There is a detail problem with this totem array.

That is, when lingxuan leaves the dragon spring of light and Su Qianyu enters, the bloody totem array disappears.

Jiang Zi is curious, let Su Qianyu come out first, and then let Longyan go in. He is surprised to find that the bloody totem array appears again.

"This totem array appears because of your relationship. Maybe someone else can find the dragon spring of light, and they may not be able to find out the totem array." Jiang Zizi said.

"And how?" She asked.

"Keep chopping. Try it." Jiang Zizi said to Su Qianyu and then retreated with Longyan.

Princess lingxuan is her title in Yanlong. In fact, Jiang Zizi almost forgot. In his eyes, she has always been Yan'er, while Shenxiao is gu'er.


Su Qianyu sank down, holding the God King level forgetting Chuan Sword in both hands. After Jiang Zizi quit, he ran all his strength and tried to puncture down! A sword hit the center of the totem array. He also remembered it for a moment.

In fact, there are few things in the Guangming dragon tomb that the forgetting Chuan Sword can't penetrate. However, Su Qianyu was shaken out, and the stone slab below was unhurt.

There's not even a trace left.

"Boss, although the totem array has disappeared, it is actually protecting the stone slab. The sword of forgetting Chuan may not be able to split it." Su Qianyu road.

"Try again."

He tried a few more times, still the same, equivalent to no effect at all.

Jiang Zizi had a headache. He suddenly saw that Longyan was still on the edge. Suddenly, he had an idea and said, "you can go down too."

"OK." According to her words, she sank down a little. As expected, when she entered the dragon spring of light, the bloody totem array appeared.

Su Qianyu was below. After seeing the blood totem array, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he heard Jiang Zizi say, "try it now."


This time, he used all his ancient powers to pierce the sky with his sword. The sharp point of the sword was never damaged. His chosen position was in the center of the totem array. When the totem array disappeared before, it was difficult to find the exact position of the center. There were some deviations in the front of him.

This sword is in the center of the blood totem array, and the core of the forgetchuan sword. This time, when the tip of the sword collides with the totem array, it makes a crisp sound directly. The light dragon spring falls directly, Su Qianyu and Longyan are also rolled down. Jiang Zizi naturally follows him. Before going down, he says to Lu Dingxing: "outside Keep an eye on it. Someone's calling me. "


There must be something below. It's better to have a Lookout outside. Moreover, Lu Dingxing is proficient in all kinds of magic skills. He can use some skills to cover up the entrance of the light dragon spring. Because the light dragon spring has disappeared and the dazzling light is no longer there, it is equivalent to a hole in the cave.

The tomb of Guangming dragon is so wonderful that there are all kinds of interesting creations. Jiang Zizi has reason to believe that there are some treasures here. After all, the hiding is still very deep. The existence of Longyan should be the reason for opening the underground palace in front of you. Otherwise, even if you have the forgetting Chuan Sword, you can't come to the underground palace in front of you.

The three of them are standing in front of a simple underground palace. The underground palace is not big in front of them. The gate is closed, but it is in a state of virtual cover. There are no windows except the gate, so there is only a burst of bloody red light from it.

Of course, Jiang Zizi was the most daring. When he came to the underground palace, he only protected himself with the devil's tripod, and then directly pushed open the open door and walked in. After the door opened, he had the illusion that he had come to another world!

In front of the world, there is only one thing in front of us, that is, an endless and endless ocean. The sea is not composed of sea water, but is composed of blood.

This is an endless sea of blood, waves surging, never-ending, do not know how vast, also do not know how deep, that majestic breath is endless, oppressed, bring unimaginable oppression, this seems to be the blood of endless creatures, there are endless corpses in the blood, that bloody killing breath, it is a feast of death!

But Jiang Zizi knew that this was just a narrow underground palace. The first thing he saw before was that there was a small pool in front of him. The water was full of blood. The blood pool was the endless sea of blood he saw in front of him!

What is this blood pool?

"Boss, I know what it is." Su Qianyu's eyes are strange against the background of blood light.

He was easy to learn when he was in Jianzhong, so he had more knowledge than Jiang Zizi.


"It seems to be the source of evolution..." Longyan's bloody eyes and eyes set off against the endless sea of blood, as if it had been integrated into one.

"Yes, it's the evolution source of the God King level, which is called" Taigu blood prison ". It's very old. It's a hell made up of the blood of all things. It's one of the top evolution sources in the God King level. This kind of evolutionary source can create a field of "archaic blood prison". In this field, the user absorbs blood and has a continuous stream of combat power, while the opponent is suppressed by the blood prison, making it difficult to move. At the same time, their own blood will be assimilated at any time. Over time, the flesh and blood will be dissolved and completely mixed in the blood prison. This is almost the most terrifying source of domain class evolution. "Su Qianyu said it very clearly.

I didn't expect that in the tomb of Guangming dragon, we could meet the source of evolution.

On the other side of the dragon worship God region, the God King level evolution source is not too rare, but the Archean blood prison, infinite time and space, and the judgment of heaven are still very rare, and there are not many of them in the world.

In fact, there is a big gap between the top level and the ordinary level.

For the ancient gods, if there was no God King level evolution source, it would be almost impossible to become a God King.

Jiang Zizi can feel the fierce and terrible "Taigu blood prison" without too much description from Su Qianyu.

He now seems to be in this archaic blood prison, this is the blood hell, endless, no end, no future, no everything, only death.

Jiang Zizi finally knew why the totem array appeared for Longyan, because it was this evolutionary source that called her, or the ancestors who put this evolutionary source here and chose her.

She is not valued in the eternal night star sea, so she is still a god level totem, which is one of the reasons that restrict her becoming a God. When she went to the small God region, the totem was not a god level totem. The eternal night Star master had a plan for her growth, of course, to deal with the matter.

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