Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 14 14 One versus Two!

Chapter 14 14. One against two!


After hearing Assassin's words, Saber looked at the visitor intently.

The heavy armor was made of an unknown material, the heavy sword was stuck on the ground, and a dark aura was exuding. It might have been the culprit of the previous shock.

This servant, judging from his appearance alone, is quite strong!



Without words, the other party grabbed the heavy sword with one hand and waved it around.


The wind howled, and the fierce air pressure blew over, raising his and her bangs.

"By intervening in my duel with Assassin, do you mean to fight one against two?"

Standing with the sword in hand, the light of the holy sword had not dissipated yet, Saber looked at the other party and asked.



And in just a moment, the other party gave the answer.

He was holding such a big sword, but its movements were not slow at all, on the contrary, they were extremely fast.


It was already slashing from top to bottom, and Saber immediately raised her holy sword to block it.

The moment the evil sword and the holy sword clashed, dazzling sparks burst out.


The ground Saber was standing on collapsed due to the heavy pressure, and her entire feet sank into the ground.

(What a heavy force.)

It was the first time she was suppressed like this, and she even felt like she couldn't stand it.

"Saber! Don't open your eyes and look at his sword!"

Having already suffered a loss, Kenshin stood up and immediately shouted loudly.


Hearing Assassin's reminder, Saber was stunned for a moment, but when she raised her head, she saw the purple-black aura emanating from the opponent's sword forming a scarlet "dragon eye".

(Is this the resentment and anger of the dragon?)

Sensing the will contained in the "Dragon Eye", his body froze for a moment, unable to exert any force at all.

At the same time, the big sword had already overwhelmed him.


If you endure it like this, you will definitely be seriously injured.


At the critical moment, Kenshin was already holding the broken sword and the scabbard in both directions.

"Flying sword style! Double dragon flash!"

Two violent blows hit Berserker's helmet.

It's true that he couldn't cut the heavily armed Berserker with his knife, but he could still use the powerful inertial force to repel the opponent.


The friction between her feet caused Berserker to move back a little, and the sword that suppressed Saber was retracted.

"Thanks, Assassin!"

After thanking him naturally, Saber said with lingering fear.

If it hadn't been for Kenshin's help just now, she would have been injured.

Once that exaggerated sword struck her, her own armor would certainly not be able to completely defend her.


But then Saber saw cracks in Assassin's half-broken sword.

"Did you fight Berserker before?"

Suddenly she understood why Kenshin's sword was broken in half, Saber woke up and said.

"Although this is not my intention, if he insists on coming here, I will have no choice but to cooperate with you."

Nodding, Kenshin positioned himself defensively.

Although he could have refrained from helping Saber just now, he would undoubtedly be seeking his own death.

Only by working with Saber can you have a chance to repel or defeat Berserker.

He alone couldn't do it.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, this saying is universal.

"The outcome between you and me will be decided after defeating Berserker."

The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and Saber didn't dislike such an expansion.

On the contrary, she admires people with integrity.

It can be seen from the rescue just now and the current attitude that Assassin is not an ignorant or disgusting guy.

Although there was a history of trying to assassinate his "Master" before, that was part of the other party's responsibility and position, and there was nothing to blame.

"Be careful, he's coming!"

Tensing his nerves, Kenshin then spoke in a deep voice.


Kicking off the ground with one leg, he rushed over like a rocket, slashing horizontally with his big sword.

There is a strong intention to kill both Saber and Assassin together.

Saber took the initiative to move forward, waving her holy sword to block the heavy sword that was slashing across her.

Both feet grip the ground at the same time to stabilize the center of gravity.


But the position of being pushed several meters horizontally seemed extremely difficult.

(As a Berserker)

(This strength is too abnormal!)

She was pushed away in the confrontation of strength.

Kenshin, on the other hand, suddenly avoided the front of the sword and used the scabbard to hit the opponent's leg joints from the side.

As a killer, he knows exactly how to target his enemies.

It was impossible to cause damage with the broken knife. He could only use the scabbard to cause as much trouble as possible to his opponent.


But at the next moment, before Kenshin's attack came, he found that the opponent had let go of the sword, and his other hand grabbed the golden spear that suddenly appeared, and stabbed him in the forehead.


exchange injury for injury

Having judged the situation, Kenshin's figure retreated sharply to the side.

He happened to avoid the opponent's heavy blow, but at the same time he also failed to attack successfully.

If he had hesitated even a moment ago, he might have been injured again.

It's hard to say whether he would be injured if he hit the opponent with the scabbard, but he would definitely be dead or disabled.

"What a quick reaction."

Saber couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Berserker being able to fight back despite this.

With Assassin's speed, he would be countered by the opponent. This is too exaggerated.

(A great sword filled with dragon resentment.)

(golden spear)

(Does he actually hold multiple Noble Phantasms?)

Saber looked at Berserker's behavior a little strangely and full of doubts.

Generally speaking, it is not surprising for a servant to have multiple Noble Phantasms, but due to job problems, the weapons that can be used are relatively unified.

To put it simply, Saber always uses a "sword", Archer uses a "bow", Lancer uses a "spear", and Rider definitely has to "drive a car".

And a servant who can hold a "sword" and use a "spear" is quite rare.

"You put away the big sword and turned to using a spear to fight us. Could it be that you thought you were a Lancer?"

(And judging from the structure of the weapons, they don’t seem to be made of conventional materials.)

(Which country is he a hero?)

The dissipated sword removed the figure, leaving only the undulating golden spear.

This was the first time for Saber to see such a special heroic spirit.

And then, she witnessed the horror of the other party.



The spear in her hand struck with such force that she had no time to fight back with such a tricky attack.

(This marksmanship?)

It was a completely unfamiliar offensive, and it was difficult for Saber to describe it.

Berserker is not just a random guy.

The opponent is like a familiar spear master, and he controls every "stabbing", "picking", "stirring", "mixing", "bumping", etc. very well.

Blood marks appeared on the side of the face, which were "spurts" that could not be avoided.

"Flying sword style! Earth dragon flash!"

He hit the ground hard with the scabbard, causing violent air pressure and gravel to hit Berserker's back.

This sudden attack slowed down Berserker's actions and gave Saber a chance to breathe.

“What an unexpectedly powerful enemy.”

Taking advantage of the opportunity to distance themselves, Saber wiped the blood on her face and said.

She never thought that Berserker could be so powerful.

Forget about using a big sword to suppress them, spears are just as powerful.

But at this moment, the two suddenly discovered that the golden spear held by Berserker had turned into an ancient and gorgeous magic book engraved with unknown words.

"Weapons changed?"

PS: It’s an explanation, so I’ll put it here.

The protagonist of FF14, the Warrior of Light, is referred to as "Light Dumb" because his early performance was very dull and he could only express his emotions by shaking his head and nodding, so he was so called.

But after actually experiencing the plot, "Guang Dai"'s combat power is impeccable.

Defeating the evil dragon, helping people restore their country, defeating the empire, and defeating the despair that could threaten the universe, these are too many to briefly describe.

One of his biggest features is that he uses too much equipment.

Great sword, tachi, spear, gun, machine cannon, magic book, staff, divination, sickle, fighting, axe, fishing rod.

Almost all of them are proficient. To use one of the descriptions, he also has the title of "Dragon Knight of the Sky" when using a spear in the plot, and he is called "Dark Knight" when using a big sword.

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