In addition, the heaven and earth of the divine realm are also born with all kinds of storm, torrent, frost and other heaven and earth forces, which can be regarded as divine robbery. There are some rare heaven and earth forces that can even threaten the God King and the God King, and the top existence often uses these forces to forge divine soldiers.

The cultivation condition of Shenglong heaven and earth is to search for these divine robberies existing in the God realm heaven and earth. After finding them, they need to take the initiative to bear the divine robberies that others want to hide.

It is said that there are more divine robberies in the tomb of Guangming dragon than outside. After all, this is a place where no one comes and goes all the year round, but it is also a place where the strength of heaven and earth converges. It is very easy to forge a top-level divine robbery and form a certain test for the coming disciples.

As a result, they will occasionally pay attention to whether there is divine robbery in the tomb of Guangming dragon.

In the tomb of Guangming dragon for a period of time, Jiang Zizi has seen the tomb several times, but all of them are basically inaccessible.

No matter how long you walk, you can never get close to it. The Dragon tomb is a sacred place, which can't be approached by the younger generation.

However, Jiang Zizi found that the more near the Dragon tomb, the more likely there is to be creation, such as the stone tablet last time.

Near the Dragon tomb, the Longquan of Guangzhi is also relatively dense. At this time, Jiang Zizi asked lingxuan to absorb from the evolutionary world. Although this is a treasure for forging his body, it has a great effect on lingxuan.

On this day, when Jiang Zizi passed by a dragon tomb, he was surprised to find that the sky in front of him was particularly irascible. After they approached, they carefully looked at the white clouds in the sky. The white clouds in this position were very rich. There seemed to be something moving in the white clouds. Without looking carefully, they thought it was a snake.

The white clouds move very fast, almost swept from this area, there is no sound nearby.

Jiang Zizi fixed his eyes on it, but found that the white clouds were very important.

The so-called clouds, in fact, are not real clouds. After a close look, they are actually made up of dense white lightning.

Lightning can form clouds that cover half of the sky. You can know how much white lightning there is. This is a divine robbery that almost all people will avoid when they encounter it. This is one of the tests of Guangming dragon tomb. How far can normal people hide? This is also the reason why there is no one nearby.

"Clouds of light and thunder." Jiang Zizi took a look at it and probably knew it. This light cloud and lightning can also appear in xiaoshenyu, but it is rare. Once it is formed, it must be the existence of annihilation. You should know that there are many mortals in xiaoshenyu. If such light cloud and lightning swept through the mortal Empire, it could cause millions of deaths and injuries.

What's terrible is that this kind of light cloud and thunder sometimes chases the living creatures they meet. It is estimated that the living creatures have the characteristics of attracting the light cloud and thunder. As soon as Jiang Zizi found out that it was the light cloud and thunder, the light cloud and lightning began to sink and come towards them.

The power of light, cloud and thunder is much stronger than tears, but it will not become a God's robbery when he becomes a God. In addition, the amount of light, thunder and lightning in front of him is even larger than Jiang Zi's original Jiuji Tianshen robbery. Although there is only one single one, it is definitely comparable to the destructive power of the Jiuji Tianshen robbery. Especially, if Jiang Zizi chooses to resist completely, it is almost equivalent to another Jiuji Tianshen robbery.

"Are you sure you want to go up?" Su Qianyu looks a little frightened.

"The nine pole God robbery has been passed. Now it is much better than that time. As long as the degree is the same, it will definitely go up." Jiang Zizi wanted to open it up very much. In fact, the cultivation method of the holy dragon celestial body was in awe of others, but he was not afraid of suffering. Especially after suffering the same degree of disaster after the Jiuji Heavenly God robbery, he was no longer afraid.

In fact, there was no reaction time at all. Jiang Zizi rushed up directly, like a black light rushing into the middle of the snow-white and vast cloud of light and thunder.

I'm afraid that it's the light, the cloud, the thunder and the lightning that have never seen him die.

Jiang Zizi must not use the magic tripod now, let alone have any protection. He is simply resisting with his flesh to withstand the tearing and electric shock of the cloud of light and thunder which makes people feel frightened.

And then in this suffering, continue to repair the way to forge the body!

After coming in, Jiang Zizi found that he had underestimated the power of the light cloud and thunder. As expected, the light cloud and thunder and lightning in xiaoshenyu are not the same as the light cloud and thunder and lightning here. The power of the light cloud and thunder and lightning is more than twice as powerful as he imagined!

It's equivalent to twice the power of Jiuji tianshenjie!

Fortunately, there is no Tianyi soul robbery now. It's just a physical training. So even if he is promoted, Jiang Zizi can force himself to hold on for the first moment. After he doesn't let the light cloud and thunder tear, he starts to run the "holy dragon celestial formula" to strengthen and forge the flesh body in the process of robbery and repair!

The light cloud and lightning, like a sword, tore his flesh and blood, and kept drilling into it. For a time, Jiang Zizi's body was torn by tens of millions of holes. All the clouds and thunder gathered together and formed a huge white thunder ball from the cloud state. Jiang Zizi's current position is in the center of the White Lightning ball!Countless clouds of light and lightning, constantly drilling into the body, extremely violent, crazy tearing, drilling into Jiang Zizi's internal organs, continuous tearing and roaring.

At the beginning, the terrible lethality was so devastating that people could hardly resist it. At the same time, he lost his mind completely. Fortunately, the spirit of Tianyi was so powerful that he could hold on to it and run the holy dragon. The essence of the holy dragon was brought into full play.

Once Jiang Zizi holds on to the first wave, then he can enter his rhythm.

Once the rhythm of Shenglong celestial body is turned on, it will be Jiang Zizi's crazy moment. The strongest link of Shenglong celestial body is different from the ordinary Shenjie forging God body. Because the holy dragon celestial body can absorb the power of the light cloud and thunder, it can directly transfer its power to the flesh and blood, so that the flesh and blood can fuse with the light, cloud and thunder, and become the storage body of light, cloud and thunder directly It is equivalent to swallowing up all the light clouds and thunder. The God body integrating these clouds and thunder is the holy dragon celestial body!

Of course, if we only succeed in the first link, it should be the achievement of the San long Lei body.

Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu can only watch from below. They can't help at all.

However, from their slightly shocked eyes, we can see the terrible power of the light cloud and thunder. The white sphere in the sky is like a nightmare, constantly twisting and rolling, constantly rotating, and the electric snake on it is like a group of wild animals eating.

But in fact, if they are careful, they should be able to find that what really reduces is the cloud and thunder itself.

Even if the current decrease is very weak, in fact, it shows that everything is moving in the direction favorable to Jiang Zizi.

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