However, there are still a lot of people around now. Jiang Zizi glances around and finds that there are two people who used to walk with Bai Mu. They have been talking in a low voice and left here. It is estimated that they will come back soon.

Sure enough, while Hua Xuantian was still talking, another group of people appeared, Bai Mu and Bai Yu were among them. They should also be attracted by the sound of the Dragon chant, so they were nearby and came soon.

Hua Zhongyuan had been waiting for revenge. When he saw Bai Mu and Bai Yu again, his face immediately collapsed.

"Brother Xuantian?" He urged Hua Xuantian to start first, but Hua Xuantian shook his head and said, "next time, we can't do this time."

White Mu they appear, the intention is more obvious.

He approached with a smile on his face and said, "you guys are really, how can you offend people again. Why don't you apologize to brother Xuantian

Knowing this, Jiang Zizi said to Xuantian, "I'm really sorry. We promise not to beat him next time."

This apology sounds like no problem. It's just that Hua Zhongyuan, the party concerned, hears it. It's even more humiliating.

"Fart, how dare you say that? If it was not for your shameless means, how could you do anything for me? " Yuan Nu road in Central China.

If it wasn't for the state of being devastated now, he would let Jiang Zizi come out and fight him alone.

After all, it is a shame to let people think that they are not as good as this group of people.

"We are all our own people. If we fight and kill, we will hurt our friendship. We should treat them as strangers." Bai Mu Dao. This time, he still protected Jiang Zizi from them, which made people confused about his starting point.

Maybe it's because Jiang is comfortable with them. He really has something to appreciate.

"Are these four your friends?" Hua Xuantian asked him.

"Of course, I chose them to enter the tomb of Guangming dragon. After all, it is the descendant of the God kingdom brought by the Dragon God. We should have the way to treat guests. Otherwise, our friends in the small Shenyu will think that we are too stingy. I really think that they are really good. Otherwise, Huazhongyuan has the sixth strength of the ancient god realm, which will let them join hands to defeat? "

He was very clear that Jiang Zizi did not have the strength when they were tested, indicating that they had made progress in the tomb of Guangming dragon.

"Yes, it's OK." Hua Xuantian sneers coldly. He just judges whether Bai Mu really wants to keep them. Now he has said that, and the answer is yes.

He can also see that Jiang Zizi has something special about them. The ability to fight across the boundary is very strong, which is rare.

What's more, they don't belong to any forces and have no foundation. Now, to protect them is also an investment. If they make achievements in the future, they are willing to work for themselves?

Hua Xuantian knows this, so he knows better that he can't make Jiang comfortable with them today. After all, Bai Mu can decide who can enter the tomb of Guangming dragon.

However, Hua Zhongyuan was not very reconciled. Today's defeat had a great impact on his face, so when he was preparing to ignore the matter in Hua Xuantian, he suddenly said in a loud voice: "Bai Mu, do you mean that you selected these four people?"

Bai Mu took a look. He took a look at the extra Ling Xuan, and then said, "that's natural. What's the problem?"

"You let the mortals who are not gods into the tomb of Guangming dragon? Is it okay for your father to shine? You know, the tomb of Guangming dragon has always been an ancient god's realm since ancient times. If you allow mortals to come in, how can I not know that there are mortals on the list? I mean, I suspect this woman was brought in by this guy. Bai Mu, you'd better tell me the truth. " Hua Zhongyuan has no fear, even Bai Mu is not afraid of him.

This kind of dialogue made many people who were going to leave stay. They did find that Longyan seemed to have a bit of eyesight. It seemed that they had never seen him before, and they had never heard of Bai Mu's election as a mortal. Because ordinary people don't know when they can become gods, they can't determine whether their talent is outstanding. It's very random to select ordinary people For.

For example, how to break through the shackles of some gods in their thirties?

It's irresponsible to let mortals in.

However, after Hua Zhongyuan finished, everyone laughed and said, "Hua Zhongyuan, your eyes are not very good. This girl is obviously not a mortal, at least the second level of ancient gods. "

"Yes." Bai Mu took a look and nodded.

In fact, he did not expect that there would be a trap in Hua Zhongyuan's words.

When people felt that there was nothing important, Hua Zhongyuan suddenly took out an image symbol and threw it into the sky. He suffered such humiliation today, and his mentality had been distorted for a long time. Now, without retaliation, he could hardly sleep and eat.

"If it is a mortal, you can see it clearly!"

Sure enough, the image symbol records the process of Longyan's crossing the robbery. The Jiuji Tianshen robbery is very obvious. In the process of crossing the robbery, it is also very obvious that she turned into an archaic blood prison dragon. The original process was restored by this image symbol, and even a dialogue between Hua Zhongyuan and Jiang Zizi was preserved."Jiuji Tianshen and tianyihun! This is the potential of God Just at the beginning of the image symbol, some people exclaimed. All the people present, including Bai Mu, showed a shocking look for a time, because even Bai Mu had no potential of God.

The potential of God, in the bright dragon clan, absolutely means the supreme of genius.

But this has not been played yet. After the potential of the God, the dragon's face changed into an archaic blood prison dragon. The majestic and turbulent blood force showed up, which is the basis for her to survive the two disasters.

"The blood of the supreme dragon!"

Soon someone exclaimed, they must be more knowledgeable than Hua Zhongyuan. Either of these two terrible talents is what the world yearns for. People never expected that such two extraordinary talents would concentrate on a person they have always ignored. This young girl stood beside Jiang Zizi, and no one noticed her at first!

The video symbol has been played, but the mood of the public can not be calm for a long time.

After the release, Hua Zhongyuan said in a deep voice: "Bai Mu, I know that this person is definitely not you who let in. When she came in, she was just a mortal. You didn't give the light order to the mortals. This person was brought in by the people of this small God domain. He brought people into the Guangming dragon tomb without permission. It is a stain on the ancestral relics and a challenge to the rules. He must bear the consequences. Now the evidence is available Sure, the elders will deal with him naturally. You just need to know. "

After saying that, Hua Zhongyuan finally had the pleasure of revenge. He felt that he was still smart, because he did not target Bai Mu.

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