see still pity.

However, Chu Ci had fought with her before, and knew that she was a different kind of person now. When fighting, she would be a different kind of person.

Jiang Zizi is also curious about the fighting power of these two men. He has been able to defeat chuyang, Jiang Shendao and others, so he is curious about the two men who claim to be more powerful than others.

Before that, Jiang Zizi also studied their data.

They are really close to becoming gods.

For example, the first level of his totem is the flame God, which is similar to that of the flame God.

In addition, his nine Yang totem can strengthen the nine levels of the mixed sky holy fire. When it really breaks out, the mixed sky holy fire Nine Yang totem is stronger than his brother chuyang's green lotus sky fire seven Yang totem. It is also a God King level totem, and the gap will be very large.

At this time, the light gold flame burning on Chuci was actually the holy fire in the sky. This extremely burning flame had spread and was gradually covering the whole fighting God arena.

"It's hot." Ji Yingming said vaguely that in fact, she did it on purpose, because she laughed after saying that. At this time, Jiang Zizi saw the position of her eyebrow. Her totem turned out to be a black hole, as if the totem was evolving. But actually, Jiang Zi knew that this black hole was her real totem!

When the totem rotates, there is a black void cave behind her. The black cavern begins to rotate and has a destructive swallowing effect on everything around her. It is like a black mouth in the void. Jiming is standing in front of this huge black hole. Of course, she is still. Even under the black light, she is obviously at the moment It's a little weird.

Her totem is called "Taigu Honghuang black hole totem". Her black hole totem itself is a very rare totem in the divine realm. With the evolution source of Taigu Honghuang, the ancient power of Taigu Honghuang is integrated into the totem, and the new totem shows more huge black holes and stronger swallowing power. It is just like countless hands from ancient times who put this black hole Everything in front of me, pulled into the black hole.

Jiang Zi really found the reason why the songs of Chu were afraid of Ji Ying. I have to say that her totem is very difficult to handle. No matter what she can swallow, if she is a little careless, she may have to take it in by herself.In fact, Chuci was originally prepared to defeat Jiang Zi and then deal with Ji Yingying.

Now go all out, and it's in his plan.

On his forehead, nine suns were burning, and the nine golden suns were displayed with the power of totem, condensed with the holy fire of mixed sky, and presented around him, forming nine golden suns around him!

The nine golden Suns are the confluence of the sacred fire in the sky. At this time, infinite power erupts, and the huge black hole in the opposite side competes.

In fact, the power of these two totems has surpassed that of the ancient gods in other battlefields. No matter how strong the ancient gods are, there are no totems of this degree!

Jiuyang and black hole, one side burning, the other side cold, Shengsheng Xiangke.

Chu Ci is brilliant at the moment. He is the peak genius of the ancient sun Chu family for countless years. He has enough confidence to grow up. As long as he becomes a God, the future divine realm will be his world. His achievements will at least surpass the present sun refining God King.

He has high expectations of himself.

Before the battle, when the Nine Yang surrounded his body, he flashed like a god of war in gold armor. At this time, he had a weapon on his hands. These two weapons were like swords, but not swords. They were like two short square pillars, but they had extremely dignified and bright judgment power. Just look at them and you will feel awe.


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