Holy Grail War? Dragon Ball Wars!

Chapter 512 512 My caution is above yours!

Chapter 512 512. My caution is higher than yours!

Yeah, Pesper.


Kiritsugu sat in the room and didn’t know what to do for a while.

(If I leave clues intentionally, the enemy will definitely track me down.)

(You just stay here and don’t go out.)

(It will be better if you don’t follow me.)

If a normal Master said such impolite words as “the Master is useless”, he would have started to blush and then shouted to use the Command Seal.

But as a person whose heart has been beaten long ago, Kiritsugu would not be angry or think too much about it.

Since Saber judged that way, he just had to stay in the room honestly.

Don’t worry. To be honest, Saber is more capable than expected.

At least Kiritsugu can’t be as “vigilant” and cautious as him.

Almost morbid personality

It’s hard to imagine how “pitiful” his opponent would be.

Maybe he would be driven crazy.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Kiritsugu knew that Saber had been fighting from the beginning.

Although I don't know how the process went, judging by the consumed magic power, it should be more than enough.

At least Kiritsugu knew very well that Saber only consumed less than 10% of her magic power.

"Maybe the opponent is too weak."

Thinking of that, Kiritsugu shook his head and didn't intend to care.


"The Master is also fake."

"Did you really find out?!"

The green light on his body frequently emerged. Repressing the anxiety in his heart, Ainz knew that he couldn't mess up at this moment.

Otherwise, it would be easy to get into trouble with the enemy's aggressiveness.

That was definitely not the real Master, otherwise even Saber would not be so indifferent.

Many Heroic Spirits act alone, but they don't use the "Master" as a consumable.

Otherwise, if Ainz hadn't considered the last intention, he would have completely solved the potential risk Suzuki Satoru.

Thinking of this, he understood.

Why was Saber, who had anti-reconnaissance skills, investigated by them?

The opponent had already calculated that they would take the initiative to attack and ambush.

(What a terrifying man)

This may be a human who surpasses Demiurge’s wisdom.

Strong and intelligent.

When these two characteristics are combined in one person, Ainz can’t think of a more terrifying fact than this.

Not to mention that the other party’s combat experience as a warrior far exceeds any player he has ever seen before.

It’s like a "swordsman" who has truly experienced life and death.

He may still underestimate the Heroic Spirits too much

"Cocytus, Demiurge!"

"You evacuate first!"


We can’t stay here like this any longer. Ainz is very worried about the safety of his family.

Aura and Mare must not get into trouble!

The barrier that was deliberately used to block the opponent’s escape seems a bit redundant and ridiculous at this moment.


But just as Cocytus and Demiurge were taking action, Seiya had already taken action.

"I won’t let you do whatever you want again!"

Raising the heavy axe in her hand and slashing it down, Albedo, wearing black armor, took the initiative to approach.

"Wait! Albedo."

(That's a trap!)

There was no time to stop him, Ainz knew what the other party was up to.

"Two-sword style air slash!"



The cold sound echoed around, and the heavy axe smashed one of the swords, but Albedo was slashed in the waist by the other sword.


After being hit by the sword, even though she was a tank, she felt the unreasonable aggression.

My high defense was just like a decoration.

Could it be that the opponent's weapon had the effect of ignoring defense?

"Look, I'll smash all your weapons!"

The inner layer of armor had already shattered a layer with the penetration of the sword, but Albedo didn't care, and quickly swung the heavy axe in her hand to smash Seiya's other sword.

The heavy axe in Albedo's hand was transformed from the world-class item Hell Abyss.

It has the characteristics of not being destroyed or degraded, and at the same time has the strongest destructive power to "objects".

It can easily destroy the enemy's weapons and protective gear.


Having smashed the only remaining knife, Albedo was delighted to see that the opponent was now unarmed. He could already imagine the panic that would follow.

Without the two knives, this guy would not have been as intimidating.

"Well done! Albedo!"

The enemy had lost his weapon, and Shalltear praised him for a rare moment, then took up the spear in her hand and stabbed forward.

This made Ainz feel bad.

Such a great opportunity was indeed a great time to attack.

But would it really go so smoothly?

(No, that's not right!!!)

The suspicion lasted for less than a second before it became a reality. In Ainz's sight, the opponent took out two identical swords out of thin air.

All this was intentional!

Pretending to chase Cocytus and Demiurge was just an illusion!

Letting Albedo approach him actively was the real deal!

The destruction of the weapon was also an illusion!

It was an arrangement to lower the guard and lure Shalltear!

The opponent's real goal is to capture all the guardians gathered here! !

"The possibility of weapons being destroyed, corroded, or taken away has long been considered."


Albedo and Shalltear showed disbelief on their faces.

Obviously, they had never thought that this guy could pull out a new weapon.

Rather, what the hell is that possibility?

How cautious is this guy? !


The other party is about to take action!

We must stop it!

Catch up with me! !

Almost roaring in his heart, Ainz had never thought that the release of magic would be so slow.

"Magic range expansion"

"Light slash!!!"



"High-level teleportation!!"

An ominous sound was heard, and Ainz's eyes were wide open.

Demiurge and Cocytus were teleported away before they were hit due to distance problems.

But Shalltear and Albedo, who were particularly close to Saber, did not have such good luck.

Seeing the two people's slashed bodies being teleported away, he was filled with endless anger.


Shalltear is fine, but Albedo is wearing the divine armor "Hermes Tris Megistheus". With the special skill of damage transfer, she can theoretically withstand three major damages without getting hurt.

Could it be

Under the green light, Ainz thought of a possibility.

"If it doesn't kill her in one go"

"Just kill her a few more times."

As if reflecting his guess, Seiya spoke.

(Did he see through this just from the "exchange" attack with Albedo before?)

Unimaginable insight, or rather too terrifying.

The idea of ​​letting the Guardians fight in groups to deal with Saber is a bit too hasty and optimistic.

The plan of himself and Demiurge was completely played and countered by this man.

Every step of the other party was above this.

In addition to anger.

Ainz has never felt so "terrified".

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