Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 108 107 Ruin! (Additional update 12 for first order)

Chapter 108 107. Burial! (Additional update 12 for first order)

"Hmph! That kind of thing doesn't work on me!"

Waving his big hand and hitting Chitong, Hoshimaru shouted disdainfully.



He pulled the knife back and blocked it in front of him to meet the impact on his arm. Chitong grunted, and then he was hit from a low altitude.


Her back hit the ground, and regardless of the pain, she immediately adjusted her body and rolled to her feet.

The sharp tentacles extending from the wings had already reached the eyes, and Chitong immediately moved away.

"Bang bang!!"

Several deep holes were drilled into the ground. It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if the body was hit.


Pulled out from the ground, the tentacles bent and moved to track it.

Chitong avoided part of it first, then turned sideways and swung the knife towards the tentacles that had passed through in front of him.

(If you are injured by that girl's knife, you will be poisoned and die immediately.)

(Even the previous Baitongzi died in this way.)

(If you eat the pill, you will definitely not be safe.)

Kagura stared at this picture, but it was extremely familiar.

The memory of Chi Tong easily killing Bai Tongzi that day was still vivid in his mind.


But what was surprising next was that there was a harsh sound when Chitong's knife slashed.


Looking at the scales floating on the tentacles, Chitong immediately pulled away without much thought.

"Can the fragments of armor appear randomly on the body?"

Upon noticing this scene, Chitong's expression became serious.

Murasame is a very powerful weapon, and can cause fatal damage to the opponent as long as it cuts a wound.

But the premise is that you have to cut the opponent.

"Hahaha!! Your sword can't break this strengthened armor."

"Created by combining the dragon's scales with my body."

"Ghost Dragon Armor!"

"This is much stronger than the original Plutomon's shell."

Looking at Chitong with his head tilted, Hoshimaru explained confidently.

The dragon scales re-created by Oni's blacksmith Dao Qiu were integrated into the body, greatly strengthening Shishimaru's defense capabilities and power against monsters.

This is why he dared to face Sesshomaru directly.

The hard armor makes him innately invincible, and the dragon's scales also give the armor the ability to easily absorb "demon power".

Any monster would definitely not be his opponent.

It can be said that today's Shinshimaru is indeed the most powerfully armed "demon" in Muzan's hands, far stronger than the white boy who only used weapons before.

"The situation is not good."

Kagura frowned and realized the problem of the situation.

But she glanced at Sesshomaru and found that he was not moved at all.


It's a pity that Shishimaru found that even after he said it, he still didn't attract any attention.

What greeted him was Chitong's high-speed attack.


“Whoosh whoosh!!”

Each time, he swung the blade to slash at the tentacles, but when Hoshimaru's scales formed at the hit point, Chitong quickly moved the target to another position and launched a new slash.

(This woman!)

After realizing something, Shishiwan was not as calm as before.

The opponent's method is very simple, attack at an extremely fast speed, forcing him to use his scales to generate defense at all times.

Although he felt that even being chopped was harmless, the threat of death in his heart made him unable to ignore it.

It was precisely because of the instinct from his body that he initially chose to block Chitong's knife instead of letting it slash.

(It’s too flexible. It’s not at all like what humans can display.)

He tried to catch this person by driving his tentacles, but was swiftly dodged by him.

"Hoshimaru is on tight guard. Is it possible that he knows the power of that sword?"

Xie Jian looked at Hshin Wan who was trying to retract his tentacles, and then said doubtfully.

"Don't look at me. I don't know if Naraku has told his servants."

Sensing the evil gaze staring at her, Kagura opened her fan to cover her mouth and responded.

Even though he said this, Kagura still thought that Hoshimaru should not know.

Otherwise his reaction would not be so "calm".

You must know that it is a knife that will "die" if it is cut. If you know this with the character of Hoshimaru, you will definitely not choose to fight with Chitong, but distance yourself and attack at high altitude.

(But even so, it’s difficult to cut Shishi Wan.)

(He should be instinctively resisting being hit by that weapon.)

(The combination of that armor and scales can be so troublesome.)

(Naraku’s servant really created an incredible ghost.)

I was also glad that I had escaped Naraku's control as early as possible, otherwise I might have been dragged to Wuhan and transformed into this ghostly appearance.

(Kanna, please don’t die.)

Thinking of that emotionless "sister", Kagura was quite worried about her.

I don’t know what happened after that escape.


"Humph, no matter how many times I try, it's useless!"

Although it was embarrassing to be harassed by the opponent, it was not a big deal after all if the armor could not be broken.

Shinshimaru then exuded an astonishing whirlwind of demonic energy and knocked it back.

"Sesshomaru, don't you have any intention of taking action yet?"

"Do you think this little girl can deal with me?"

Knowing the other party's identity as a servant, Hoshimaru didn't take it seriously.


With no intention of paying attention, Sesshomaru just ignored him.

"Okay, I'll get rid of her first!"

"The flesh and blood of the servant must be very nutritious."

Being treated like this, Shinshimaru didn't have a good temper. He turned to look at Chitong who rushed over again, and immediately extended his arms and wings.

It was like a huge sail that surrounded the roads on both sides of Chitong.


Realizing something, she jumped out at extremely fast speed.

"Hey! He can run better than that guy Gangya!"

Seeing that he didn't completely cover the opponent, Hoshimaru was very angry.

Although the opponent couldn't cut through his armor, his keen speed was beyond normal.

(You have to take him by surprise to hurt him.)

(Once noticed, it will be blocked by the scales and armor.)

Not being stumped by the difficulties before her, Chitong thought about ways to win.

She stood up from her half-crouched position and took a deep breath.


So under the astonished gaze of Zhenshiwan, she jumped into the woods nearby and disappeared in front of her eyes.

The breath is blocked!

(Can’t feel this?!)

A sense of crisis hit, and Zhanshiwan sensed something was wrong.

He couldn't see the figure with the naked eye, but he knew that the woman was still nearby.

(Using trees to cover your tracks?)

Condensed demonic power was ejected from his mouth, and he tried to clear away all surrounding obstacles.


Like a cutting machine, rows of trees were cut down.


The trees that collapsed on the ground caused dust and stone particles to fly, and for a while the smoke filled the air and blocked everyone's sight.




He originally wanted to wave his tentacles and arms to disperse the smoke, but the knife that passed through his forehead from behind shocked him.


Miraculous incantations emerged from the wound, but in the end, all Hoshiwan could hear were those two short words.



Didn't expect it!

There is another chapter to be added! !

I thought I could just finish writing this one, so I worked overtime to catch up.

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