Chapter 549 549. Map!

"Damn it! Assassin actually tricked me."

Sitting on the throne, Ainz didn't expect the final result to be like this.

One of the rewards he agreed with him was to kill the Master.

But in that situation, Assassin seemed to go back on his word and killed all the demons he sent.

This humiliation was intentional.

Ainz might be able to endure it, but his subordinates might not think so.

"Lord Ainz, no matter what, I can't forgive that human."

"This time, send the demon generals to find him and kill him to restore Lord Ainz's dignity."

Hearing Demiurge's proposal, Ainz raised his hand and agreed.

"Just in case, send out the three newly summoned demon generals."

"Assassin will definitely be killed by Berserker. He thought he was dead, so I won't hold the Master responsible?"


Speaking like that, Ainz didn't have the idea of ​​giving up.

It was not just because he was teased, but also because he had no intention of letting the other party go from the beginning.

"After finding the target, capture him."

"It is not a good thing to let him die easily."

"I understand."

Demiurge was still so majestic and said happily.

"Lord Ainz, I have something important to report."

At this time, Cocytus came in from outside and spoke respectfully.

"Wow? Cocytus, what's the matter?"

Ainz was curious and didn't understand why it came at this time.

"The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick was sneaked into by a strange creature before."


Ainz was still calm, but he thought he might have heard it wrong.

"It is a summoned creature similar to earth attribute magic, and its appearance is the same as snakes."

"Although there are few in number, it has spread to many floors."

"It was annihilated once on the fifth floor after the trigger mechanism was annihilated. The subsequent snakes even avoided the mechanism and rushed to the eighth floor without warning."

Hearing Cocytus' words, Ainz fell silent.

Without a doubt, it must be a servant's trick.

Earth attribute summons. Isn't it the same colossus that repelled the monster tide?

Could it be Berserker?

No. It shouldn't be possible. That guy is busy venting his anger at this time and should not have time to pay attention to himself.

Moreover, this kind of action that comes directly to the door.

His heart was restless, and Ainz suddenly had a bad premonition.

Colossus, earth snake.

The only servants who survived were Berserker and Saber.

If the colossus that stopped the monster tide was not done by Berserker.

Then who could it be?

Ainz didn't think there was no connection between the two.

He seemed to have misunderstood something before.

Anxiety arose in his heart, and Ainz had an inexplicable sense of impatience.

No matter how you think about it, that kind of summoned creature is not worth mentioning "pathfinder".

Theoretically speaking, few enemies can rush to the eighth floor.

After all, there will always be a place where the difficulties ahead are stuck.

Even without a class guardian like Shalltear, not everyone can break in.

Not to mention that some insignificant summons can reach the eighth floor, which is the "end point" that only the player coalition could reach before.

That is the most special place in their Nazarick Underground Tomb.

The worst case scenario

is that the terrain and location of the Nazarick Underground Tomb are known by the other party.

This is very bad news.

"Cocytus, are there any remaining earth snakes that have not been found now?"

Asking, Ainz felt that his children should not make such a mistake.

"Yes, after discovering the invading summons, emergency interception measures have been activated."

"After observation, it was found that they were completely controlled by someone behind the scenes, so they were able to cleverly avoid the influence of the mechanism."

"Because of their small size and weak magic reaction, it was difficult to find them before."

"But now after the interception, the hidden earth snakes have been eliminated, and no more information has been exposed."

Hearing Cocytus's answer, Ainz felt relieved for a while.

But then he felt something was wrong.

"Cocytus, how strong are those earth snakes?"

"Very weak. About level 10-20."

He asked that question, but the answer he got made Ainz silent.

It doesn't make sense.

He can understand that they can avoid fighting and pass through the first three floors.

After all, if Shalltear is not there, there will only be a group of automatically generated skeleton soldiers in the first three floors.

He can also understand that they can get through the underground lake on the fourth floor.

But the glacier on the fifth floor. It is not something that ordinary creatures can pass through.

The low temperature alone is enough to curb the speed of advancement and cause big trouble.

Not to mention the jungle on the sixth floor and the magma zone on the seventh floor, which are full of dangers later.

You said that a group of "level 10-20" earth snakes can reach the eighth floor without fighting?

Even if they are small in size, it is difficult to find this feature, but it looks awkward no matter how you look at it.

What about the coalition players who had previously attacked by force?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt. He was obviously tested by the enemy, but he didn't know who did it.

"Lord Ainz, is this true?"


Even though Demiurge hadn't finished speaking, Ainz had already begun to hesitate.

He knows what the other person means.

Since such summons have been invaded by unknown enemies, it means that the location of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick has been exposed.

Is it appropriate to continue to stay in this area?

Don't worry about anyone breaking in. This is the safest place in the world.

But if it's exposed like that, I'm still a little concerned.

After all, we don’t know what kind of threats will follow.

(in case)

(It’s better to prepare more hands.)

"Cocytus, activate the territory levels on the first five floors."

It is a general system, similar to the fact that before you can go to the next level, you must first defeat the "BOSS" on this level.

In order to prevent further exploration, Ainz decided to consider moving the large tomb to another location.

With these two preparations, there should be no problem.

Then go counter-explore that mysterious guy.



Kiritsugu felt confused as he looked at the figure drawing something on the table with a pen and paper.

Ever since she came back, Saber has been "writing hard and writing fast".

Seeing that the other party was so focused, he didn't bother him.

And it was only now that we finally got some movement.

I saw Seiya holding the drawn paper with both hands and raising it.

"It's done!"

The sound that comes out heralds the fruits of this period of hard work.

"Is that a map?"

Kiritsugu could vaguely see the route drawn on the paper and the various dense annotations.

[Turn right from entrance No. 3, and you can quickly reach the second floor. There is a Mimic of unknown significance on the left side of the second floor. 】

[The entrance to the third floor is at.]

[There are automatically generated undead on the first, second and third floors. Rare elites will also be born among them. There may also be a hidden gatekeeper BOSS that needs to be repeatedly explored. 】

The large number of words made Kiritsugu feel like he was reading a manual for a complicated machine.

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