Jiang Zizi didn't know how many people had been disturbed by his robbery.

In the sky not far away, there are two groups of people directly appear, a group of people in front of all come from the eternal night star sea. At this time, they finally saw the sky and earth of God's robbery cloud.

Just at this moment, they suffocated directly.

"What kind of cloud robbery is this, so huge?" Xingxiu God Jun shocked way.

They were attracted by the terrible breath of God, but they didn't expect to reach such a level.

"Annihilation thunder robbery, holy fire robbery, stabbing gold robbery, cold water robbery There are nine kinds of divine robberies, all of which are the top-level ones! " Another God said dully.

"There are nine men here to rob?"

"No, there is only one person. It should be Jiang Zizi."

People found that the night star's face was miserable, she accelerated the speed, the whole person seems to have gone mad.

They saw the cloud, but it will take some time to get there.

"Star master, do you know what kind of disaster this is?" Asked the God of stars.

"This is Jiuji Tianshen Jie! There is also a day of soul robbery, after passing, the God is born The voice of the eternal night Star trembles.

"God? God

For a moment, they all lost their voice.

"The God in the legend actually exists..."

"Impossible. Can Jiang Zizi become a God?"

"What is the God?" Even some gods don't know.

"The God of heaven is the embodiment of the strongest qualification among the ancient gods. It is the life beyond all the ancient gods. The potential of the gods is at least the real king of gods, and can even surpass the God King to achieve eternal life and immortality! At least, there are no gods in the heaven The celestial King shivered.

"At least they are real kings, even surpassing the gods and immortal..."

How terrible this is. Everyone in Xinghai, Yongye, knows that all of a sudden, they are very sad, because they know that when Jiang Zizi gets through the disaster, it may not be very useful for them to catch up with him. I am afraid they have offended an unimaginable genius who has not been born for millions of years!

On the other side, even the heavenly king has lost his voice.

"Jiuji Tianshen Jie! Can achieve the nine pole God body! Heaven one soul robbery can forge heaven one spirit, and the talent of "double heaven" is the potential of God! The immortal god

"This boy, to such an extent? Are you a childhood sweetheart The emperor shivered directly and caught Shenxiao.

"Saint, master Is he very good... " Shenxiao Gang is still worried about lingxuan. When she saw the performance of the emperor, the whole person was confused.

"Is this a cow? This is a pervert! I rely on God's eyes, I am kneeling The emperor shivered, and the whole person was in a state of absolute excitement.

The God King of Tiandu took a look at Su Yuexi, coughed and said, "well, in fact, it's not impossible to be a concubine or something. It's better to have a son and a half daughter and stabilize the position..."

Su Yuexi feels that she is dreaming. Is this what her father said

Before she could react, the two would-be gods speeded up and led the people to surpass the eternal night Star master. Jiang Zizi did not seem to be completely successful, so they had to hurry up to make sure that today's plan was completely successful.

"The potential of the gods is a miracle." Tianyu God Jun sighed. He had already seen the young man who was reborn in the cloud. At this time, the endless cloud of robbery seemed to be engulfed by his body. It seems that his Jiuji heavenly spirit body is about to succeed. This is the potential spirit body of the God, and the ordinary ancient god body, are not the same concept.

Jiang Zizi knew more clearly that the mightiness of the nine pole God body might not be reflected in the current combat effectiveness, but a transcendence at the level of life. He felt as if he had directly become a God, and the God was the level of life above the ancient god.

To make a comparison, if mortals are mosquitoes and ancient gods are cats, then now I look like a young tiger. Maybe I am as big as a cat now, and I may even be mistaken for a cat. But my limit is that I am the overlord in the jungle. I have transformed from a mosquito to a fierce tiger. My life has never been changed.

All the hijacking clouds were swallowed into his body. The Jiuji heavenly spirit was finally worthy of his source of destruction, and also worthy of Tianyi spirit, whose name he did not know.

At this time, I was already the real God.

The hijacking cloud has disappeared.

He hasn't had a chance to realize his power now. In the blink of an eye, he appears in front of lingxuan.

Everything here is over. Lingxuan in his eyes becomes more and more incomparable. Her temperament is unparalleled in the world, like a rose in the dark, quiet and noble.

"Thank you." She pursed a smile, some shy, but also have some unforgettable deep feelings.

"You're welcome." Jiang Zizi also smiles. She may be lucky because of misfortune, and so is herself. They only need a smile, and their hearts are already involved.Perhaps all of this, but also thanks to Ji Bing.

However, Jiang Zizi still grabbed her neck and lifted up the girl who looked like an old woman. Her eyes were gray and she looked at herself dully, like a fool.

"Hee hee, hee hee..." Ji Yingming giggled foolishly, and two saliva dripped down.

She reached out her hand and fiddled with Jiang Zizi's hair. Then she put it in her mouth and ate it. She sobbed: "delicious, the noodles are delicious."

Perhaps, after that reversal process, we can see that Jiang Zizi has been brilliant to this extent. A thread in her heart has been broken. Now she is a fool.

"You are the most angry opponent I've ever met. You deserve everything you get." Jiang Zizi looked at her, and she giggled at herself and said, "my mother, I want to eat my grandmother, but I don't want noodles."

She's hopeless. Her heart is dead. She can't bear it.

There was only pain in her life.

Let her live, is her torture.

Jiang Zizi took a deep breath and said, "rest well, next life, be a good man."

With a pinch and a click, she broke her neck.

The breath has gone.

At the same time, two groups of people appeared here and saw the soft Ji Ying in Jiang Zizi's hands.

When he raised his head, he met the eyes of the eternal night star.

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