
Jiang Zizi had a fire in his throat, but he couldn't shout it out.

Get along with time is not short, sometimes still love her, want to protect her, no longer let her suffer hardship.

She had no demands on herself.

At this moment, he would like to take the place of her, but this is extravagant hope. Now I can only believe that she can survive this disaster. If she can succeed, she will definitely have a bright future.

The top blood, plus the potential of God, should be no worse than Jiang Zizi. Of course, Jiang Zizi's Totem must be more mysterious.

However, looking at her breath more and more weak, always like the fate of death, has been unchangeable.

Jiang Zizi bit his teeth, the roots of his teeth were shaking, his fists clenched, and his palms were covered with sweat.

Is she dying?

Can't you get out of the sky?

At this confusing moment, suddenly, a dragon chant broke out on top of his head. In the blood fog and dark clouds, suddenly, there was a change. The bloody figure suddenly expanded and turned into a bloody dragon, coiled between heaven and earth!

The bloody dragon is not big. It is smaller than Jiang Ziyi's Dragon. However, it is a very fierce and violent dragon. Its blood light is infinite. The ferocious blood thorn and dragon's tail, tooth and claw are its weapons! This is definitely a dragon born for killing. It is a killing machine and a synonym for death. When she turns into a dragon, her Qi and blood are very strong all over her body. All of a sudden, those nine pole God robbers seem nothing to her

Jiang Zizi has just turned into a dragon, so they know what it means. It's just hard to imagine that when they needed guidance from others, Longyan took the initiative to turn into a dragon. She didn't guide her at all. She knew that totem was her own!

The evolution of totem is its own evolution!

This is Taigu blood prison dragon, she hovers in the disaster, now the blood is magnificent, the blood force seems to have experienced an awakening, completely burst out, her eyes have recovered, this said that tomorrow's one soul robbery has failed, she has successfully owned the day one soul robbery! Under such circumstances, the nine pole Apocalypse was nothing to her. She had experienced more terrible things, and now she has improved.

She must have succeeded!

And it is obvious that she is totally different from before. Now, after becoming a God, she seems to have a great transformation, which is like the evolution of blood.

The Jiuji Tianshen robbery is the final stage, and her Jiuji Tianshen robbery has taken shape, and now it is just the ending stage.

For a moment, from despair to dawn, it could make people cry. Fortunately, Jiang Zizi didn't do this, otherwise he would be disgraced.

It's just that this feeling of turning the corner is really comfortable. He can't help laughing. Sure enough, she is not a person who will let people down. Maybe even if Shenxiao is here, she may not be as tough as she is.

In a short period of time, the looting clouds disappeared and a new ancient god had arrived. It is hard to imagine that she still kept the state of a dragon. Just this point shows that she may not be the same as other dragon totem owners. At least Jiang Zizi can't turn into a dragon for such a long time.

After all the things dissipated, her dragon body finally shrank. When Jiang Zizi went up, the girl in front of her reappeared. She was still as messy as that in the wind. Her long hair was flying, and her tears flashed in her dark red eyes. In fact, she was still afraid. Even if she was a God, she felt helpless at this time Gently open his hands, Longyan took the initiative to enter his arms. Of course, Jiang Zizi just held it gently, and said in her ear, "it's already done very well. Now is the time to be happy, so you can't cry."

"I see." She sobbed a little, pursed her mouth, wiped some tears from the corner of her eyes. When she looked up at Jiang Zizi, she still slightly choked and said: "it's like a dream. Seeing you dead, I don't want to live. If it wasn't for the last thought, you would not have been the one who would admit defeat, and I would not have survived."

Her Tianyi soul robbery was all her own, but there were many people in Jiang Zizi's Tianyi soul robbery, but the main character was not her. Her heart, Jiang Zizi has always known, perhaps from the day of Prince Long's death, there has been an indissoluble bond.

However, she won't be the one who wants to compete with the nine immortals. She may be even more unaccustomed to possession. If she sees them occasionally, she will feel very comfortable. If she gets along day and night, there are only two people, even if it is her wish.

This kind of feeling is like a gentleman, but sometimes, she still needs such an embrace of Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi patted her on the back and said, "it's all over. It's time to step out of it. Looking back, you'll have a better future. One day, you can do everything you want and have all the freedom."

"Really..." She was a little confused, and sometimes she didn't really know what she wanted. For example, Jiang Zizi said that her parents might come back from her practice to the extreme. That was her courage to live. But after she became a God, she understood that this was impossible. The death of ordinary people was as light as a feather."Be happy. Come on. How's it going?" Jiang Zizi was in a low mood when she saw that she had become a God. When her hands sank, she patted her little buttocks with a crackling sound, which made her tremble like a frightened little white rabbit. The next moment, she looked at Jiang Zizi's gloomy eyes, showing that in addition to infinite charm, Jiang Zizi was intoxicated. He did not expect that she had such a seductive side Ah.

Now Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu can only dig out their eyes and stay away, so as not to accidentally see this kind of picture

Longyan's face was so hot that she could only shrink back for a moment and then said, "it seems that it's OK. The blood force seems to have a lot of things, which need to be digested slowly. The spirit body, source and spirit seem to be very good."

Her status quo must be very good. Compared with Jiang Zizi at that time, the spirit body and spirit of the two were similar. In terms of the source of God, the killing God she got in the ninth place was only a little less powerful than destroying Tianyuan

In terms of totem, limitless space-time has a little advantage, but not much.

However, the talent burst in her blood, which Jiang Zizi did not have.

In short, in the future, she has been promoted to the level of the three of them.

Jiang Zizi was naturally happy for her.

"Pa pa pa..." He was just about to praise him. Suddenly someone clapped in the distance, accompanied by a young man's voice. His voice was clear and crisp, and he said with a smile: "after the success of the Jiuji Tianshen robbery and tianyihun robbery, after success, that is the potential of the God. It's really amazing. The most important thing is that you may have" the blood of the supreme dragon. "

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