Chapter 496 496. Plan!

"What a disaster."

"Well, luckily nothing unexpected happened."

Sitting on the ground to rest, Pandora's Actor was indifferent to the voice coming from the side, and it was secretly contacting Ainz.

(The initial judgment is that it may be the Master you mentioned.)

It had been informed of the relevant matters before, so it was very clear about the situation.

(Huh? Did you see it accurately?)

(No, he seemed to be on guard against me and avoided me alone because he didn't want others to see the wound.)

(I see. I'm afraid he was afraid of exposing the mark of the Command Seal.)

(Lord Ainz, what should I do next?)

Originally, Pandora's Actor thought that he could plan according to his own ideas, but to be on the safe side, he still asked his old father again.

After all, recently because of the matter of Demiurge, people were a little "panicked".

(Well, you should monitor first. If he is really the Master, then the Servant is very likely nearby.)

(Maybe it is an ambush. You can't act rashly.)

(Make sure it is safe first.)

Ainz contacted Pandora and spoke after thinking for a while.

He did not dare to underestimate the power of those Servants. Just the Berserker he had fought before was quite a headache.

The restless feeling of uneasiness appeared in the Katze Plain.

Ainz always felt it was very strange.

I still can't understand what the situation is.

(The demons hiding nearby did not find any suspicious people, and he didn't find any either.)

(Don't be careless. Maybe the other party is waiting for you to make the first move.)

(In this case, I plan to take off my helmet and gauntlets to gain his trust first.)

(That is also a good idea.)

Using props to communicate with each other, Ainz kept an eye on the situation of Pandora Actor after arranging other things in order to avoid any accidents.

The impact of Pandora taking off the armor is not significant, after all, it is a double phantom that can change at will.

As long as the "person" recorded beforehand is used, there is no need to use illusion to help disguise.

No matter what, illusion always has the risk of being discovered.

Pandora's own transformation is quite advanced and real, provided that it cannot be interfered by magic such as "removal".

(Then, if Ainz-sama confirms the other party's true identity)

(Well, if the success rate is high enough, I allow you to do it.)


Although worry is also a trap, Ainz does not intend to let go of such a good situation.

With Pandora's ability, if she wants to escape, she still has a good chance.

No matter how strong the enemy is, his "son" can deal with it in various identities.

At that time, the support of Nazarick will arrive soon.

Although Pandora can be resurrected like Shalltear and Demiurge after death, Ainz does not want to "spoil" his child's life.

Even if this would allow him to obtain intelligence about his opponent unconditionally, he still did not do it.

He could be cruel and ruthless to outsiders, but he could not be that way to the family of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

"Bang bang."

"Lord Ainz!"


"How is it going?"

Hearing a slight knock on the door, Ainz called him in and asked.

He had previously ordered Demiurge to contact the Baharus Empire, which was a very important plan.

"I have informed them of the situation."

"They will march in soon."

"That's good."

After a moment of relief, Ainz already had the next idea.

"According to your instructions, the Empire will probably send three legions, about 30,000 people."

"30,000 people? He is quite considerate and has given me a number that I can accept."

"This number is enough."

The Blood Emperor was not an incompetent person, and therefore he could often make the right choice.

"Then let's prepare the stage."



In the Baharus Empire's Imperial City

The Blood Emperor, Jircniv Len Farod El Nix, was gritting his teeth and discussing the previous notice with his knight, Barjede Peshmer.

"What does that monster want to do?"

With his mind tense, the Blood Emperor frowned and kept thinking.

Ainz Ooal Gown.

Why did the undead do such a thing?

"It's because the other party is an undead, so we can't understand it, right?"

Barjede sighed and said to the emperor who was gradually becoming mentally unstable.

"What a suffocating treatment"

"Even if I know it may intend to make the soldiers a sacrifice, why did it choose the Empire instead of directly declaring war on the Kingdom?"

According to the previous situation, it should be the Empire that declared war on the Kingdom.

The reason is that Ainz Ooal Gown's "Magic Kingdom" was established.

They even prepared the messengers and documents to be sent, but the group of monsters suddenly said they wanted to postpone it.

For a long time, the Blood Emperor was a little confused about the other party's intentions.

There was no information during this period, so he felt it was a bit too abnormal.

As a result, he just received an unacceptable "order".

Send enough soldiers to the Katz Plains.

That was one of the areas where the Empire and the Kingdom often fought.

But the Blood Emperor knew that the guy didn't want him to fight the Kingdom.

Instead, he wanted to spread his reputation throughout the world by killing people.

This was definitely a humiliating order for the Emperor.

"But, Your Majesty, this is also good news."

"Assuming it can really cause a massacre, then we can publicize the threat of Ainz Ooal Gown without taking action."

"In that case, countries around the world will definitely pay attention, and we don't need to take such a big risk."

Bajed didn't agree with this approach, but when the situation was stronger than people, he could only bite his teeth and bear it.

"The Empire has 8 legions, and sending 3 out at once is already a lot."

"We have to accept the fact that only half of the 3 legions, no. Maybe one-third of the survivors."

"That's why I can't understand Ainz Ooal Gown's idea."

The Blood Emperor certainly couldn't bear to send those brave soldiers who fought for the Empire to that kind of hell with his own hands.

If possible, he really hoped that there would be capable people who would appear to defeat that monster.

Unfortunately, that kind of dreamlike delusion could not be realized.

The long life span of the undead is destined to require humans to spend hundreds or thousands of years to fight against them.

This process is long and full of humiliation and torture.

Perhaps it is a mission that cannot be completed at all.

"The war is over, and the name of Ainz Ooal Gown will be passed on. This is its will."

"Instead of using the kingdom, they chose the empire. This may be a preparation to hit us."

"Damn undead!"

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