Chapter Four: Very Wrong Questions

[A day later, you find that the black-robed woman suspected to be Morgan Lefey somehow left the convoy.] 】

Two days later, a cavalry detachment blocked your way, and their banner was so clear that you could tell at a glance that it was the army of the lowly king Voltigen. 】

[You realized that the other person’s eyes were only locked on you, so you apologized to Princess Guinivia through the curtain of the carriage and rode forward alone.] 】

One man and one sword, easily kill the enemy. 】

[When you return to the convoy, you find that the knights who have dedicated their loyalty to King Liao Dekuan have become more and more respectful of you, and even voluntarily give up their positions around Princess Guinivia’s rut.] 】

[Without the sight of others, Guinivia was only alone for an hour before getting off the bus to ride with you, King Liao Dekuan readily agreed, and Guinivia inquired about your previous life with the elves.] 】

You told her about your childhood. 】

[You know from Ginnivia’s words that there are many legends about you in England today.] 】

[The two most widely circulated versions are a knight favored by elves, blessed by goblins, and holding a sword of holy light, and the other says that you are the real bastard son of King Youse!] 】

[You smiled and told Gnainia that it was all fake, that you were just an ordinary human being.] 】

[Listening to your humble tone, Guinia looked at your angular and handsome face with more and more admiration, and this time you noticed that a very wrong question suddenly arose in your mind: If this continues, is this the green King Arthur, or the green knight of the lake, Lancelot.] 】

[You hurriedly shook your head, telling yourself in your heart that you can only be the guardian knight of Guinylvia, and you must be worthy of the sword in your hand!] 】

[After camping in the evening, Guinévia sat down next to the fire, and you deliberately wanted to keep your distance, so you told her to go to rest early.] 】

Under the moonlight.

Makoto Fujimaru blows the cold wind alone.

A thousand grass and mud horses rushed through my heart.

That is, when Fujimaru Masayuki was thinking about it, there was a slight sound of horses’ hooves in the distance, and at the same time, there was also the sound of warning horns.

Makoto Fujimaru suddenly grabbed his sword and came to Guinivia’s tent to guard it.

As the return of the report approached, the trumpets grew louder and louder.

Many knights on the night watch took up arms.

Even Ginévia walked out of the tent.

“Austin, what’s wrong?”

“The situation is unknown, princess, you go first, I will investigate it.”

Looking at Fujimaru Makoto’s resolute eyes, Guinivia said ‘um’ happily, and the little panic under her eyes disappeared.

“I’m with you.”


Makoto Fujimaru wanted to say it again, but Gunivia interrupted, “It’s safest to be with you, isn’t it?” My knight! ”

Guinivia said so, and Makoto Fujimaru could only nod, “Good.” ”

Go directly to the entrance to the campsite.

King Liao Dekuan was already standing there.

Seeing Makoto Fujimaru and Guinivia, King Liao Dekuan nodded, “It should be that the armies of other countries have been discovered, after all, the nobles and knights in the whole of England have received invitations.” ”

Fujimaru Masayuki said curiously, “King Liao Dekuan, Prince Arthur held a ceremony, I don’t know how many nobles will go?” ”

“Although I doubt that they went to Camelot with good intentions, there will be almost 60% of them, and what really matters is that they will only go less than 30%, but I am sure they will all send eyeliners to watch the ceremony.”

“What about the king?” How many kings will go to Camelo? ”

King Liao Dekuan narrowed his eyes, “I should be the only one.” ”

Makoto Fujimaru asked in a timely manner, “Why did King Liao Dekuan choose to go to Camelot?” ”

“My king, King Uther, helped my kingdom through many crises when he was alive, and now that his heir has appeared, I must see for myself.”

“Oh, the black-robed woman who came to me with you today is…”

King Liao Dekuan smiled, “You’ll know later.” ”

Just then, the scout arrived.

“King, we have encountered the army of Vottigen, and they have come straight to our camp.”

Liao Dekuan’s eyebrows suddenly rose: “How many people have come?” Who are the generals? ”

“No, King, it is Vottigen, and the lowly King Vottigeng himself has brought people with him, and he said he wants to see the Paladin of Light.”

Next second.

All eyes were focused on Makoto Fujimaru’s face.

Liao Dekuan bowed his head slightly, and a trace of concern appeared on his face.

It doesn’t matter if Makoto Fujimaru can really pull out the Ishinaka Sword.

In the name of the Holy Light Knight, Fu Tigeng was definitely going to win him over.

Makoto Fujimaru also had a serious expression and looked at Guinivia, “Princess, please forgive me for not being able to guard your side for the time being, but please believe my oath.” ”

“I didn’t doubt it! But I’m going with you! Guinivia’s eyes were filled with determination, as well as concern.

Makoto Fujimaru shook his head without hesitation, “Sorry, Princess, if the opponent is a white dragon, even I may not be able to survive…”

Who knew that Guinivia listened to this but was more determined.

Fujimaru Masayuki had no choice but to look at King Liao Dekuan.


“Father King! Austin is my guardian knight, I…”

Seeing that the father and daughter were quarreling, Fujimaru Makoto said to Guinivia, “Princess, although I may not be able to defeat Voti Geng, I am not so easy to die, I promise, I will definitely come back and continue my knightly oath.” ”

Guinivia’s expression was full of worry, but she also knew that now was not the time to pester.

“You must come back! You are mine… Knight. ”

Makoto Fujimaru turned to the stable, grabbed the reins, and turned over on the horse.



ps: the new book set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes, ask for everything, the author thank you.

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