Chapter Seven: Camelot

Perhaps, as Futigen said, Fujimaru Makoto’s luck was too bad.

If the first people to come to the lake to meet Makoto Fujimaru were Vottigon or King Arthur, his fate might have been very different.

But now that this is the case, there is no need to dwell on it, just remember the reason for holding the sword again.

For three days, in addition to chatting with Guinivia.

Makoto Fujimaru thinks more.

It’s the Dumb Hair King, and Sister Wang.

I only learned this briefly through the backstory before the crossing.

Now that he is really here, Fujimaru Makoto feels that there is a big conspiracy in everything.

Artoria’s claim to the throne needs Morgan’s approval.

In other words, Artoria must be intimate with the elves.

And what the elves are, the products of the gods.

After the mystery fades, the elves must withdraw from the stage of history.

So Artoria hoped that humans could coexist with the elves.

This is obviously impossible.

But if Artoria didn’t have this desire, then she would certainly not be able to bear the weight of the crown.

It seems that from the root, Artoria’s fate is doomed to be a tragedy.

With the King of salvation in his arms, he pinned his hopes on the Holy Grail halfway through.

But Artoria, who has the blood of fantasy species, is also doomed to find the Holy Grail.

Throw away the obstruction of the will of the world such as Alaya and Gaia.

The initiator of everything, Merlin who has clairvoyance and can see everything in the future.

Was he always deceiving Artoria and the Knights of the Round Table?

“It’s really worthy of Merlin, and the things that have nothing to do with people are at all…”

Looking at the royal city of Camelot in England, Makoto Fujimaru felt that he had to be careful of Merlin’s guy.

“Austin Knight, what are you talking about?”

Makoto Fujimaru straightened his waist and said through the window of the carriage, “Princess Highness, I said it is worthy of the royal city, and this is the most magnificent city I have ever seen.” ”

Guinivia nodded in agreement, “When I came here when I was a child, I also felt so big and tall, so spectacular!” ”

Although King Liao Dekuan was a vassal state of England, he was now at this juncture.

The king was able to come in person, which was basically an admission to the identity of King Arthur.

So at the gate of Camelot Castle, Makoto Fujimaru met the legendary king.

[You meet King Arthur, whose half-length blond hair is neatly trimmed, a whole set of silver armor, turquoise jewel pupils, and although her face is childish, she has the majesty of a king.] 】

King Arthur received you with the highest courtesy, and you were welcomed into the royal court. 】

After a brief conversation, Merlin glanced at the empty palace hall and said with an embarrassed smile: “Sorry, slack, there was originally a table here, but for some reason it was removed, and it has not yet found a suitable one, so it is idle.” “】

[King Liao Dekuan immediately indicated that he had a round table there that could be given to King Arthur.] 】

You blinked and witnessed the birth of the Knights of the Round Table. 】

In the afternoon, Ginnivia refused King Arthur’s request to send knights to protect her, saying that she had you, the only personal guardian knight.] 】

[Merlin kindly advised King Liao Dekuan that Her Royal Highness the Guardian Knight of the Princess was still the best for women.] 】

[Guinivia wanted to have a seizure for you, you whispered a warning, Guinivia immediately put up with it, and left the royal court directly with you, ready to start visiting Camelo. 】

The last time you look back from the palace, you see King Liao Dekuan staring at King Arthur’s back in contemplation. 】

After several days of inseparable companionship, you have clearly understood Guinylvia’s preferences, and easily made her forget the unhappiness she had just been in the royal court and show a smile. 】

[You are not insulted, but only fulfill your own guardian rules.] 】

[When night fell, when it was time to go back, Guinylvia hoped that she could come out with you next time, and you replied with a smile: I am the guardian knight of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and wherever Her Royal Highness goes, I naturally follow.] 】

[You obviously perceive that this answer makes Guinivia a little unhappy, but you don’t explain, escort her to answer the room.] 】

[The next day, you came to the National Mall with Guinivia and King Liao Dekuan. 】

[Far away, you see the sword in the stone, it is quietly inserted in a square stone.] 】

[You are participating in this kind of foreign ceremony in another world for the first time, and you are very curious…].

Makoto Fujimaru looked at the crowd of people below and sighed.

He had just inquired on his way there.

Most of the commoners of England had heard earlier about the return of the bastard prince.

These days are brewing, and they have walked for months at most.

And the residents of Camelot City, basically everyone came here with curiosity or expectation.

Although ninety percent of these people are not educated and know how to write their names at most, they have long become smart because of the chaotic situation.

Ninety percent of them did not believe that a bastard prince could save this barren country that had lasted for nearly a hundred years, and that they had come because the people who came today would distribute bread and garlic in the first count.

Therefore, many poor families have dragged their families with their mouths.

After glancing at the nobles beside him and their carriages and horses, Makoto Fujimaru withdrew his gaze.

For King Arthur and his honor guard are coming.


ps: ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for everything, ask the big ones to let this book see the sun tomorrow, the author fungus ten more outbreak !!!

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