Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 478 Action 478!

Chapter 478 478. Action!

“There are quite a few good things.”

He emptied out the lair of Elf King Decem without any care. Seiya felt that the trip was worth it.

That scourge contains many good props and equipment.

"Looking at it this way, maybe our evaluation of the world needs to change."

He said unexpectedly after seeing a very special prop.


Able to look at the elves who were surrounding but trembling and afraid to make a sound, Seiya just glanced at them.

At first, the elves who were able to fight would attack him, but they calmed down after being beaten.

The elves who were deeply poisoned were extremely wary, but after being defeated by this strong human being, they had no sense of fear.

On the contrary, there is a sense of security like a spring breeze

In fact, their intuition was correct. The unknown strong human claimed that he had killed the Elf King.

But he didn't kill himself.

On the contrary, guidance was given

"As an elf, just live an honest life and stop fighting like a fool who doesn't know anything."

It's not that this group of elves can't fight, on the contrary, some of them have certain potential and strength.

Of course, this is only for the residents of this world.

It's just that they had listened to the Elf King's words before and had no brainers to engage in a meaningless war with the Theocracy, which would only increase casualties. It would not be surprising that they would be destroyed one day sooner or later.

Therefore, Seiya intends to prevent their "self-destruction" tendency.

If they don't dissuade or come out to express their support for the Elf King's death, I'm afraid these guys who are not smart will still be stuck on the battlefield.

If you have this kind of mentality of competing with humans, why not train hard and save it to deal with enemies that may appear one day?

"Listen up, your mission now is to become stronger and protect yourself in the forest, and at the same time, you must always be prepared to face the demon king that may appear in the future, instead of engaging in internal wars with other races."

"Demon King?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Sir Seiya. But this."

"Don't say it's impossible. Anyway, you have a long lifespan and you can learn a lot."

"Whether it's summoning, magic, or martial arts, learn everything you can, and try your best to improve your level and profession."

What a harsh education that was. A set of words made these elves a little confused.

Just thinking about it is a big undertaking

You know, sometimes it takes humans a lifetime to specialize in a profession. Although elves have a longer lifespan, they are not so "lively".

"But humans are still there"

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll make them stop."

Seiya knew what these elves were worried about.

Slaan Theocracy

Originally, the war between the two was caused by the selfish interests of Elf King Decem.

That's why this meaningless war occurs.

Seiya has long understood the cause and process.

If the elves want to stop, it's very simple. Just kill the scourge of Decem.

Then the remaining elves would never have the thought of continuing to fight against the Theocracy.

And the other side.

But the Theocracy is a little more troublesome.

Because essentially as human beings, their emotions are much more complex than imagined.

But in fact, the solution is very simple. As long as the superiors give orders not to fight, then the people at the bottom can only obey the arrangements no matter what they think, except for those extreme and resentful individuals.

So Seiya planned to go to the Theocracy.

In addition to asking the higher-ups there to stop the fighting, they also wanted to see what the strong men in the Theocracy were like.

Things are getting a little too much

Originally, Seiya had no intention of interfering with the situation on both sides of the war. After all, this was the normal process of world historical development.

Whether the Theocracy wins or the elves win, it can only be said to be one of the choices of the times.

But after finding out who the Elf King was, he decided to step in and kill this guy.

This makes it impossible to stay outside

After all, the Elf King is also a powerful man that the Theocracy fears.

He has taken care of this guy, so if the elves are ignored, they will definitely be destroyed.

Knowing that killing Decem would lead to more troubles that needed to be dealt with, a lot of time was spent doing things that had nothing to do with Dragon Ball War.

But he did it anyway.

After all, he is always



"Oh, that's really interesting stuff."

In the royal capital of Yestije, Sasuke hid in the surrounding area and allowed Boruto to roam the streets.

"Sure enough, the situation is the same no matter which world it is in."

He also found out a lot of information about the kingdom, and Sasuke knew far more than ordinary people.

After all, the illusion control brought about by the Sharingan and the Rinnegan can capture more information than imagined.

People here have little resistance to hallucinations.

(However, there are also equipment and props that are resistant to mental manipulation.)

Sasuke was thinking about one thing.

The same can be said about the battle between followers, as is the case with ninjas.

That is "intelligence warfare."

Just like the guy I met before, he suffered a big loss.

Taking action without knowing the other party at all will result in almost falling into the danger of unclear meaning.

After knowing the local situation here, Sasuke also went to see the equipment and props.

"Should I consider the countermeasures?"

Standing on the roof, existing in the form of a spirit, Sasuke pondered.

He still clearly remembered the memories left by Itachi.

Time stops, time goes back.

Will the guy with this ability exist this time?

It's nothing more than he will think in this direction, but the experience of encountering Rimuru really makes him unable to treat it simply as before.

After all, it's still unclear what other servants are like.

If you really encounter them by accident, if you don't have a way to deal with them, then you're done.

But the more he thought about it, the more annoyed Sasuke became.

Looking at Boruto eating below, Sasuke really "missed" Naruto more and more.

"Try to find him first."

"Increase the lethality."

"And equipment and props for the time system."

Although the possibility is very small, it is better than doing nothing.

At this time, the "jutsu" possessed by the ninja came in handy.


Shadow Clone Technique.

Sasuke also knows this technique, but his chakra usually does not allow him to use it so lavishly.

But if there are only two or three clones, he can still do it.

Although it is risky to split chakra like this during non-combat periods, it is not so uncomfortable with the self-recovery function of the Heroic Spirit.


The clone did not say much, but started to act directly.

It is not enough to search only in the capital, at least you can go outside to look for it.

But the distance and energy spent will probably take some time.

Looking up at the sun that is about to set, Sasuke can feel the strange tranquility in the cold wind.

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