When he bowed his head, he could still see nine kinds of carnal robberies on his body. The pain was so deep that he could miraculously ignore it as if it was a trivial thing.

Everything in front of him became clear. He looked at a huge pillar in front of him, which was the origin God column.

He seems to be a passer-by, looking at all this, suddenly came to coax laughter, he looked around, many people are laughing, those people are a little strange, but immediately get familiar with.

"Sure enough, the little prince is 15 years old and still can't get his own life totem."

"Reduced to a common insect, ha ha."

"It's a shame of the Dajiang palace. It's really retribution for the purple Lin king to give birth to such rubbish. The murderer paid the price. "

"It's very early."

Jiang Zizi is a little uncomfortable. He seems to be a passer-by, but those words make him so miserable. It seems that his heart has been dug out, and everyone spits on it.

"Any insect?" A nine-year-old child stuck out his tongue in front of him, pointed to his head and said, "see, my totem, envy? But you have no hope in your life. "

It seems to be a little envious.

In a trance, he saw the woman's disappointed eyes. Instead of showing it, she patted her shoulder and said, "it doesn't matter. Go back."

But Jiang Zizi knew how lost she was. He felt miserable for the second time. He wanted to watch all this, but the reality didn't seem to be like this.

There's always a sword, stabbing him.

He was muddleheaded, as if walking dead, sluggish forward, this day he saw that young man, he looked at himself with disdain, and said, "where insects, how do you mean to be disgraced?"

"Monkey?" Jiang Zizi's body said two words.

"Shut up." The young man slapped himself hard, and he said, "from now on, call me that again. I'll see you once and hit you once."

There are people laughing, like Jiang junduo and them.

Jiang Zizi is a little powerless. After all, he can't control his body. He is like watching a play, but the uncomfortable feeling seems to hurt his heart.

One day, it seemed to be the Kirin society. He sat in the corner and watched that young man, who was called Lu Dingxing, was directly abandoned. His eyes were very sad, but he could not help it.

Jiang Zizi's heart again bears the sword and sword, but this is just the beginning. Then it seems that someone came back from Yanlong ruins. He hides in the corner, watching his sister and mother are controlled by others, but he can't do anything about it. His desperate mood is like falling into the deep sea, unable to breathe, and hanging. He wants to make a roar, but he finds that Hoarse throat.

He can only hide and watch them being ridiculed. It seems that the man named Jiang junxie wants to marry his sister directly. The marriage date has been set and his mother has nothing to say.

He looked for it in despair, because he vaguely remembered that the beautiful woman might appear, and she would take herself out of the sea of misery. On that day, he met her. She passed by, and Jiang Zizi blocked her in front of her. At that moment, she looked at herself coldly and passed by.

When Jiang Zi ran after him, she slapped him and flew away. When he got up, she was already gone. He vaguely remembered that when Jiuxian left, he seemed to have said a word.

"Where do you come from? How dare you get in my way?"

In this way, Jiang Zizi lost her. He was still sinking in the sea of despair, sinking into the endless depth. He was suffocating in despair all the time, and he could not die if he wanted to die.

He moved on like a corpse. Soon after, her sister got married. It is said that on the night after the worship, before the bridegroom entered, she was hanged in the bridal chamber and was directly burned by a fire. She didn't even come to see the body in a hurry.

It seemed that his mother washed her face with tears every day, and countless such pictures piled up together. He felt the sea all over his body, as if there was water around him. It was like a sea of bitterness.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Life seems to be meaningless, drinking the water of bitter sea constantly, can despair have an end? If you live like this, there will be no end of disaster.

On that day, he stood on the Huangwu gate of Yanlong ruins and mingled with some market places. He watched a young man named Jiang Junjian pushed out. Then he took a knife from the nangongque and fell to the ground. His head rolled several times. His eyes suddenly saw Jiang Zizi on the Huangwu gate. He also laughed, but Jiang Zizi's feet were shaking, he thought He screamed, but his throat seemed to be stuck, and there was no sound at all.

His body was extremely painful. He looked down and saw that there were flames, thunder, ice, storm and lightning on his body. These things swallowed up his body and kept biting, like nine wild animals.

In the severe pain, suddenly it seemed that someone appeared. Jiang Zizi saw that it was a man and a woman. He was so familiar with him that they were his parents. Did he finally appear?It was a great war. The emperor Yanlong and the princes and ministers fought against the couple. The battle was very fierce. Jiang Zi longed for victory, and longed for the injustice of the desolation of heaven, but the result did not develop as he expected.

His father didn't seem to be what he expected. He was defeated in the war. He knelt down in front of the emperor Yanlong. He admitted that he did receive the benefits of Xia Ming kingdom. He betrayed the emperor Yanlong and killed 100000 people. He deserved his death.

In his grief and indignation, the emperor of the emperor of Yanlong personally stabbed his brother, as if his mother had committed suicide beside him, and everything was dead.

However, the people all over the world applauded. For a moment, the applause was like thunder, like the blade of the storm, which pierced Jiang Zizi's sword through his heart.

"I remember my brother and a little son. Is he around?"

Someone recognized Jiang Zizi and sent him to Emperor Yanlong. Jiang Zizi looked miserable and looked at the man.

"It's not guilty that you are still young, but it's a pity that you don't have a totem. Otherwise, I can make you a new king of Zilin. Now I can only give you a title and enjoy eternal salary. Go back. "

Is this a reward?

"If I were you, I'd kill myself." All of a sudden, a girl was talking in front of her. She seemed to be a girl, but her eyes were so cold that she looked at herself again and said, "total rubbish, useless insects, every family is a sinner. Now all of you are dead. What's the meaning of living? Here's a knife. Kill yourself. "

She sent a blade to Jiang Zizi with a smile on her face.

"Life is so miserable, death is the liberation, this life you are doomed to be guilty, see if you are lucky in the next life, don't be born in such a sinful family." Said the girl who played with her since childhood.

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